Death Compensation

Chapter 186 Snowstorm Prison (10)

Chapter 186 Snowstorm Prison (10)

"No, how could it be so strong!" The person who was confused by greed woke up in fear.

They were not even afraid of being crushed by white qi, but now they were afraid of landing Lu Bai.

Because of encountering white qi, they still have a one-in-a-million possibility of controlling the white qi and surviving.

But when encountering Lu Bai, their only destiny is death.

The fear brought about by the crushing force and the sense of desperation displayed by this kind of violence keep their inner desire to survive constantly rising.

Although he was still greedy for white qi, he instinctively started to run away.

Lu Bai frowned, it was only a short while, why did he run away?

But the next moment, there was a headless evil running over, trying to pull off Lu Bai's head, but was torn off by Lu Bai directly, and a piece of elemental module [Confused] was condensed from its body.

In addition, there are many evil spirits chasing white qi.

"Sure enough, Xie Chong is better." Lu Bai sighed, although Xie Chong has brains, but not many, there is only one tendon in it.

Of course, there are evil spirits who are not interested in white air and black air.

This is also because of their one-sidedness, they only care about their own relatively single desires.

But fortunately, most of the evil desires can be realized through strong strength, so white qi is also a shortcut for them to vent their desires.

Therefore, most evil spirits have no resistance to white air.

No matter how powerful Lu Bai is, they will still catch up one after another.

Is this what it means to sit up and move by yourself?

At this time, demons danced wildly in the city, mainly converging on the bodies of black and white.

But not everyone joined the battle group.

At least Xu Ying stood in the distance, watching all this very leisurely.

She didn't take any snatching actions, even the black air, she seemed dismissive, and even had obvious disgust on her face.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with this black and white atmosphere?" Lu Bai couldn't help thinking.

Lu Bai believes that when a treasure fails to arouse everyone's desire, it is not a qualified treasure.

At least this treasure has some flaws that I don't know about.

Thinking of this, Lu Bai felt more vigilant against Bai Qi.

The black and white qi are the existence of the breath, if possible, Lu Bai would like to use it as a material to refine it into a weapon, and then transform it into an avatar.

The breath matches the incarnation of the 'nose' just right.

But if there are any pitfalls, you can only choose to give up.

Now, Lu Bai has not refined Bai Qi into an avatar, there are still options for everything.

But now it is not bad to use it as a bait for fishing.

As time passed by every minute and every second, not only did the scene not become clear, but it became more chaotic and tragic.

That's right, it can only be described as tragic.

There are ruins everywhere, and the houses and buildings that were originally used to resist the wind and rain, at this moment, have no way to protect the people inside.

Fists, weapons, internal strength, evil spirit...

Under that dim sky, everyone was killing, or being killed.

The distance between humans and evil spirits is closer than ever at this moment.

Gradually, the black air began to gather on several main people.

The one with the biggest head is naturally Qing Lan.

The second is the spider.

Mister Shadow gets some, but not much.

He was still dangling on the edge, never really fighting.

"Looks like I'm too late to reminisce with my junior brother." A breath gathered on a broken wall, forming the appearance of a Taoist.

As soon as Fang Hong appeared on the stage, he attracted everyone's attention, especially Qing Lan.

"Demon?" Qing Lan looked at Fang Hong, secretly vigilant.

It was because of the breaking of the inner demon that he couldn't wait and forced Qingliang to hand over his black and white qi.

The oppressive power of the inner demon is higher than that of the beholder.

Because the beholder is just transformed from an ordinary person, before transforming into a beholder, his life, everything about him is meaningless.

So even the beholder himself almost forgot what kind of person he was before.

It can be said that among the ternary demons, the beholder is the weakest one.

But the heart demon is different. The heart demon Fang Hong is a powerful warrior in himself.

After apprenticeship with Lu Pan, he even learned the method of summoning demons and the imperfect Qiqing Yuhuajing.

He is an existence with a foundation. After becoming a demon, he can better develop the ability of the demon.

That's why, when Qing Lan knew that the beholder was coming, she didn't care about Lu Bai and the others at all, and firmly believed that she could solve these problems.

As soon as the demon came, his pressure suddenly increased a lot.

"Oh, you seem to care about me?" Fang Hong looked at Qing Lan, both of them were dressed as Taoist priests.

"After all, I take you as a role model." Qing Lan had some memories in her eyes.

"Will Weiming still tell everyone about me?" Fang Hong grinned, as if he understood something: "It's just that you don't seem to be very good at learning."

"?" Qing Lan frowned, he had told Lu Bai the story of the birth of the San Yuan Demon.

As he said, it was in this story that he was inspired and found a role model.

That's why after discovering the evil spirit of Heifeng, he quietly refined it into an incarnation, but still retained its original ability, and kept it outside, separating it from its own identity.

However, the role model is now in front of us, and the answer given is no.

Qing Lan is not the kind of person who worships others, nor does she care about others' negation.

Previously, his own son had denied him, whether he should kill him or not.

Just hearing Fang Hong's words, he inexplicably wanted to refute.

After all, back then, he really thought about giving up the path of a warrior and becoming an ordinary person.

He clearly understands that his talent is not strong, and he has been gradually caught up or even surpassed by those juniors.

He was even a little afraid of condensing the incarnation, and felt that once he condensed the incarnation, he would only be overwhelmed by desire and die prematurely.

Stay where you are and become mediocre, or take a step forward and go completely crazy.

Qing Lan chose the latter.

Black wind is turning point, desire is motivation, and choice is direction.

So the mediocre Qing Lan disappeared, and what appeared was the current Qing Lan.

Just on this road, Qing Lan still wants others to agree.

My own son has already denied him, so now even the example he took on this path denies him now?

This kind of thought made Qing Lan become irritable and confused.

But at this moment, Qing Lan sensed something was wrong.

When did my mentality become so weak?

It was at this moment that a hand suddenly came out from Qing Lan's chest, pinching Qing Lan's beating heart.

Crush it.

Seven Theories of Psychology·Freaks!

The first update, one update later.

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