Death Compensation

Chapter 1396 Timeline changes

Chapter 1396 Timeline changes-

Shi Luo had this kind of fear before, and it has always been lingering in his heart, that is, the legitimacy of his own existence.

Because he was not legitimate enough, he was ostracized and then imprisoned.

At that time, Lotta's last words to him were that a person like him should be imprisoned and used as a battery for the rest of his life. That was his destiny.

That he should be reduced to a battery was what Shi Luo was most afraid of at that time, because everything that existed before his body was denied.

If he hadn't been imprisoned for too long, he went crazy and caused a massacre after he came out.

But if he was released after being detained for a while, Shi Luo might really fall into confusion and lose himself.

It was only after he fell into madness, caused a massacre, and saw the devastation everywhere that he finally emerged from the shadow of being completely denied.

Because he was powerful and could decide everything, he denied that denial.

But this fear still lingers in his heart, so he chose to use the absolute timeline as a carrier to promote the development of the world in order to gain legitimacy.

And whenever someone realizes that the absolute timeline does not have to be absolute, he will immediately kill him.

This kind of assassination and strong traces of silencing will naturally cause some problems, which will lead to some smart people noticing, so things like cleaning and silencing have been going on.

It can only be said that the legitimacy that is forcibly shaped is fake.

Afraid of being exposed, afraid of others discovering one's true face.

Under various circumstances, various problems will inevitably arise.

And now, the existence of the Lord of All Living Beings is once again telling Shi Luo that he, the God of History, does not have legitimacy.

His so-called history must be controlled in his hands, and his desire to control the mechanisms of other things was directly denied by the Lord of All Beings.

But the Lord of All Beings is a real dimension, an individual far beyond his current level.

He could not deny the existence of the Lord of All Beings, so he could only choose to close the world in seclusion and prevent the Lord of All Beings from touching his world, so that fear would not fall in his heart.

"It's almost impossible for you to push us out." The Calabash Taoist seemed to see the fear in Shi Luo's heart. Thunder surged around him, blocking some of Shi Luo's small movements.

"You think you have control over everything, but in fact you can only let others work for you through fooling and poor information."

"And behind you, there is the past and myths. You are just a pawn chosen by them. If you want to truly be free, or anyone in the world who wants to be free, currently the only way is to follow the path of sentient beings. Walk."

Taoist Calabash actually started preaching to Shi Luo at this moment.

Perhaps in the future, after the dominance of the real dimensions is no longer so strong, other paths will be opened up. At that time, the path of living beings with the driving force of happiness as the main force will not be the only option.

But for now, the way of true self is the only way out for all those who are unwilling to be restricted.

"Don't be ridiculous." As soon as Shi Luo's thoughts changed, he had already found an opportunity. The vortex behind him continued to expand, and all kinds of time and space forces had penetrated deeply into this locked timeline, especially Noel's body.

Noel was persuaded by Taoist Calabash to stop going crazy and absorbed more dragon power. At this time, his body size was not enough, but it was not a big problem.

When he killed the Starry Sky Rectification Department before, he already had dragon power from all time and space in his body.

Using this as a medium, Shi Luo's various influences are rapidly penetrating into every corner of this blocked timeline.

"If it were someone else, maybe there would be a way out to transform into one's true self."

"But if a chess piece like me has such thoughts, it will be a dead end. Do you want to force me to death?" Shi Luo saw clearly: "The past and myths are the sky."

"And I am the God of Heaven, and this is my legitimacy!"

"The Lord of all living beings can only save some people, but not everyone." Shi Luo said: "Do you really think he is the savior of the multiverse?"

"He is just a selfish guy who opens the way for all sentient beings. Whether he is doing things for all sentient beings or for himself is hard to say!"

"The Lord of all living beings naturally does it for himself." Taoist Hulu gave the answer directly.

"Whoever messes with the path of sentient beings is not for oneself." Taoist Gourd was very calm, and Luo Du was speechless when he said so.

"However, it is precisely because of this that we are on the right path. If we cannot even guarantee our own happiness, how can there be a basis for happiness for everyone in the world."

"No matter why the Lord of all living beings created the way for all living beings, He did leave a way for all living beings to be free."

"It's only you people who are attached to that blood-sucking system. While you are being sucked, you can't let go of the power to suck the blood of others, so you say you have no chance."

"Actually, everyone has a chance." Taoist Calabash's words did not waver Shi Luo.

As long as he follows the steps, the power in his hands will be astonishing. If he turns to the true way, he will have to give up most of his current things.

To gain a little freedom and face the pursuit of the past and mythology, he would not do this kind of loss-making business.

Taoist Calabash knew this, but he still said so.

The words of the two people at this time were just to plant thunder in each other's hearts.

Even though Shi Luo said that he was a God-given god, deep down in his heart, he might not have some 'complaints' about the past and myths.

Once you become a chess piece, you want to be a chess player. If you control others, you don't want to be manipulated by others.

There are many things that people are unwilling to do currently because they are still in their comfort zone.

In this case, they are unwilling to change and do not see the benefits of change.

And once a critical moment comes, such as when his pig is fattened, the past and Shinhwa plan to kill the pig.

Today's words from Taoist Calabash can be used as a weight to overwhelm the balance in his heart and push him to make a choice.

It's not just motivation that can move people's hearts.

The Japanese-level battle can no longer be solved overnight.

Today's battle will definitely not be the final decisive battle.

Finally, with a little change, the dragon god that Noel transformed into has completely become a certain coordinate.

At this point, the vortex behind Shi Luo completely opened.

The blockade imposed by Taoist Calabash on this timeline has been broken.

This timeline was instantly abandoned by Shi Luo with the help of the river of time.

Fill in the location of the Dragon King upstream and rewrite the timeline directly.

The way of the true self will also be abandoned in this timeline.

"It seems that you still failed to stop me. I won this round." Shi Luocai said, and then he realized that the Taoist Calabash in front of him had disappeared.

Second update, sorry.

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