Death Compensation

Chapter 1438: Birds of a feather

The faces of the people from the Fire Body Clan in the branch were not very good.

Just now, they learned that their leader in the branch, a star-level individual of the Fire Body Clan, was killed at will.

But the murderer did not receive any punishment. On the contrary, they, the Fire Body Tribe, were being restricted at this time.

The Fire Body Clan is a large clan with a large number of people. A large number of Fire Body Clan members with good qualifications are born every year.

And for various reasons, the Huoti tribe is very united. They use race as a bond to form a huge interest group.

In the academy, even if the Fire Body tribe members are not as qualified as others, they are treated far better than others.

Protecting one's shortcomings, forming cliques, and forming a circle to collectively exclude others. The Fire Body tribe relied on their numerical advantage to wantonly compete for interests in the academy.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people.

It's just that there is no way, the opponent has a large number of people, and there are also many people in the middle level and high-level positions.

In this case, if you compete with the other party, as long as the other party is stuck in any aspect, an ordinary student will lose the opportunity to continue to improve.

Most individuals with no background simply do not dare to fight against the Fire Body Tribe.

However, now, the preferential treatment of the Fire Body Tribe has been canceled in an instant, making countless people feel happy.

"I got the score." Lu Bai said with a smile, and beside him, the senior officials nodded.

With the help of the Fire Body Clan's problems, they gained a lot of points this time.

After all, if there is resentment, there will be side tasks.

It's just that these side tasks previously involved the interests of the conservatives, so they suppressed them forcefully.

Now, using the academy's methods to suppress the preferential treatment of the Fire Body Tribe, it immediately counts as completing a lot of tasks.

Because the order was issued by the college, this part of the task was also considered to be completed by the college's senior officials.

In this wave alone, Lu Bai scored a lot of points.

"In fact, rigid rules cannot prevent us from obtaining enough points." Lu Bai looked at the scores and said, "Human thinking can be guided."

"Use one group to trigger the scores of another group, and then you can create a large number of side tasks."

“Then using power, you can easily suppress a group.”

"Using this method to differentiate different groups, we can create scores in batches and then obtain scores in batches." Lu Bai concluded.

This time, he gained points for punishing the Fire Body Clan, plus the points he directly killed several high-level officials, Lu Bai gained enough points to exit through the exit.

Seeing Lu Bai's operation, the other senior executives smiled, and some were quick-witted and offered some compliments.

And more people were silent.

This operation is actually not difficult, they have done similar operations before.

But the results are not very high.

The reason lies in interests.

First of all, the birth of side tasks comes from ‘thoughts’. As long as the corresponding thought is strong enough, then there will be corresponding side tasks.

Secondly, the score of side tasks depends on many factors, including the strength of the task target, the possibility of completing the task, and the strength and number of those who issued the task.

Finally, there is the uncertainty of side tasks. The original true appearance of some side tasks is not what it is now, but will become somewhat distorted as the tasks are released.

Even the person who issued the mission didn't know why the mission was twisted and changed into this weird state.

The top management of the college has tried to artificially promote the emergence of tasks, but they have basically failed.

Firstly, they are unwilling to make the situation more chaotic, and secondly, they have no way to lose their own interests.

Not every time, there is a target like the Fire Body Clan that they can suppress.

If they take the initiative, they will inevitably create victims, and if you look closely, most of these victims are related to themselves.

The weakness of those with vested interests.

Even though they suffered such drastic changes, they continued to maintain basic stability.

Dare not touch large-scale basic interests.

Of course, that's for yourself.

If they are facing other "people", they will let others know what cruelty is.

But Lu Bai, who is in charge now, does not have that kind of weakness. He will do whatever he wants. As for the problems caused, he will not fall on him anyway.

"In that case, let's open the exit." Lu Bai said.

"Scores are not a problem, so the only problem now is the endoscope."

As Lu Bai made his decision, various changes were conveyed.

At this time, Lu Bai apparently removed the secret door on them and destroyed their internal energy system.

And it is guaranteed that the entire set of internal force system information will be made available to the public in the future.

But who knows if Lu Bai has really solved the problems in their bodies now.

As the negotiations ended, they reached a settlement with Lu Bai.

They already regard Lu Bai as one of their own. At least in terms of status, they are equal.

They know that Lu Bai is a scheming person, so they will inevitably blame Lu Bai for everything they have done in the past.

Why do you agree openly and immediately backstab secretly?

Stumbling the other party during cooperation, and then showing up pretending to be a good person to help the other party solve the problem.

Secretly pour boiling water on the other party's money tree...

In short, the adult world is much dirtier, and Lu Bai is undoubtedly a veteran in this area.

He apparently lifted them up high and then gently put them down, but who knew if they were still hanging in the air at this time?

Under this situation, Lu Bai naturally became the leader of the branch.

After all, it had been agreed a long time ago that if Lu Bai's internal force system could spread and help the college achieve good results, he could become the dean of the branch.

Now it is just a matter of bringing this point forward.

Then the news of the opening of the exit came, and Lu Bai immediately received some points.

At this time, some people with sufficient scores began to line up to enter the exit in accordance with the college's requirements.

They need to help the college obtain enough endoscopic data.

To be precise, it was to help Lu Bai.

"Something must have happened outside." Lu Bai also felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Critical's chess game this time, he made himself the main target.

But it should be very clear that unless he directly attacks with strong force, Lu Bai will definitely be able to seize the loopholes in the rules, quickly become stronger, and escape from the attack.

Therefore, the purpose of criticality is probably to hold oneself back from beginning to end so that one cannot intervene in changes in the outside world.

Lu Bai must crack the endogenous mirror as soon as possible and then go to the outside world.

Otherwise, it will most likely be too late.

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