Death Compensation

Chapter 1505 Start another great adventure!

"Next, seal your brand, and then find a way to deal with the escaped Sun Shadow!" Chengyou continued.

"National Special Forces Security Bureau, first-level operator." Chengyou said. It was obvious that they were not ignorant of Li Kang's behavior before.

My grandmother has a deep entanglement with the mysterious, and because of this relationship, she has a close connection with the country.

In this case, it is very normal for grandma to have corresponding power and protection around her.

At this time, Heng just realized that there was something abnormal about Chengyou's eyes.

One of the eyes conveyed a mechanical quality.

Obviously, Chengyou has been a one-eyed warrior for a long time, and has replaced the missing eye with a mechanical prosthetic eye.

"Okay, that's it." Heng touched the mark on his shoulder, feeling that things would not settle down just like that.

Sure enough, with the help of Chengyou and the altar of the Ax Dynasty, they successfully sealed Heng's brand.

But there was no trace of the pursuit of Sun Shadow.

The mythical creature has disappeared without a trace.

The real problem is that after Heng returns, he needs to report to the relevant departments on time. Once all the seals on his shoulders are loosened, he needs to sound the alarm immediately.

The same was true for Heng's grandmother back then.

If everything is normal, then Heng will spend the rest of his life safely under this kind of 'surveillance'.

Unfortunately, everything changed after attending my grandmother's funeral.

Mysterious events became more active than ever before.

First of all, there were traces of Sun Shadow in the city where Heng was located.

Then mysterious traces appeared in various places.

For this reason, the relevant departments even came to check the brand on Heng's body to see if the seal was loose.

Then he came to the conclusion that the mysterious activities had nothing to do with Heng.

Even if there was a relationship, it was a mysterious activity that led to Heng's contact with the mysterious.

Yes, the mystery is beginning to revive.

The mysterious barrier created by the one-eyed warriors to expel the mythical creatures began to fail.

Mythical creatures that were almost extinct in the human world can gradually move around in the world and cause all kinds of horrific incidents.

And with these horrific incidents, people's understanding of God has become increasingly clear.

In the beginning, the gods that people prayed for were all gods and Buddhas created by human beings themselves.

However, it was discovered that these gods and Buddhas were of no use to mythical creatures.

As a result, some ‘restricted’ gods in the past began to appear in front of people.

These gods are all indescribable and carry information that is difficult for humans to understand. The more they come into contact with them, the crazier they become.

Then in this contact, the human shape was gradually lost.

Heng's life, which was gradually returning to normal, was interrupted by a series of mysterious incidents.

Even in the process, his imprint began to loosen.

In order to deal with these things, he had to come into contact with mystery again, and set up an agency to start collecting mystery-related things.

With the opening of the office, Heng's connection with the mystery has become deeper and deeper.

The Shadow of the Sun became active again, which also brought together some old people.

Hu Yi came here to take revenge. He was stabbed and remembered to this day.

Although he does not have superpowers, he does have the ability to make money, and he became Heng's logistics team.

According to him, Heng and Yule saved his life in the first place, and he is a loyal person.

Revenge when there is hatred, and repay kindness when there is kindness. Now to repay kindness is to take revenge, so of course we need strong support.

So a lot of money was invested to help the Heng fowling guns replace cannons.

Chengyou also started cooperation with Heng's office at this time.

As the number of mysterious incidents increases, the relevant departments are overwhelmed and begin to recruit social activists and cooperate with some people.

Heng is one of them.

In addition, there is also fish entertainment.

She did not break the connection with the mystery, but continued to go deeper, and she also mastered a special mysterious power.

In a subsequent incident, he cooperated with Heng again, and then joined Heng's office and became a member of it.

The originally disconnected people reunited again.

As Heng became more and more connected with the mystery, he gradually became aware of the truth of the matter.

"God is returning to his true nature!" Heng said to Chengyou.

He laid out all the historical information and then organized it according to time.

"During the Kingdom of Heaven, in the civilization founded by the shapeshifters, the meanings of various gods were different from what we have now."

"Take Arodlis as an example." Heng pointed to one of the documents and said, "During the Kingdom of Heaven period, Arodlis was the sun god, but more often than not he was the Lord of Heaven."

"Before the Kingdom of Heaven was established, Arodlis was still known as the God of Death."

"It's very closely related to death."

"With the establishment of Kingdom of Heaven, these relevant perceptions were artificially rewritten."

"During the Kingdom of Heaven, a large number of gods' cognitions had deviations. These deviations were basically human modifications. In this way, the influence of gods on the human world was reduced."

"And during the Axe Dynasty, this kind of cognitive modification reached its peak."

"Alodelis has completely become the sun god. He only has the authority over heat and shadow. Everything about death and the sky has disappeared."

"And with the dissipation of the Axe Dynasty, the name Arodlis has changed."

"In subsequent dynasties, although the Sun God still existed, he was no longer Arodlis and became a god related to him, but a made-up one."

"Until recently, the name of Arodlis has changed. He is changing from a pure sun god to another, more terrifying existence."

"The Abyss of Death..." Yu Le chanted this god's name, feeling that all the warmth in his body was disappearing with it.

This is the name of the god Arodlis is now resurrecting.

"I think God's original form should be even more indescribable, more terrifying and nihilistic!"

"But our influence on it is mutual."

"The existence of gods will directly affect our cognition, making us gradually become less like humans." This is not surprising even to Heng. The gap between him and humans has become more and more obvious at this time.

“And human cognition is also affecting God bit by bit.”

"It's just that the size gap between the two sides is too big, which has caused this influence to last for thousands of years, with only a small result. And this small result will be overturned recently!"

Heng looked serious as he spoke the answer he got.

And this answer has been recognized by many people.

So, the problem now is back to the previous one.

"What do we do now?"

Only this time, the person who asked this question became a friend.

Over this period of time, Heng's abilities have improved rapidly, and his understanding of mystery is also at the forefront of many people.

Although this is not a good thing, it is remarkable that Heng can still maintain most of his human cognition.

Just like Heng's grandmother, the other party was able to create a brand in that mysterious and hidden era, and was able to seal it and suppress it for decades with her own abilities.

During this period, my grandmother also solved many mysterious incidents and was a master of occultism at that time.

Nowadays, many senior officials of relevant departments are her students.

To use the words of a department retiree, it was that he fascinated countless people in the field of occultism.

Li Kang was just one of the licking dogs, the type who didn't dare to say anything.

At this point, Heng did not inherit his charm, but he did inherit his professionalism.

So on the mystery side, they wanted to consult Yu Heng's opinion.

“It’s almost impossible to change the world back to the way it was before.”

"The current international situation is too complicated..." Chengyou also understood what Heng said.

At that time, the Axe Dynasty had just been established, and there was the destruction of the Kingdom of Transformers in front of it, so this gave the Axe Dynasty a warning.

In that era of unity, it was the sacrifices of countless one-eyed warriors that pushed the power of cognitive bias forward.

And after the promotion, the entire dynasty also fell into various problems, and eventually fell into chaos.

Then the troubled times continued until a new dynasty emerged. During this process, some people also went to other places and established new countries.

Now there are dozens of countries in the world, each of which operates independently.

Some of these countries are also frantically pursuing mysterious power, trying to use it to change their existing status.

It can be said that under various international interests, it is basically impossible to promote the cognitive bias of God.

Countries cannot work together.

"So now we can only choose another situation." Heng said, while taking out a stone book.

"During the Kingdom of Heaven period, there was an existence that existed throughout the history of the Kingdom of Heaven. His name was Kad!" Heng pointed out a symbol on the book.

This symbol is exactly ‘Kade’.

"This high priest of the Kingdom of Heaven promoted the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven and standardized various attitudes of the Kingdom of Heaven towards God."

"If he could live longer, maybe the Kingdom of Heaven would not collapse so easily."

According to the information Heng has now received, Kad, as the high priest, has gained more than two hundred years in total.

After his death, the Kingdom of Heaven could only rely on the one-eyed warrior to support it for decades, and finally collapsed.

"In his book of myths, he recorded many secret deeds about God."

"Moreover, he also recorded something that can keep people sane." Heng translated the above words.

This book, to a large extent, is Card's autobiography, which records what he would have seen if he saw the true face of Alodelis.

And how it goes crazy and gets out of control, and then suddenly returns to normal at the end.

After Kad became the high priest, he has been tracing that kind of power. As for whether there are any results, he still has to go to the opponent's tomb to see.

As for the location of the tomb, they already know it.

So, it’s time to start the great adventure on the other side!

First update, sorry.

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