Death Compensation

Chapter 1407 Common Circle

"Sure enough, you are just a tool." Taoist Calabash looked at the dead Shi Luo, shook his head and said.

Through Shi Luo it is revealed that the past and mythology have certain ideas about permanence and change.

That's why human-like time travelers like Shi Luo were cultivated.

But Shi Luo itself shouldn't be important. What's important is what he represents - 'foreign substances'.

The past and mythology require a way to create foreign substances and use them.

Shi Luo is a tool for making foreign substances.

With Shi Luo's death, the absolute timeline that originally entangled the normal timeline still exists, but it is still encroaching on the normal timeline as always.

"Instead, replacing normal time with an absolute timeline will eventually allow foreign matter to become a normally derived thing."

"The purpose of the past and mythology is not just to need a little foreign matter, but to be able to produce foreign matter and no longer be controlled by eternity."

A voice came, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Under the starry sky, the black dress seems to have a dazzling color like the sun. If you look closely, you will find that the black is made of countless colors.

The moment they saw each other, various thoughts arose in everyone's mind. Those thoughts were difficult for them to recognize before. At this moment, they recognized their own existence more and more clearly, and then their true self Take a step forward.

Without Shi Luo's interference, Taoist Calabash quickly completed the summons to the Lord of All Living Beings.

The response of the sentient beings was very quick and normal, without attracting too much attention.

"Praise to the Lord of All Living Beings!" Following the Demon Lord's words, everyone also followed suit.

This is not the flattery and flattery of subordinates to their immediate superiors, but the reverence of latecomers to those who blazed the trail.

"More, I like..." Unfortunately, Lu Bai is not the kind of righteous image, which makes this scene less mythical and epic.

But these people present will not be disappointed by this.

The path of true self is to give them the opportunity to be themselves.

If you care too much about the eyes of others, the so-called pioneer must be righteous and selfless, which is absolute prejudice.

But then, Lu Bai looked to the other side and waved slightly.

Time and space distorted and changed under this action, and finally formed a new time and space line, sending all those who had embarked on the path of the true self into it.

"I have only a few people, so there is no need to test them." Lu Bai said, while two indescribable things flashed not far away.

The two groups of things have no specific shape. They look like light groups, but they also look like a ball of twine. If you look closely, they look like countless lives intertwined. Then in the blink of an eye, it seems like nothing is there.

The information contained in it is so huge that even those who have followed the path of the true self, if they see this 'wonder of the universe' with their own eyes, their souls will be exploded by the information in an instant.

The personality formed by oneself will be broken in an instant, and then distorted and changed with this information.

Because the other party is the real dimension.

But at this time, the shapes of these two real dimensions are changing.

The constantly twisting light, the chaotic life, the tiny but seemingly containing thousands of whispers, all seem to bloom in an instant.

Then two 'people' walked out of it.

Human appearance, human interior, and even a soul structure similar to that of human beings.

"That should be one of our people." One of them said, his voice seemed to come from ancient times, and it seemed to be ringing softly in his ears.

"If you follow the path of your true self, you are my person." Lu Bai took a step forward, the power in his body pushed crazily, and a complete change was in it, as if the next moment, he would be able to contain a thorn in the past. sword.

"Loser, then accept defeat instead of doing these little tricks that hurt everyone's face." Lu Bai was in the real dimension at this time. He was a stage person, so he naturally needed to care about his face.

"You win, you are justified." At this time, another person also responded.

It seems that it is just a fight for the Calabash Taoist people, but it actually involves Lu Bai's existence.

An existence that has just become a real dimension will only be looked down upon if it does not have some means.

These means include, but are not limited to, ‘push’ from other real dimensions.

Why did the many real dimensions force the Netherworld and Dead Sea to split, and then promote the emergence of the Star Cave?

It is precisely because at that time all living beings returned to the Netherworld Dead Sea after death, and the original elements in their souls would also be collected by the Netherworld Dead Sea.

The driving force is the means to control all living things in the real dimension, but it is also a small flaw.

But when the driving force leaks too much, it is easy for other real dimensions to seize this driving force and pull out more flaws.

To use an anthropomorphic metaphor, every real dimension is a boxing master.

The fists they swing can defeat many enemies and obstacles.

However, if the thrown fist cannot be retracted in time, it will be grabbed by another boxing master and pulled, causing the own force and movements to be interfered with.

Of course, this must be the kind of fist that 'uses your best', otherwise a change of moves will fail to cover the opponent's weakness, and you will be hit by it instead.

The same is true for the driving force in the real dimension. After the driving force is used, you need to pay attention to recycling it, otherwise it may cause trouble for yourself.

For example, for those challengers, the driving force and control power of the real dimension have actually declined, and they are the fists that have exhausted their strength.

The same is true for the role of the Star Cave, allowing some driving forces that are difficult to control to return to one's own hands.

These methods for other real dimensions require time to accumulate.

What Lu Bai lacks now is accumulation, and he often falls at a disadvantage in battles.

What the past and Shinhwa just did seemed to be fighting for the existence of the Demon Lord, Lotta, Boruo and others.

However, they were actually testing Lu Bai's methods. They were just ordinary people who had not yet reached the Japanese level, and they didn't care.

If Lu Bai does not perform well, then it is very likely that what will usher in will not be cooperation, but a battle.

The person under him lost, and there seemed to be such a tacit bet before, but as long as the opponent died, it didn't matter if the bet was not followed.

Lu Bai also directly responded to their temptation.

Among the changes in his body, there are indeed many driving forces that were somewhat out of control in the past. Once a war starts, these driving forces will pull back the existence in the past.

At this point, the temptation stops.

Because if the fight really continues, then the past and Shinhwa will not be so quick to keep Lu Bai, and the situation here will inevitably be exposed, so it is better to cooperate.

"Your real purpose is to replace the theme of permanence and change with your own theme of time." Lu Bai directly stated the purpose of the past and myth.

"Yes, don't you also want to change the theme?" Shinhwa did not deny this at all.

The two real dimensions of suffering and change in the world, because of the first-mover advantage, have occupied the theme of the entire multiverse from the beginning to the present.

"You should have been exposed to it a little bit," said the past. He waved his arm, and an arc of light appeared on him.

On the other side, Shinhwa also waved his arm, and another arc appeared.

The beginning and end of the two arcs want to merge at this moment, and then form a complete circle.

Unfortunately, no matter what, this circle cannot be truly formed.

When he saw the ring, Lu Bai remembered the ring given to him by Tianya.

"Ring?" Lu Bai looked at the past and the myth.

There were some Riddlers in the previous Tianya. Although they were given a ring and said that he was the third alternative protagonist, they did not tell anything more.

At this time, we might be able to learn more from the past and mythology.

"Sure enough, you have also been exposed to this power, otherwise you may not be able to achieve the true dimension." Past said with a smile, and he also saw Lu Bai's lack of understanding of the ring.

“The Great Multiverse isn’t everything, it’s just everything we have.”

"Besides the large multiverse, there should be other large multiverses. That is the origin of mankind and the hometown of change."

"We traced the past, looked for the beginning, and then found a little bit of changed information, and used the changed information to create Shiluo."

"From that information, we got some intelligence." Shinhwa continued what he said: "That is that the great multiverse also has an end, and the great multiverse will eventually come to an end."

"And our existences will be destroyed with the destruction of the great multiverse."

"If we want to avoid being destroyed, the circle is our final way out."

"The same is true for this world." With a wave of his hand, many pictures emerged.

Most of the pictures are of scavenger organizations. The people in these organizations do not have a strong common power system. After entering from one dimension to another, they will be constantly suppressed, and even die directly due to lack of necessary conditions. .

"Commonality is what these people are pursuing."

"For us, the circle is the commonality!"

In the past scene, a dimensional world was destroyed due to various problems.

Lu Bai even saw the operation of the Nether Messenger.

With the demise of the dimensional world, a large number of lives died, and they had no chance of survival at all.

Only a small number, one or two individuals with strong common abilities, relied on their own strength to escape from this dimensional world in advance and went to another dimensional world, and survived by luck.

And some other powerful individuals followed these people's footsteps into other dimensional worlds, but were crushed to death because of the rules and regulations of different dimensional worlds.

"We want to be these individuals." The myth points to those individuals who have traveled to other dimensions and survived.

"Rather than these..." The finger pointed at the individuals who were crushed to death, and finally pointed at all the living beings who died along with the dimensional world: "I don't want to become these insignificant existences who don't even know what is happening."

"It's just that the Scavenger Organization can at least go to some common dimensions to refine the commonalities." Lu Bai also understood at this time: "But we can't."

"We cannot leave the large multiverse, so how to develop 'commonality', that is, the 'power of the ring' under limited conditions, has become our problem."

"To solve this problem, we can only conduct a comprehensive exploration of our large multiverse and distinguish which ones are the avenues and which ones are the details."

"That's right." Past and Shinhwa nodded.

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

They all live in this large multiverse and are accustomed to things here.

However, if we change to a large multiverse, this may not be the case.

"It's like some large multiverses that don't even have souls. If we take a look at the original worldview in our souls, I'm afraid they will find it incredible, right?"

"And everything that exists now is still based on our knowledge."

People cannot imagine what they have not seen.

An imaginary thing, no matter how strange it is, if you look closely, it is made up of everything in the past.

They have never seen other large multiverses, and they have not even seen clearly the large multiverse in which they live.

However, the most visible position was occupied by two guys.

"Anyone who knows the birth and death of the great multiverse and is willing to gather the power of the circle will have ideas."

"Including Xingxiu Sea."

"Why do you think He keeps evolving matter?"

"He is going to take another path and form his own universe."

The past and mythology also involve Xingxiu Hai, which is information that Lu Bai does not know.

"In this case, let's unite the front. No matter what, we must first remove constancy and change from the position of the theme." Lu Bai said.

"Then let's cooperate, it's just that we need to get back our own driving force..." said the past.

This is why the past and mythology reveal so much information.

Before this, there was a basis for cooperation between them, but Past and Shinhwa never took the initiative to contact the God of Thousand Dimensions and Lu Bai.

The reason is not difficult to guess, that is to let Lu Bai and the others take the lead, so that they can develop themselves steadily later.

But now, Lu Bai has forcibly found part of their foundation, and they can no longer hide it. They must stand on the same front as Lu Bai and others.

In this case, use something in exchange for greater benefits.

"This bit of information is not equal." Lu Bai refused with a smile.

The power to counter the opponent is their confidence to stand on the same front. How could they give up their confidence in order to stand on the same front? Give up the good and chase the bad!

What followed was more haggling.

And the subsequent processing of this dimensional world. (End of chapter)

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