Death Compensation

Chapter 157 Heavenly Prison Mountain

Chapter 157 Heavenly Prison Mountain

It can be said that Lu Bai lost most of his gains in the past month, and also added some inventory, so that this semi-finished product was produced.

Of course, there are also some modules that have been filled into Lu Bai's existing three skills, making the three skills more complete.

At the same time, after accumulating internal energy for a month, the quality of Lu Bai's internal energy at this time can be called a master, a master.

In the state of Qi and blood like a dragon, Lu Bai's efficiency in refining internal energy is a hundred times or more times that of other people.

People refine hundreds of strands of qi and blood and transform them through hard work, but they may not be able to transform them into a qualified internal force.

Others use blood to refine internal strength, and use bamboo baskets to fetch water.

Every time I worked hard for a while, I got only a little bit.

The higher the qualification, the finer the bamboo basket will be woven, and the more water can be retained.

As for people like Lu Bai, he has already connected to the water pipe, and when he turns on the tap, there will be far and continuous water generation.

Even now, this water pipe is gradually widening into a river.

This is the gap. The internal strength that Lu Bai cultivated for a month is a level that other ordinary warriors may not be able to reach in a lifetime.

Such things as talent really do exist.

It is an invisible but real gap between genius and mediocrity.

Lu Bai's talent, after some key things have been supplemented by modules, is indeed at the genius level.

"Mr. Lu!" At this moment, there were knocks and shouts outside the yard.

It was a yamen servant. After seeing Lu Bai who opened the door, he respectfully conveyed the news of Liang Zhifu to Lu Bai.

Powerful people are always easy to gain respect.

Although Lu Bai's character... well, let's not care whether he has character or not.

But where Lu Bai's strength lies, people respect him somewhat.

During this period of time, Lu Bai still made a lot of shots.

Strong internal strength, superb fighting awareness, and that handsome armor made Lu Bai's popularity even higher.

So Lu Bai's current nickname is General Blood.

"It's not as good as blood staining rivers and mountains." Lu Bai scratched his head, but it's a pity that nicknames don't count if you say them yourself, only those passed on by others count.

In people's simple cognition, the general who wears armor is usually a general. This general is wearing a red armor, so it's good to call it that.

Lu Bai almost visited every family and told them how to give people nicknames.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is prevented.

After all, there is no power in the world anymore. Everyone is struggling to survive. The theme of fighting for hegemony in the world has no market here.

The nickname or something is not important anymore.

According to Liang Zhifu, in the past, Lu Bai might have had a beautiful nickname, but now, no one is in the mood to get those things.

But this time, as soon as Lu Bai arrived at the yamen, he knew that something important had happened.

Because all the big and small cats in Lupan City have been gathered.

The last time there were so many people was the last time.

The first time he saw Lu Bai, Liang Zhifu told the information directly.

"Found the trace of the beholder."


"Tianbao Mountain!"


Tianlao Mountain was not originally called Tianlao Mountain.

It's just that its original name has been forgotten.

All that remains is the legend of Taoist priests sealing demons.

Of course it's not just legends.

It is said that decades ago, a huge snake suddenly appeared, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out two black and white giant snakes, and then rolled up tens of thousands of people in the entire city near Tianlao Mountain.

The once bustling city suddenly became more than half empty.

Fortunately, a person descended from the sky, cut off the giant snake's head with a sword, and then fought with the black and white giant snake released by the giant snake.

During this process, the giant snake's severed head was dead but not stiff, and it ate its own body amidst howling.

So it grew a new body.

But it was afraid of the Taoist, so it got into the mountain.

The Taoist went to the mountain to search several times, but he couldn't find the giant snake, so he came to the top of the mountain and wrote a seal on the top of the mountain.

Since then, the giant snake has been sealed into the mountain. This mountain is Tianlao Mountain, a cage of heaven and earth.

It is said that when someone enters Tianlao Mountain, they can still hear the howling and roaring of the giant snake.

But time has passed, and there is no one in Tianlao Mountain at this time.

This place is already a paradise for ghosts and ghosts at this time.

A large number of evil spirits gathered here, greedily staring at the distant city.

There are three great kings in Tianlao Mountain.

These three great kings did not line up one, two, three, but each had a different name.

They are Black Wind, Spider and Mr. Shadow.

These three are all evil spirits at the level of big demons.

Tianlao Mountain is decided by these three evil spirits.

Around them, a large number of evil spirits gathered.

The reason why there are so many evil spirits gathered is because Tianlao Mountain has a special output this day.

Every time the mountain wind blows, it will bring a huge amount of evil spirit.

Over time, various evil crystals have condensed.

Even the evil spirits in the nascent stage can directly jump to the growth stage as long as they eat a single crystal.

At this time, these crystals are all monopolized by the three kings.

They use this to attract other evil spirits and make them obey their own orders.

That's why the special group of Tianlao Mountain was formed.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, evil spirits would not gather together.

Because evil spirits can also devour each other.

It's just that the efficiency is not high, but even if it doesn't taste good, it's still meat.

Therefore, although relying on the resources of Tianlao Mountain and the majesty among the three great kings, these evil spirits gathered together.

Contradictions still exist all the time.

Moreover, there is no so-called sincere cooperation between the three great kings.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, so don't talk about Liaozhai.

At this time, a team quietly came to Tianlao Mountain.

The leader was discovered when he stepped into Tianlao Mountain.

But the evil spirit didn't dare to stop him, so he could only report to the Spider King.

The Spider King is not a real spider, but he has the ability to manipulate people's hearts.

Be it the human beings or the evil spirits, it was as if they were bound by his spider webs and could only be controlled by him.

Therefore, the spider king is called a spider.

His external image is that of a handsome young man.

At this moment, she was wearing a white dress, wearing jade around her waist, and holding a paper fan, standing on a flat ground on the mountainside.

"Looking up for a long time, Your Excellency is the beholder, one of the three primordial demons?" After the spider king saw the person, although he said a long time, the scrutiny in his eyes was particularly obvious.

"Now you seem too weak."

"Whether weak or not, you'll find out later." The visitor looked at the image of the Spider King and nodded in satisfaction.

The two 'people' showed malicious smiles at the same time.

I have been eating all day today, and I will kill myself not to sit at the child's table in the future.

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