Death Compensation

Chapter 1380 The future is coming

Now Roald is under constant siege.

The legendary forces from all sides will gather in this area and continue to erode Inroald's territory.

Among these people, the Legion is playing a steady role and is not too radical. In order to prevent others from taking away his Dragon Fortune, they also need to stabilize the rear and so on.

But some other people are different. They use all kinds of slogans and do anything they can.

Such as poison gas, forcibly driving civilians, attacking hospitals and humanitarian rescue teams, etc. In short, they will do whatever they can to cause harm to Inroald.

In this case, those people are much more hated.

In this case, the legion's progress is not slow, but compared with other teams, it is definitely not fast.

However, Lotta actually came to them. Why?

The doubts in his heart disappeared in a flash, and the general's order to summon all the personnel appeared in front of him.

Regardless, a tough battle is coming.

At the same time, teams inside the city also frowned.

They came from different teams and secretly joined together for the purpose of Noel.

They were very upset about not fighting for the Dragon's Luck, and they had to find an opportunity to take everything in Noel as their own.

It's just that they never expected that before they took formal action, people from the Countermeasures Department would come, and they were still super experts.

At this time, Luo Ta, who was walking quickly through the darkness, had determination in his eyes.

Unknown to everyone, the battle has reached a critical pass.

The decisive battle is coming.

It's just that the key point in this battle is not actually with them.

Those people's capture of cities and territories actually has little to do with the overall situation.

The key points now actually lie in two points.

One, once the extent of the true self's influence on this world reaches a certain limit, the entire battle situation will become completely different.

Two, Taoist Calabash blocks this timeline.

Taoist Calabash blocked this timeline from the beginning. Some small actions are fine, but when big actions begin, it will cause irreversible disaster, at least it will be detrimental to Shi Luo.

Otherwise, Shi Luo has an absolute home field advantage in this world. If the timeline hadn't been blocked, how could he have only made some small moves up to now.

Neither this dragon power nor the previous dragon time and space had a huge impact on the current timeline.

The world remains in a state of lockdown.

After all, this world is Shi Luo's home court. He uses various means to constantly shake the seal of Taoist Calabash. Now this blockade is about to reach its limit.

So it depends on these two key points.

Is it true that the way of true self completes the infection first, or the blockade is broken through first.

Now, the God of History's strategy to break through the blockade of the Calabash Taoist is to exert force in multiple directions and then focus on it.

At present, it seems that the focus of this episode is Noel's place.

This is the reason why Lotta is rushing over now.

Of course, all this may be an illusion, using the power of Dragon Fortune as a cover to cover up its true plan.

For example, they secretly discovered that there was a team that secretly obtained the power of bloodline awakening.

A large-scale blood disaster is being planned.

This past power system also has the potential to break the blockade of time and space.

They also found many signs of similar plans.

But I'm not sure. It's very likely that they are just supporting, or maybe it's a cover to absorb their energy.

So currently...

Lotta's eyes instantly fell on Noel. This person has been very active recently!

It's not a strategic leap. At this time, Noel is still keeping a low profile, secretly accumulating strength, and how he wants to overthrow the general, so as to hold the power of this army in his hands.

What really makes him jump is that he has been using the power of time, and various remarks are constantly spreading everywhere.

See the Calabash Taoist as a source of confusion and the path of the true self as a path of selfishness.

I believe that the current top leaders of various countries are a group of selfish and greedy people who have no regard for the people.

This statement really attracted the attention of many people.

After all, it is a fact that things have been chaotic everywhere during this time.

However, the problem here is the same as that of the capitulationists.

Don't 'take action' when encountering problems, but surrender. As long as you surrender, the other party will not hit you.

In fact, it is a copy of Lin Nuodi's.

When you encounter an enemy who wants to enslave you, as long as you don't resist this enslavement, direct 'persecution' seems not to fall on you.

However, once you resist, all problems caused during the resistance process will be blamed on the resister.

The God of History has been trying to find ways to enslave them, and in the process of enslaving them, he has never taken responsibility.

However, because of this, when problems occur, what people instinctively blame is not the God of history, which has never taken responsibility, but the United International, which has always taken responsibility.

A perfect interpretation of what it means to be honest, someone who deserves to be pointed at a gun.

Noel is also one of them. He takes the power of the God of History for granted and takes the responsibilities of United International for granted.

Then, for a seemingly correct reason, he accused United International of not doing this.

What's even more annoying is that Noel seems to really think that this guy is not bad, but stupid.

So when facing Noel, Lotta sometimes really wanted to open his brain to see if there was really water inside.

Noel didn't understand these problems, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his ideas.

He had fallen into some kind of thinking impasse and could no longer get out of it normally.

So the only thing that greeted him was his own death.

When Noel saw the light flashing through the darkness, he felt that his life was about to be pulled out at this moment.

A large amount of darkness would engulf him mercilessly.

Fortunately, the next moment, scorching dragon flames fell from the sky.

Red Dragon Team!

A special team composed of dragon power holders with the ability to breathe fire.

The flames arrived just in time to drive away the encroaching darkness.

Noel was also surprised.

I found that I had nothing to do.

It turns out that future vision has already worked.

But this time, the future vision had the opposite effect.

Because Lota's attack was so shocking that it gave Noel the illusion that he had been killed once.

At the same time, looking at the surrounding scenes, Noel felt a sense of enlightenment.

When he had just obtained the Dragon Fortune, he saw the Calabash Taoist killing the general, and this seemed to be the place.

The future is coming.

Second update, sorry, I can’t sit still for a long time.

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