Death Compensation

Chapter 1365 Dragon War

The dragon is a disaster.

This point is recognized at all times and at home and abroad.

There are clear records of living dragons that basically appeared in the Middle Ages.

In recent times, there are indeed some records of dragons.

But these dragons are very weak, so weak that they don't even look like dragons.

It was either dug out of the soil, found in a cave, or found in some secret room.

In short, after the Middle Ages, these dragons in recent times were either half-dead, old, weak, sick, or disabled, or they had lost their dragon shape.

If it weren't for the scales on its body and its huge size, you wouldn't even know it was a dragon.

After ancient times and into modern times, not even a dragon was seen.

The only things related to dragons, apart from those with dragon blood, are various dragon specimens obtained in recent times.

But I didn't expect that today I met an elf and turned into a dragon.

Lotta felt only a burning sting on her skin, and she quickly escaped into the darkness and escaped from the secret room.

Then the secret room collapsed, but the collapsed stones turned into a green liquid the next moment.

"This is the dragon!!!" Lido's roar caused the voice-activated lights in the surrounding neighborhoods to flash.

"Applying for support, Lido turned into a poisonous dragon!" Rota's voice was transmitted to the center console after the roar.

However, at this moment, there was no way to mobilize enough manpower at the center console.

"Waiting for a while, dragons appeared in other places. It was as if everything about dragons exploded at the same time."

The words on the center console made Rota stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

Following Taoist Calabash, she had a slight idea of ​​the God of History's methods, which could transport things from the present to the past and then lay the groundwork.

This dragon-related thing suddenly broke out in a concentrated manner. It is very likely that the god of history, Shi Luo, did something in the medieval era, thus laying the groundwork for it and fully revealing it today.

The purpose is obvious, that is, to cause chaos in this society.

Only when there is chaos, people will have more 'opportunities'. In troubled times, there are not so many choices between people.

In a relatively stable era, people may pursue the true self with a higher degree of freedom, but in troubled times, for the sake of power, legend seems to be the higher choice.

In the past, control was very strict. If you wanted to gain fame, you had to work hard, and even the channels for making money were blocked.

And once the world becomes chaotic, all kinds of things will happen, good and bad, all in a swarm. If people want to gain fame, there will be more ways to choose from.

Some weak countries also saw an opportunity to overtake at this time, and joined the International Parliament to ban the legendary system, so you can ban it yourself.

So some countries made it clear to start the practice of legend.

Even in the land of Inroald, there are warlords and nobles who blatantly divide the land and then actively promote the legend.

People are all kinds of strange things.

In the eyes of some, freedom is priceless, while in the eyes of others, legend is the road to becoming a god.

Anything that will be re-deconstructed by legend is all alarmist. Even if it is, it is just that I have become better under the eyes of everyone.

Similar things happen endlessly.

Compared with the legendary leap forward, the development of the true self is not slow.

It’s just that the way to the true self is not a quick fix after all. Even before you truly possess the true self, all speed-up methods need to be avoided as much as possible.

Otherwise it would be easy to get lost like this.

Of course, Lu Bai is not without methods, it is just a quick method that can quickly create a strong person, but it may not be able to create the true way.

An ordinary person, if he works steadily, maybe in a thousand years, he will have a 30% chance to touch the true way of the true self and start to move towards the Japanese level.

But if you go through the flow, there may not be even one percent chance.

Everything in the world has two sides.

It is easy to completely lose yourself if you rely too much on external forces, but it is precisely because of this that you can quickly distinguish the real you and me.

To sink, to get lost, to become unlike yourself, and then one day look in the mirror, compare with the original self, and find the true self in Uno's completely distorted face.

This is the quick way to the true Self, the evil way among evil ways.

It is similar to the Buddhist practice of first entering the demons and killing them, and then understanding the Buddha nature from the demons.

It's just more dangerous.

Buddha and demons also have some opposites in common.

However, it is easy to confuse the true self with the other and the self, and it is extremely easy to be submerged in them. There is no way to truly 'awaken' in the opposition.

The only thing that can be used as a comparison is the past self.

But the past self is not necessarily the true self. It is very likely that I walked on the path of myself and was captured by Zi Zai Tian inexplicably.

Therefore, the quick fix method of the true self is too dangerous and too wasteful of existing talents.

Only those who have started to go astray will gradually get quick fixes to see if there is still any value in saving them.

"If that's the case, then I can only rely on myself here?" Luo Ta gritted his teeth. In recent times, the legendary cultivator has been causing trouble everywhere.

It was still a big deal, but now she is a little overwhelmed.

"My speed is still too slow." Luo Ta thought, she had reached the second stage of the true self at this time - the flowers bloom to see me.

But the distance to the third realm seems a bit confusing.

After the flowers bloom and see me, they realize my power.

With this power, one can infect the energy system under one's own control, thus possessing high-intensity control over it.

Putting it in the general soul system can also supplement the general soul and restore its activity.

As for the third realm, according to the information given by Taoist Hulu, it is truth-seeking.

I am me, I am my true self.

Although everything is based on me now, my purity is too low.

Many things can interfere with my existence.

For example, does Lotta really have no intention of feelings and only concentrates on cultivation?

No, this is because Lotta has developed a fear of her partner after her future was destined since she was a child.

This sense of fear is naturally mixed with Lotta's 'I', and it is also an external interference.

So it needs to be removed.

Eliminate the false and retain the true.

This is the third stage of the path to the Self.

However, Lotta felt that she could not do it, because once she abandoned those things, she felt that she would not be herself.

This makes the progress of Lotta's True Self stuck here.

And whenever she asked Taoist Calabash or other people who had reached the third realm with this question, those people just said that it was up to her own choice. (End of chapter)

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