Death Compensation

Chapter 1475 Protagonist’s Diary

"Although I'm sorry, I'm still going to kill you!" The protagonist looked at 1314 getting closer and closer, and made up his mind.

No matter what, his position cannot be changed. He is a vested interest. At the same time, he cannot bear to see so many lives and valuable things in this world disappear because of this.

It is indeed extraordinary that 1314 can escape for so long, although most of it is with the help of other people's power. For example, in this dead zone, ordinary people cannot enter without methods.

1314 has a way to briefly enter the dead zone, so he can evade pursuit so flexibly.

However, at this time, the protagonist has mastered all aspects of the Dead Realm. It is only a matter of time before 1314 loses his biggest advantage and is hunted down and killed.

The protagonist chases towards the target quickly, and behind him are his followers.

They almost died due to death mapping before. After being revived by the distortion source star, although their bodies were slightly distorted, it was not a big problem.

They can still continue to fight, but it is a pity that the others have persisted for so long without dying. If they are the only race left, then the protagonist will most likely choose them in the end...

Of course, they will not express such dark thoughts. After all, they all know that what the protagonist hates most is this kind of mutual destruction and killing.

However, to everyone's surprise, the absolute racer who was most similar to the protagonist and had the same three views suddenly lost control and killed the people next to him.

The protagonist was stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward, changing the driving force and combining with the raw power to stop the opponent.

It was at the moment when he was stopped that the expression of the Absolute Race member changed, and the deformations on his body were also trying to squirm, as if they were returning to their original state.

"No need!" The protagonist finally figured it out at this time.

Those of the absolute race are not similar to their own three views, but they are constantly getting closer to their own three views and achieving consistency.

This kind of closeness even deceives themselves most of the time.

"This is the tool man." 1314's voice came over again, and he didn't seem to intend to continue running.

At this time, beside him, Nana also appeared, along with the three-star pattern.

Sanxingwen looked at the absolute race and spoke out some archaeological data he had seen.

"The so-called absolute race, they are a kind of extremely adaptable life form."

"But even if their adaptability reaches the limit, they cannot resist the changes in the rules. After dominating the era for three thousand years, they also ushered in their own decline."

"But fortunately, they were not completely extinct, but they had new ideas after their defeat."

The absolute racer also let go of his control at this time, and the expression and appearance on his face finally took on a different color from the protagonist.

"This world is essentially a playground for the strong."

"No matter how we adapt to the environment, we are still just a force in the environment, just like NPCs in the game."

"But what if we adapted to the chess players?"

The Absolute Racer said this, and he looked at the protagonist as a matter of course: "You are the heir to the original power selected by the chess players, and you are their best chess piece candidate."

"This is what we need to adapt to, adapt to the preferences of chess players, imitate you, become you, so that we can not be eliminated!"

And this is the absolute race, they realize that the nature of this world is determined by the true dimension.

Therefore, I chose to build myself into the most suitable tool player, and the real dimension is to play chess outside the chessboard.

Then they work hard to adapt to each other's preferences and transform themselves into what the other person likes.

The best template is someone like the protagonist.

And when the protagonist expires and the chess players outside the chessboard need new chess pieces, they will change their simulation objects and adapt again.

"So you also killed the Huahu clan?" The protagonist looked at the Absolute Race and asked with a frown.

"I don't know. When we disguise, we adapt to the changes wholeheartedly. In other words, the real us are actually us after disguise."

“The current state is nothing more than a temporary and difficult-to-preserve state.”

"We must achieve the Japanese level to ensure that our thinking is in a common state."

"So I don't know whether I stimulated my own adaptability during the process of entering the dead zone, and thus entered a state of adapting to the dead zone."

"Just like just now, I was unstable due to distortion, so I lost control and took action..."

The original absolute race's simulation adaptation is extremely stable. If the protagonist is locked as the simulation object, basically no matter what happens, everything about them will appear like the protagonist.

Even if he dies, he will die in a simulated way.

But it is a pity that they were in a state of near-death due to the reflection of death. When the distortion source star rescued them, all of them suffered distortions.

And this kind of distorted power comes from Green Forest, who is the chess player considered by the Absolute Race. Therefore, because he himself has also become distorted, the simulation becomes unstable. They also include other individuals with distorted powers. Simulations were performed.

And these individuals were indeed regretting that others had not died at that time.

This kind of thinking disturbs the absolute race people.

He lost control and made wrong judgments, killing others.

This symptom of losing control is the best proof of being a tool person.

They don't need themselves, they just need to adapt to the surrounding environment, the thoughts of the chess players, and all external promotions.

The reason why they failed is simply because their simulation adaptability has not yet reached its ultimate limit.

If they can really do it and maintain their simulated state, then they will never give up so easily.

"Why is this so?" The protagonist couldn't help but shook his head. He felt that this race had no heart at all and was a complete tool.

It was at this time that 1314 took action, and under the influence of internal force, the rainbow flower began to bloom along with a little bit of his true self.

1314 finally embarked on the path of true self, which is why he has not reached the Japanese level for so long.

The way of true self, after all, requires taking your time, which is different from the protagonist's cheating state.

Under the influence of Rainbow Flower, the protagonist seemed to break free from some constraints, and then began to re-examine himself.

Is he also a target of manipulation like the Absolute Race?

The answer is...yes!

The next moment, the figure of the protagonist suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of 1314. The raw power turned into the sharpest blade and pierced the rock scales of 1314.

This power turned into a surging force of death, draining all life from 1314 and tearing apart everything about him at the same time!

If you look carefully, you will find that the lacerated wounds are exactly the same as those of the Huahu clan before.

The person who killed the Huahu clan was not an absolute racer, but the protagonist!

At this time, he abandoned all disguises and revealed his most original face, that is, without any face!

"Hahaha, we are right, we are right, he is a more perfect adaptor than us, he is the absolute race!!!" The absolute race person, looking at the current protagonist, lost control of his emotions, haha laughing out loud.

The so-called fire, the so-called desire to prevent disaster, the so-called hypocrisy, the so-called inability to let go of everyone, are all false pretenses!

How could the protagonist, a being who doesn't even have a name, have such a rich self?

From the moment he was selected, everything about him had been stripped away along with his name, and he himself was an empty shell of a tool.

And the superficial personality, self, and other things are just added to adapt to the simulation in order to make him more comfortable and have the so-called subjective initiative!

When he needs to save the world, he is given a fire, giving him the noble sentiment to prevent disasters and protect all cherished things.

At that time, he was really noble, and he really wanted to save everything.

And as 1314 revealed the darkness of the original dimension, making it like a forest planet, a "black product" that continued to harm people, at this time the protagonist changed again and became hypocritical and double-standard.

He was unwilling to give up his life in this universe and put all his past thoughts behind him.

The reason why he had symptoms such as restlessness, wandering thoughts, and unstable moods that were completely inconsistent with the Japanese level was precisely because he had reached the Japanese level.

As the Absolute Racers said, only after they reach the Japanese level can their thoughts communicate with each other, and only then can they know that they are pretending while pretending.

This is the biggest flaw of the absolute race, because if you know that you are disguising, then some things will not be what you pretend to be.

Only like the protagonist, who doesn't know that he is still disguising even if he reaches the Japanese level, can he be a perfect adaptor and the most ideal tool man!

It's just that the protagonist is not completely perfect after all. Under the influence of some forces, he has undergone some changes, which makes the Japanese disguised self have some doubts.

Lu Bai is the promoter. Before his death, he had a great impact on the protagonist, which is why the protagonist's thoughts appear so unstable.

That's why when he entered the Dead Realm, a place transformed by Lu Bai's men, he seemed unstable and slightly lost control. The Huahu clan discovered the flaw.

The Huahu clan is a beautiful clan, and they have an innate awareness of any disharmony.

If it weren't for the huge demands on the environment, the Huahu clan's success rate at achieving the daily level would be far higher than that of other races.

They discovered the protagonist's instability and needed to be silenced!

After being silenced, the protagonist's state returned to stable, so he had no memory of his actions, but he used some tired excuse to not really investigate the cause of death and buried his body hastily.

The protagonist is a tool!

At this time, the true self has appeared and affected the protagonist. Then put aside those irrelevant self-thoughts, officially become a tool man, and eradicate all obstacles! (End of chapter)

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