Death Compensation

Chapter 1389 Future Timeline

The incarnation of the Calabash Taoist was originally a thunder method contained in the gourd. The gourd is the carrier and the thunder method is the core.

It was only after that that after many evolutions, the current mythical Lord of Thunder was formed.

However, the core of Calabash Taoist is Lei Fa.

It’s just that it has gone through too many iterations and upgrades, and it is completely different from the past.

The white thunder seemed to be able to break everything, as if it could open up the world.

The surrounding residual space-time structure was instantly destroyed under this thunder and turned into basic source matter.

And then, just like lines appearing on wood when struck by lightning, these basic essences also appeared with lines under the action of thunder.

These lines have become the basic space-time structure, allowing these sources to be constructed again, resulting in many changes.

The things that were about to emerge from the original whirlpool behind Shi Luo seemed to be stuck by this change at this moment.

In the starry sky, steel fortresses stood among them, and various signal lights continued to flash.

For this era, the 'heroes' who look familiar but seem different are currently preparing to go out in the fortress.

"Ahhhhh, why do the interference factors over there keep changing!" A woman wearing a white coat and glasses, with a bulge like a ball on her chest, shouted, pounding the table in front of her.

"I have never encountered such a troublesome mutated timeline!"

Absolute Timeline Starry Sky Rectification Department.

They are heroes selected by the timeline, and their purpose is to maintain world peace and the normal development of the timeline.

In the future, after Shi Luo grew up, he made many changes.

For example, confirm one's own legitimacy.

In the era of the Calabash Taoist invasion, why most local people support the Calabash Taoist is because Shi Luo itself has no legitimacy.

Even though he is essentially the origin of everything, he is still rejected by most people.

Because from the beginning to the end, Shi Luo did not assume any responsibility.

Responsibility and power are equal, this is the most basic concept.

Although this is often not possible, and even some people who have gained power have been trying their best to throw away their responsibilities, this is a truth recognized by most people.

It’s not that with greater power comes greater responsibility, but with greater power comes greater responsibility.

Shi Luo has the ability to influence the timeline, but he has never truly led the world to become a better place. Instead, he has been hiding himself and then forcing people to passively adapt by creating various events.

For example, similar things like disputes between original texts and duplicates have occurred many times in history.

According to the investigation, it was Shi Luo who was behind the scenes.

All in all, he has been creating disasters, and then forcing people to make progress in the disasters, and then stealing the fruits of progress, transferring them to the upper reaches of time, and making them his own.

Throughout the whole process, Shi Luo has been stealing the fruit without taking responsibility.

Therefore, although there are names of gods in this world, there is basically no belief in them. It has just evolved into a myth and legend and become a story background.

As a result, the God of history lacks legitimacy.

After being liberated from imprisonment, introducing the power of the original code, and destroying the old world, Shi Luo began to think about himself, and finally perfected his own legitimacy.

He established many things in an absolute timeline and regarded this timeline as a 'world program'. Once it was destroyed, it would lead to the collapse of the future timeline.

At this point, the God of history has absolute legitimacy.

His responsibility has become to bear the existence of the world, and with this responsibility, his power naturally becomes unlimited.

Those heroes, after thousands of years of "inheritance" after the destruction of the world, the events of destruction caused by Shi Luo have been whitewashed into disasters caused by the destruction of the absolute timeline.

Therefore, most people on the absolute future timeline will be driven by the great cause of maintaining the foundation of the world.

If there is any sign of something wrong with the timeline in the future, they can be driven to come and solve it.

"After all, it is a change in time and space before the catastrophe of destruction."

"If this mutation cannot be resolved, it is very likely that it will really affect the absolute timeline." Standing next to him, a tall lady wearing tights, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other said this, with eyes filled with joy. It's serious.

Most of them are heroes born after the catastrophe of world destruction.

After the catastrophe, the population was sparse, the land was barren and abandoned, and crop output decreased.

There is a wasteland everywhere. In order to survive and rebuild civilization, batches of heroes emerge.

These characters became the new general souls, and due to the decrease in population, the number of dragon-blooded people was not large, and the power of the dragon was also loosened.

The dragon's power only began to be 'unsealed' at that time, and was eventually broken up and became the dragon soul.

The new general soul and dragon soul were combined, and under the dual soul system, the current Starry Sky Rectification Department was formed.

This is the 'normal' timeline.

Noel gained the power of the dragon, which was just a special change that had to be made in this ordinary timeline due to the invasion of the Calabash Taoist.

For example, legend is an ability that Shi Luo has never directly issued in the normal timeline.

This ability should have been combined with the new general soul system.

"But those interfering factors are so weird, they are always changing, as if they are specifically targeting me!" The white coat put the burden on the platform, and kept manipulating various buttons and instruments with both hands, while talking in his mouth Complaining constantly.

"Okay, don't complain, continue to locate the mutation timeline, if you can't open the door on a large scale to let the fortress in, then teleport some special teams!"

"We must correct and rectify these abnormal timelines!"

"The time coordinates have been established very well. We seem to be able to teleport a team..." Before the white coat could finish speaking, he sensed a change in time.

Then Sister Conflict, who was still talking just now, disappeared with some team members.

The originally established time coordinate collapsed due to interference.

"Ah ah ah, we have to start again, captain, wait for me!!" the white coat wailed.

At the same time, on the other side, Noel only felt that it was difficult to move.

The new space-time structure formed by the thunder not only interfered with Shi Luo, but also interfered with Noel.

Noel found that Taoist Calabash didn't seem to want to get close to Shi Luo.

It should be that he was not optimistic about himself, but also guarded against himself, Noel thought.

But then, he discovered that there were time and space fluctuations in front of him, and then several figures walked out of it.

The woman in the lead had her eyes full of murderous intent falling on him. (End of chapter)

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