Death Compensation

Chapter 1431 The elixir of life and death! (Happy New Year!!!!)

"So, teacher, what do we need to do?" 1314 followed Lu Bai and asked Lu Bai.

After getting along seriously for a period of time, he found that Lu Bai was still very talkative.

Basically, he did everything a teacher should do.

All questions are answered. If you have any questions related to study, you can ask Lu Bai.

Even some principles of life, the other party will teach him.

The word "good teacher" appeared in 1314's mind.

1314 has also asked some relatively private questions, and Lu Bai will also answer them.

1314 had a feeling that even if he asked some more critical questions, Lu Bai would still give the answers.

But before that, 1314 stopped himself, and he didn't dare to continue asking.

Because some of Lu Bai's answers so far have exceeded his knowledge.

For example, the original dimension is a chessboard, and his body is playing chess with a group of people, and the falling pieces will cause changes in the world.

For example, you can call Lu Bai the Lord of All Living Things.

For example, if he wanted to learn, Lu Bai said that he could teach him the way of living beings that he had opened up - the way of the true self.

The information inside made 1314 feel numb all over.

Because if what Lu Bai said is true, then Lu Bai's status is still above the sun level.

He has some knowledge of things above the Japanese level, but his knowledge is not perfect enough.

The original dimension has existed long enough for real challengers to appear.

But individuals of those levels have long since stopped taking the initiative to interfere with dimensional changes.

This is true even for the Challengers. The real decision-makers in the original dimension have always been the Japanese.

And the Japanese level can mostly only call the shots for one or two eras.

Once the era ends, they also need to end and exit from this stage.

This is also the fate of the original dimension. Even a large family like theirs will gradually decline over time. Those Japanese-level individuals will become indifferent after they are used to the rise and fall.

Although their family is currently strong and famous throughout the universe, the family was only born in these two eras.

According to his father, his grandfather, the Japanese grader, no longer cared much about the family at this time.

His descendants from back then, that is, his uncles and aunts, have long since died with the passage of time.

Giving birth to his father was not because he longed for an heir to accompany him, but was a final transfer of responsibility.

As his father grew up, his grandfather would simply leave regardless of whether his father eventually became a Japanese or not.

He no longer has any feelings for this family.

The individuals of the Meteorite family have gone through two eras, nearly 20,000 years.

The clan members don’t know how many generations have passed.

All emotions will dissipate under the wash of time.

And as the feelings fade away, don't expect the Japanese master to still have much patience for the family.

In the beginning, they formed a family, perhaps really just to have a family for themselves.

But now, they have only one purpose, and that is to find a convenient tool for themselves.

Because of this, their understanding of the Japanese level is also declining. They know that the Japanese level is very strong, but how strong it is can only be seen from some records similar to myths.

As for the relevant information above the sun level, it is even more of a foggy myth.

Because there are really not many of them, they are scattered in various eras.

And even if such individuals appear, they have no desire to rule the original dimension and will most likely leave after appearing.

Therefore, regarding those individuals, they only have some records related to their names. As for their abilities, there is no useful description.

As for the higher real dimensions, 1314 is aware of them, but in his understanding, the real dimensions are the basic rules of the universe, a kind of nature, and there is no need to think about their 'existence'.

Therefore, he never dared to think about Lu Bai in that direction.

At this time, he only regarded Lu Bai as a challenger or a true challenger.

"It should be the latter. It can use the original dimension as a chessboard. This situation only exceeds the daily level and is unlikely." 1314 thought.

While thinking about these questions, he waited for Lu Bai's answer.

"Go find your two classmates." Lu Bai said with a smile: "They also have some uses."

When Lu Bai went to find Wufang and Nonobo Nana, he did not want to complete the side mission, so he did not violate the constraints he had set.

Of course, the big reason is that these two classmates are also at the exit at this time.

"You know, when I taught you martial arts, there were already three methods: upper, middle and lower." Lu Bai said.

"It seems to be transmitted at the same time, but in fact, there will be different feedback according to different situations."

Following Lu Bai's words, 1314's body stiffened.

"If you seal your body, the speed of internal energy will be affected, and the activation of life and death will not be so thorough."

"With strong Qi and blood in the five directions, focusing on static skills can strengthen the control of internal forces. However, if I demonstrate too much what I teach him, then he will only feel that his body's static skills are insufficient, and will eventually become a problem for those who observe his practice. , sending the wrong signal.”

"Eventually the qi and blood will expand the meridians a little too much."

"Including those behind him."

"As for Nonobo Nana, the old ghost in her body must have fallen into the trap I set and started to be involved in the matter of life and death."

"It depends on whether Nana can seize the opportunity. If she seizes the opportunity, she will be as qualified as you to become my disciple."

"If I fail to seize the opportunity, I will seize that old ghost, and just like those people behind the Five Fangs, they will all become my further martial arts outer elixir!"

Lu Bai's words were without any warmth, and he regarded every life as a big medicine.

1314 was relieved after hearing these words.

No matter what, I am not on the list of drugs that are regarded as great medicines.

Soon, they found Nonobo Nana.

Not far from the exit, Nonobo Nana was with some molting tribe.

Nuonuo's status is not low. She was also one of the elders of the Molting Tribe. This is why she dared to violate the rules of the Molting Tribe and take over Nana's body.

It's just that the tea is cold after people leave. Nono has not completely left, but his influence has also dropped a lot.

This time, he used little power to become Lu Bai's disciple and had the opportunity to steal a system, so he regained some funding.

Looking at Lu Bai coming from a distance, some surprise flashed in Nonobo Nana's eyes.

At this time, Nono is preparing to complete some rituals to ripen Nana, thereby driving Nana to mature and shed her skin in advance.

After all, the current changes made her a little uneasy. The most important thing was that she found a mission about herself among those side missions.

Someone wants Nuonuo to die, and although there is no information about this person, the mission that is purely aimed at Nuonuo is most likely Nana.

Although there was no evidence, Nuonuo didn't want to wait any longer.

"I really didn't expect you to come to me." Nuonuo said. She no longer had the same etiquette as before.

Among the shedding tribe, etiquette is very important, but when they take the initiative to destroy etiquette, they no longer care about so many things.

In Nono's eyes at this time, nothing was more important than actual interests.

Etiquette is a business card to the outside world. It makes people feel that they are a polite person, which will give people a good impression and make it easier to obtain benefits.

And once etiquette becomes an obstacle to obtaining benefits, she will immediately abandon it.

"So, who is chasing you?" Nuonuo asked. She thought Lu Bai was being chased by others in the branch, and he came here to seek refuge with her. .

"No, am I here to hunt you down?" Lu Bai stood not far away, looked at Nono, and answered his unruly student: "Are you ready, my student?"

As soon as Lu Bai finished speaking, countless internal forces burst out from Lu Bai's body the next moment, and then pierced into the heaven and earth.

The empowerment of heaven and earth is activated, connecting the wind, rain and dew.

The soul of martial arts, the law of heaven and earth!

The huge hand of cloud and mist grabbed at the group of jellyfish.

The interference caused by existential infection repels all their actions.

The original ceremony failed in an instant.

The power of those members of the Molting Tribe have been severely disrupted.

A moment of confusion can be fatal.

All the jellyfish were caught at this moment, except for Nonobo Nana, who was excluded.

"You also taught them internal power? That's really the best!" Lu Bai said, and then the violent internal power penetrated the bodies of these jellyfish.

Under the stimulation of these internal forces, their meridians took on solid shapes.

At the same time, life and death are constantly changing, and their meridians are like a big tree. With life and death as nutrients, this tree grows rapidly.

"Look carefully, this is a side trick of the Netherworld Book - the elixir of transforming life and death!"

Lu Bai said calmly at this time, asking 1314 to study seriously.

"The essence of everything in life is to lock in its own vitality and then avoid the suction of the netherworld."

"The Netherworld will attract everything to Him, and the real life in life is to stabilize the connection with its own world to avoid being absorbed by the Netherworld."

As the Lord of the Netherworld, Lu Bai directly stated the most basic operating laws of life and death.

“So if you want to strengthen your life, you need to start from this aspect.”

"But unilaterally strengthening life will only make real life rigid and get lost in it, unable to truly strengthen the power of life."

"So, death is the most important force in our group!"

"Use death to purify your life, absorb some impurities, and leave only pure things. Use purity to stabilize real life, but keep it active in connection with the outside world."

"The right path, of course, is to develop slowly based on one's own purity."

"Unfortunately, there are always times when there is not enough time, such as now!" As Lu Bai finished speaking, the meridian trees were changing accordingly, connecting with Lu Bai's stretched out internal force.

"Use life and death to directly refine other lives, just like water and fire, refine their lives into the meridians, and become an external elixir that connects heaven, earth and oneself."

These external meridians are the ‘external elixir’.

In an instant, Lu Bai's external power level had reached the star level.

Moreover, even if he possessed the Waidan, it did not pollute Lu Bai's own life.

The external elixir has always been outside the body and has never interfered with Lu Bai's body.

As long as you can restrain yourself from indulging in this evil way and ensure your control, then the external elixir will not have any side effects.

Seeing his tribesmen being trained into the so-called Waidan without any resistance, Nono's body trembled, and he only felt some great fear.

She didn't have enough ability or good luck to escape from the hands of the cloud and mist.

It's because Lu Bai didn't really take action against her. The other party just used his presence to infect her and broke up her ritual, making it impossible for her to escape.

Lu Baizhen wanted to kill her, but he killed her casually as early as the wave just now.

With a crash, Nuonuo was already kneeling on the ground, and all the tentacles of the jellyfish bloomed. This is the highest etiquette of the molting clan.

"Teacher, the student was coerced by the tribe and was confused for a moment. Please forgive me!"

What 1314 can guess, Nono can naturally guess too.

Unlike the Meteor Clan, the Sloughing Clan does not have a Japanese-level sage as a backstage.

It is a very 'honorable' thing to be associated with a Japanese-level venerable.

As long as she can clear up the misunderstanding, she can immediately take charge of the Shedding Skin Clan as a disciple of the Sun-level Master.

"And Waidan actually refers to everything external."

"Whether it is other people or those who want to occupy your body, they are all external and are within the scope of the Life and Death Transformation Waidan." Lu Bai ignored Nuonuo's words of kneeling and continued to speak.

When Nono heard this, he didn't know that he had been given up.

In other words, the other party never admitted that he was his student.

The real student is Nana!

Her body suddenly twitched.

At this time, the suppressed Nana's internal energy was changing, pulling Nono towards death.

Death affected her body at this moment, and Nono and everyone felt that they were becoming weaker than ever before.

Death had truly taken everything away from her.

However, it was at this time that she could more accurately grasp the rhythm of life and death, and the meridians throughout her body began to breathe accordingly.

At this time, Nuonuo also tried his best to grasp the rhythm of life and death. After this time, only by grasping the rhythm can he not die and become the nourishment of the Waidan.

However, Nono found that no matter what, he could not stabilize the rhythm of life and death.

There is always some difference between her and that rhythm.

The reason is that this body is just the old skin she shed and has developed a new life.

It carries the death side of Nono, but the new life in it belongs to Nana.

Under Lu Bai's guidance, Nono was a little too concerned about death.

In addition, although Lu Bai is only an incarnation now, he is also the incarnation of the Lord of the Netherworld after all.

In front of the Lord of the Netherworld, trying to escape the punishment of death seems a bit funny.

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