Death Compensation

Chapter 1445 Clown

"In this world, you can't do everything just by relying on talent!" Lu Bai turned sideways to avoid the complex internal force coming from the opponent.

Just like inserting your fingers into the water when riding a boat, five fingers penetrated deeply into the inner force.

The next moment, with a slight movement of his fingers, tens of millions of power burst out from it.

The internal force, like a torrent, divided into dozens of strands.

The desire in it was easily guided and divided, and then condensed into ice in Lu Bai's hands.

These ice spikes turned into snowflakes all over the sky as soon as Lu Bai's hand shook.

Under the snowflakes are tiny bits of smoothie.

These smoothies were flying, flying in the opposite direction to Wu Fang, who had transformed into the Mirror Sky Demon.

The five parties instinctively want to activate their own instincts as demons to control the desires embedded in those powers.

But he found that Lu Bai was more familiar with this power than he was.

At the same time, Wu Fang sensed a deep desire from that force.

"We are watching you!" An inexplicable word made Wufang's whole body stand on end.

It was as if there was an unknown thing lying on his shoulder, uttering vicious curses into his ears.

Wufang instinctively felt fear. Under this fear, he couldn't help but turn around and look behind him.

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes looking at him.

If you look closely, you will find that these eyes are derived from himself.

These eyes are very familiar to Wufang.

Those were the eyes he had ever encountered.

The 'effort and price' he had to pay to come out of the fantasy dimension were much heavier than imagined.

"Why are you still following me!" After Wufang's fear reached a certain level, he completely burst into anger.

"You are willing to save the world and sacrifice yourself, but I am not willing!"

"You all want to die with that rotten world!"

"Then you go to hell!"

"Why are you still following me?"

The unprecedented anger made Wufang express some of his hidden emotions.

This is also the pain of transformation into a demon. The devil needs to indulge his desires.

Wu Fang had suppressed his desires too much before.

The fantasy dimension he is in is a dimension where human fantasy has expired. This dimensional world cannot be transformed into a natural dimensional world, and it is easy for the core to collapse and perish.

Wufang is just an ordinary boy, not very old.

But because of his talent, he was selected to participate in the salvation of the world.

The five parties and teammates need to kill the concrete will of the world to promote its change.

In other words, that fantasy dimension has found a way to transform into the natural dimension.

But at some stage in the process, the five parties came into contact with academy personnel from the original dimension.

After that, he changed his mind.

His birth world becomes the natural dimension, then he is an extradimensional person.

And if it is still a fantasy dimension, then he is just a person from a secondary plane.

The treatment of both parties is different. The original dimension is very sensitive to the entry of people from other dimensions and controls it very strictly.

People in the secondary plane will be inferior and discriminated against, but it is better than becoming a complete foreigner.

So the five parties finally betrayed the salvation team and stabbed them in the back.

As a result, the hometown failed to be successfully transformed and was directly destroyed.

The last words of the person leading the team were spoken to Wufang when they were teleported out of the dimension.

"We'll always be watching you!"

Desires converged on Wu Fang's body. At this time, he clearly discovered that there was a lot of 'eye desire' accumulated in his body.

These desires themselves are not strong, after all, Wufang escaped early.

It was only now that these desires were inspired by Lu Bai's work, taking advantage of the opportunity he had just transformed into a demon, to have such a great impact on his mind.

It can only be said that Lu Bai grasped the weakest point of the five parties at this time.

Just when Wu Fang wanted to rely on the devil's talent to control these desires.

But he found that Lu Bai was already standing in front of him.

The huge fist had already smashed towards him.

He reluctantly raised his hand to resist, but his body was smashed to pieces under the punch.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood exploded and were scattered around the cave.

However, desires gathered in an instant and reorganized the bodies of the five parties.

The advantage of being reincarnated as a demon lies in this. His life state has changed from an ordinary person to an advanced life state.

Ordinary body damage makes it impossible to kill him.

"Lu Bai!" Wufang roared, and the power in his body gathered again, and he instinctively used the internal force system taught by Lu Bai.

However, the moment the internal energy gathered, it was directly dispersed by Lu Bai.

He grabbed Wu Fang's neck with one hand, threw him out, smashed through the cave, and flew away.

Wu Fang felt crushed, and his internal power was broken by Lu Bai's internal power with overwhelming skill.

"Desire can naturally be mixed with inner strength."

"After all, life and death are the foundation, and will is the advanced content of the internal force system."

"Your understanding of desire is too shallow. The method of mixing desire with internal force is like writing a book and adding private goods. If you don't add it well, you will be scolded!"

Obviously, in front of Lu Bai, Wufang was the author of failure.

He has not yet fully understood his internal force system. Although he has copied many characteristics of Lu Bai's own incarnation, physical characteristics do not mean everything.

Awareness is the key.

Wufang's knowledge is not enough. He doesn't even understand the basics, let alone advanced operations.

"Now, please clarify the basic concepts first."

"The original use of internal power is quite good, why should desire be mixed in?"

"The more you do, the bigger your flaws become and the more mistakes you make!"

Wufang stood up, but before he could take a step closer to Lu Bai, he was beaten into pieces by Lu Bai again.

The flying flesh and blood made Wufang feel torn apart like never before.

At the same time, I also felt a deep shame.

He was tricked by Lu Bai and became his mirror image, becoming a stepping stone for others.

As a result, the devil appeared, and he was semi-forced to transform into a devil, thinking that his time had come.

Copied Lu Bai's potential power and integrated the ability of the endogenous mirror.

He could retaliate against Lu Bai severely, but the result would still be that Lu Bai would beat him like his son.

Before you turned into a demon, you suppressed me, beat me, and tricked me.

After turning into a demon, you still suppressed me, beat me, and tricked me!

Then didn’t I become a devil in vain?

At the same time, as a devil, he is also very sensitive to various desires at this time.

With the changes in endoscopy, loopholes have appeared in the playing field.

They were able to break through the cave, and their appearance outside was proof.

Outside, there were too many people watching his ugly appearance at this time.

The desires of those people were extremely clear at this time, pointing towards this battle.

Pointed at Lu Bai.

Lu Bai seemed to have become the savior, and he became the clown.

First update, sorry.

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