Death Compensation

Chapter 1495 Shapeshifter

Lu Bai completely sank into the illusory mental universe.

Throwing away all his own power, he appeared in the mental universe with a posture of having nothing but his heart.

Then, Lu Bai realized that he seemed to have traveled through time.

The soul traveled to a land where there was nothing, and there were some deformed and twisted things everywhere. These things, from the perspective of normal people's cognition, could not exist at all.

The wriggling pieces of meat are like mountains; the huge mouth hanging in the sky like the sun, emitting light; the sound that turns into a gust of wind; the overlapping and constantly scattered color blocks...

They are all these grotesque objects, which make people feel that they are indescribable and have no value.

"These are things that are condensed from some knowledge and cognition of the ever-changing past. The reason why I find them incomprehensible and think they are indescribable is because I still cannot correctly perceive these things."

"I need a step, a special step!"

Lu Bai had a corresponding plan.

He no longer forced himself to understand what these special phenomena represented, but directly named them.

As for whether the naming can symbolize them and represent them, it is not important.

Importantly, these things have specific names.

Then, Lu Bai started creating things!

Since it is a mental universe, it naturally needs to have all kinds of life, and -'human beings'!

Lu Bai is not yet proficient in spiritual creation, but the problem is not that big.

In this mental universe, all knowledge and cognition seem to already have basic matter and energy.

At least for this mental universe.

As Lu Bai began to create things, some life forms also began to multiply.

Lu Bai did not deliberately spread human memes, he just wanted intelligent life.

During this process, the first life that was born seemed not so 'human'.

That's a bunch of shapeshifters.

Perhaps influenced by Lu Bai's understanding of those indescribable beings, the status of these new beings is not considered stable.

They came to this world ignorantly, and then started living.

At this time, the world is divided into two kinds of things.

One is an existing object made by Lu Bai and given corresponding information, which can be recognized relatively easily.

The other is the indescribable knowledge and cognition that Lu Bai has not yet dismantled and analyzed. These things are illusory things.

Lu Bai used some real-dimensional technology here.

When Lu Bai was still a human being, he could not see the netherworld, the dirty earth, or other real dimensions.

Only when he had a basic understanding of the specific symbols and some information of the real dimension did he successfully unlock those existences.

Cognition is the key, and this sentence is never empty.

It's like something, if you don't recognize it, it doesn't exist.

People can't make money beyond their knowledge unless they get lucky.

But if the money you get from great luck cannot help you improve your cognition, then the money will one day be returned in a way that does not belong to your cognition.

The same is true for these indescribable things nowadays. They are still in a state of not being recognized, so they appear to be insubstantial.

But they do exist, so...

"The virtual and the real will influence each other, thus forming an opportunity for cognition." This is Lu Bai's idea, or in other words, this is the most correct idea.

The understanding of all things has always been to use the existing to understand the unknown.

The so-called science is to use a repeatable verification method to turn unknown things into known things through verification.

Shapeshifters are a very interesting life, and Lu Bai can now be called the Creator, the God of Creation.

He stood between the mental images and looked at everything here.

Shapeshifter, your current life basically depends on everything you have.

But Lu Bai, when he created things, he only created basic materials and did not add too many extraordinary powers.

After all, you can't really take over the show.

The purpose of creating this world is to analyze the unknown, not to allow these people to follow Lu Bai's path and quickly master the extraordinary.

And, life always has its own way out.

Sure enough, as time accelerated, the shapeshifters gradually formed tribes, scattered in every corner of the world, and also mastered some extraordinary powers.

The shape-shifter is a gel-like thing with a layer of broken glass-like skin on its surface. It shines under the light. It is a very beautiful creature.

Their social form at this time was tribal.

The system implemented is the chief and priest system.

Chiefs are the pinnacle of force. They are physically strong and can compress and amplify themselves to the greatest extent.

Through this kind of compression and amplification, they can transform part of their bodies into hard tools.

Priests, on the other hand, are individuals who explore mysteries.

The shape-shifting monster's body has the ability to transform, and this transformation ability is divided into two aspects.

One aspect is the change of physical state, and the other aspect is the mysterious change.

The change of physical state is like that of the chief. First, the form changes, such as from a round ball to a long bar, or some other more complex form.

Then comes further condensation.

The inside of their bodies is like gel, and the skin on the surface is like glass. Condensation can transform the body into a solid thing like skin.

Just like the chief of the Bildhas tribe, he can transform into hardened weapons, which are extremely sharp and tough.

A further step is the reverse dispersion.

It changes from a gel state to a complete liquid state, turning into a water-like flow, and the same goes for the skin.

It is said that one of the most powerful shapeshifters has even developed a method to transform into a gaseous state.

In the process of changing into a gaseous state, a large amount of heat will be released.

This method is also called high temperature gas!

It is the most advanced secret method of physical cultivation.

The mysterious change is to seek a certain fit of the body.

The priest will touch something during practice, and then at a certain moment, his body will change and fit into some unknown great existence, thus allowing his body to retain some mysterious properties.

Just like the priest of the Bildhas tribe, during his practice, he came into contact with the great being named Dehas, and thus gained special power - the power of healing.

So they also called Dehas the great god of health and healing.

Kad is a member of the Derhas tribe and is currently a reserve priest.

Ka here means asking for it through prayer.

De is an abbreviation of Dehas, and their blessing is usually De will always be there, which means good health.

Kad means to pray for health, or to pray for blessings from the god of health and healing.

There are many people in the Dehas tribe with this name.

In this regard, Card actually doesn't like his name very much, it is too common and common.

Kader looked at the yellow sun and calculated how long it would take for it to set today.

According to past experience, the light is different, the mood of the sun is different, and the setting time will be different.

"It is said that the sun is also a powerful god, but I don't know how to pray for his mercy."

This thought overflowed, and Kader immediately stopped his thoughts. Although the current Dehas is not a monotheistic religion, the majesty of the God Dehas is particularly strong.

It would be disrespectful to be caught thinking this.

Since shapeshifters have no mouth or nose, they naturally have no language. Their communication relies on thought waves.

The transmission of thought waves will transmit all your thoughts. If you can't learn to hide it, then your own thinking will be no different from letting others see your thoughts.

After looking at the sun for a while, Kad felt that it was almost time and began to prepare to pray.

Transformers have no mouths or noses, and their eyes are actually their skin like broken glass.

The skin catches the light and passes into their gel-like bodies, allowing them to see the colorful world.

And their prayer is to let the world 'see' themselves.

Through specific movements, he changes his body, and then lets the light at a certain moment pass through his body, refracting different colors through his twisted and changing body.

This is the dance of prayer they invented.

In essence, it is to announce one's existence in this way and let God see oneself.

And the moment the god looks over, he can use the other party's observation to change himself, thereby solidifying the other party's mysterious characteristics.

Kad has been practicing continuously during this period, and has mastered some key points, and is vaguely aware of the existence of gods.

This convinced Kader that he had attracted God's attention to a certain extent.

After all, according to the high priest, you can only sense God if God notices you.

He can vaguely sense God at this moment, which means that the light he emits must have illuminated the existence of God at a certain moment.

And because of this situation, he could feel that his body was a little happy.

It is very dangerous for a shapeshifter to be injured.

If you fail to master the solid transformation method, once the skin is broken, the gel-like body inside will easily leak out.

Even if you change your body and cover the wound with other parts, it is equivalent to being permanently disabled.

In this dangerous world, being disabled means dying.

Only by mastering the solid transformation method and having a way to solidify the body for a long time can you heal your own wounds.

This is not an easy thing, and only a few warriors and chiefs in their tribe have mastered this power.

That's why the Derhas priest who has mastered the method of healing others has such a high status. After all, no one wants to be permanently disabled once he is injured.

Kad just wants to become such a respected priest...

The next moment, he turned around and saw the sun!

First update, sorry.

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