Death Compensation

Chapter 1415 Anonymous (please ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month ( ))

"I guess they've received the message over there, and they'll probably send someone over soon." On the spaceship, the three-star pattern spread the message and looked at his tribe.

Now, he has reached a certain level of control over his body, and he will no longer lose control easily.

"The main purpose of today's meeting is to discuss the exiled Lu Bai." Sanxing Wen said: "During this period, I have had many contacts with him, and I found that this person's identity may not be that simple."

"His knowledge of many things is beyond his current strength, even beyond mine." After Sanxingwen finished speaking, many people present were shocked.

The three-star pattern, whether it is a public identity or a secret identity, is an individual whose star level is close to the peak. Excluding the Japanese level and a small number of masters who have made pioneering achievements on the road to the top, he is already a The most powerful individual in the universe.

However, for such a person to say that the other party has surpassed him, even if it is only in one aspect, that is enough to shock the world.

"During this period, I also asked him about his understanding of the writing system and his corresponding treatment strategies. I found that although he did not disclose it directly, he did not care too much about the writing system."

"Don't care much?" Someone expressed doubts.

"Yes, in his eyes, all things seem to be in a state of equality. At least in the attitude he revealed, there is no difference between practitioners of the written system and practitioners of the alien system."

"This kind of mentality is too detached." Sanxingwen said after pondering for a while: "Many times, when I talk to him, it seems that I am not talking to an individual who has not yet entered the interstellar realm, but to an individual who has already established himself in the interstellar realm. Wise men at the top of the stars converse.”

"I even suspected that my identity had been seen through by him many times."

"The more I communicate with him, the less I want to silence him." Sanxing Wen said in a daze.

This surprised everyone else: "Doesn't he have some special brainwashing ability? He can actually make you undergo such abnormal changes?"

"No, I am very sober, even more sober than before. I am willing to accept a soul examination." Sanxing Wen shook his head and said: "That is why it is so difficult for me to deal with him."

"He is dangerous, there is no doubt about that, but we are not dangerous. What I am hesitant about now is whether to include him in our team."

"Once he is absorbed, I can be sure that our combat effectiveness will definitely improve qualitatively, but our team will also move into an unknown situation."

"Your words are too flattering to him." Someone couldn't help but frown and said.

The current state of the three-star pattern is really very different from their previous understanding.

What kind of person was Sanxing Wen before meeting Lu Bai?

Cold, ruthless, and good at disguise, as long as he can achieve his goal, he will do it without hesitation.

They are terrorists. They wiped out a planet and massacred a race until only a few people in a spaceship were left. Even these people had their bodies taken away by them, and all of this was just for their own purposes.

The plan was made by Sanxingwen, he is such a determined person.

But after meeting Lu Bai and talking to Lu Bai for a while, he began to hesitate and seemed at a loss about Lu Bai's various things.

This meeting is already the third this month.

"I have become such a person, no matter how much I praise him, I can't praise him too much." Sanxingwen clearly understood his own changes, and at this time he became more and more cautious about Lu Bai's condition.

"The people from the parliament will arrive soon. During this time, I will have a showdown with him and ask him to join us. Then at that time, everything will develop in our favor."

After Sanxingwen finished speaking, he looked at the remaining people.

"But after all, my state is not right, and you will think that I am wrong, so this decision should be made through discussion together."

After speaking, everyone expressed their opinions on Lu Bai's existence.

It has to be said that the residual power of the three-star pattern still exists. At least before, they believed in the judgment of the three-star pattern. Now, before problems arise, they still believe in the three-star pattern.

So after gaining public recognition, Sanxingwen found Lu Bai again.

When he opened the hatch, he saw Lu Bai standing in front of the observation window of the spacecraft, observing the starry sky outside the window.

"This starry sky is beautiful at first glance, but if you stay in it for a long time, you will only feel suffocated." Sanxingwen said very meaningful words.

"So you are going to tell me today about your knowledge and impression of this starry sky?" Lu Bai asked.

"Sure enough, you have some guesses about our existence." Sanxingwen felt that he had made the right bet.

The next moment, Sanxingwen's body collapsed on the ground, and from his body, a Sanxingwen soul emerged.

But above the soul of this three-star pattern, there are still a large number of fine threads that penetrate into every aspect of the soul.

"We are Anonymous!" At this time, those thin lines combined together, pulling and twisting the soul of the three-star pattern, forming an inexplicable image.

"We are the nameless."

"We are people with no past and no future!"

"We are the Forsaken!"

"This is our existence."

As the ‘three-star pattern’ revealed its existence, Lu Bai also understood the identities of these people.

The founders of the writing system, they were in charge of the 133W era.

And at the end of 133W, he was deprived of his name and became anonymous.

As the founders of the writing system, they were unable to practice the writing system. They were exiled, deprived, and eventually became the existence they are now without even a body.

Of course, they are absolutely not unjust.

As a race in this era, it will inevitably cause oppression to other races. The Nameless Race must have also abused other races before.

Only then would he suffer such a punishment after being overthrown.

All sentient beings in this world are sinful.

When the time scale is extended to more than ten thousand years, and when the space scale is extended to the universe and stars, it is difficult for anyone to be called innocent.

"So, your purpose is to restore your own status?" Lu Bai asked.

"No, since I can remember, we have been wandering, wandering everywhere, and being destroyed everywhere."

"We can only live in other people's bodies and survive in the cracks. At that time, I knew the cruelty of this starry sky."

"After that, I had an idea, that is, I want to destroy this indifferent starry sky and completely destroy the writing system, so as to make the entire starry sky completely silent, so that there will no longer be so many disputes!"

Second update, sorry, please vote for me.

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