Death Compensation

Chapter 1435 Letter

"It's just that if I really follow this idea to break your tricks, I'm afraid I will also fall into the trap you laid!"

"You are really a contradictory person." Lu Bai's inner strength that simulated darkness changed again at this moment.

The power of the Hidden Man is a dark particle composed of countless desperate messages, which eventually forms a system that suppresses information and blocks its transmission.

As long as you integrate yourself into the darkness, you can escape this blockade.

It is impossible for the Hidden Face to be unaware of such a huge flaw. This flaw must have been left behind intentionally by the Hidden Face.

"If I really use this to break your moves, then I probably won't be able to escape, right?"

Those who merge into the darkness will inevitably be bound by the darkness and thus perish.

Even if Lu Bai only used some of his internal energy to turn into darkness, he would probably lose most of his internal energy to darkness at that time.

The essence of these things is a quagmire that no one can get out of.

"So, your real hope is that someone can break these darkness in other ways!" Lu Bai raised his hand.

The meridians emitting beige fluorescence around the body are slightly opened.

These meridians are like the blood vessels of the world, connecting the heaven and the earth, forming a huge network with Lu Bai as the center.

"You have to understand that darkness is just darkness after all. If you look at it within the system, you will feel that darkness is extremely powerful. But standing in front of the power of the organized system, darkness is just a bunch of scattered rats!"

The next moment, countless internal forces connected the heaven and the earth, infinite power burst out from it, and powerful power spread throughout every meridian.

The prison that was originally as solid as a rock and seemed unbreakable then collapsed and turned back into a large number of black particles.

The hidden man mobilized the black particles and wanted to gather them, but found that his power was too scattered in front of the opponent.

Those luminous virtual veins have integrated into every aspect of this world, interfering with the aggregation of these black particles from the smallest point.

Under this power, those black particles are like dust. Although they are numerous in number, they cannot have any impact on reality.

The so-called darkness seems so weak in front of this power.

"This kind of control over power!" The hidden man looked at those meridians and felt like he was seeing a god.

There is not much difference between the opponent's strength and other stars.

Or at this level, the system is only one of the factors.

A weak person, no matter how strong the system is, cannot become a truly strong person.

And a truly strong person, even if he only controls an ordinary system, can exert its divine power.

The horror of Lu Bai is that he single-handedly connected the world and established a complete operating system for the entire world.

In this system, Lu Bai can interfere with everything.

This is almost the ultimate use of the special characteristics of star stars, existence infection.

Most star stars can use existence to infect, but they only use their own power as the core to empower the world and interfere with and exclude other things.

If you want to create a complete system, this is not something ordinary stars can do.

Even those who are at the peak of their star level and begin to gradually acquire Japanese-level characteristics cannot construct such a complete system so easily.

"You are definitely more than just an ordinary star." The Hidden Facer looked at Lu Bai. At this moment, he already knew that Lu Bai was not an opponent he could solve.

But he was not ready to stop. His path could only end with death.

With his will, the black particles began to gather towards him.

Then the twisting black particles wrapped around the hidden man, turning him into a giant black sphere.

As the sphere appeared, a terrifying suction force suddenly emitted.

Everything is following those black particles, converging towards the black sphere.

"This is my last resort - dirty me!"

"Let's crack it and see!"

The Hidden Face Man naturally has other tricks, but unfortunately even Silent Most are no match for Lu Bai, so there is no need to use those tricks.

It's better to use your most powerful force right now.

The huge black sphere exudes its own influence.

Even the surrounding space and time began to distort and converge towards the black sphere.

Using itself to reverse the pressure, it turned into a super sphere with terrifying suction.

As soon as Lu Bai turned his eyes, the elixir of life and death on his body began to twist, following the darkness into the other party's dirty inner being.

"Do you really want your filth to be eradicated?" Like the previous black prison, this black sphere also has a huge flaw.

The difference is that this flaw does not have a trap, it is just called a flaw, but in fact very few people can hit this place.

"Reverse!" Lu Bai's power was quickly instilled along the meridians, and then he observed the key to the power.

The previous black particles, both themselves and the huge sphere, would only bring pressure.

But at this time, these pressures were transformed into attractions by the Hidden Face Man.

At the heart of it all is its inversion nature.

However, the reversal of all this is not complete enough, and more efforts are needed.

This is the flaw of this move. Instead of resisting this force, it increases the force to promote this reversal!

As Lu Bai's internal energy gathered, the originally huge sphere shrank rapidly.

Finally, this black sphere slowly emitted light.

The original black qualities were also ignited under these radiances, and the black shell faded away.

The original black sphere suddenly collapsed as the black color faded.

Countless black particles returned to their original appearance.

The sheets of snow-white paper were filled with various pleading messages.

These messages record the dirty past of some people, and the owner of the letters hopes that these letters can bring punishment to those people.

However, these letters eventually disappeared.

Over the years, the Hidden Face's cries, his voice, and his requests for help are all here.

It's just that none of the information in it played its due role, and everything was covered up.

After sinking into the darkness, all the useless information of the hidden person was transformed into black particles.

Taking advantage of the inability of information to act, the power to suppress information dissemination was formed.

With this power, he gathered more and more ‘screams’, and eventually the black particles became the size they are today.

It was only at this moment that these things finally returned to their original appearance.

played its true role.

Pass the information within to someone who has the power to change everything!

Lu Bai grabbed the letter inside!

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