Death Compensation

Chapter 195 Snowy Day (7)

Chapter 195 Snowy Day (7)

Lu Bai quietly crawled out of the pothole.

His eyes swept around.

The thorn in the eye floated in the air, but the information that the eye sha could collect was much less at the moment.

Because now the blizzard has blown up.

The ice fog of Lubai drifted along with the blizzard, and the world was completely white, covering many scenes.

And the few things that were not covered were covered with a layer of MC filter at this time.

I have to say that Lu Juan harmed others and himself, it's okay to talk about my world with girls, that's all, the girls have learned layer filters, and the technical skills are still high.

Originally, he would still show his real body in front of you, but you stabbed a knife in the back and solved the last weakness of the opponent.

That's all, a Xu Ying who is always hidden behind the phantom.

"At this time, Liang Zhifu is hiding and not doing anything, so we have to be careful with him."

"Xu Ying is teasing Chi Gan."

"Where are the others?" Lu Bai has not forgotten that the biggest crisis now is the Three-Yuan Demon.

The beholder was mixed with the spider, and I don't know what happened. The heart demon was wiped by Qing Lan before, and it was considered injured, but this person is not easy to deal with.

In addition, the shaking of the ground has also stopped, and it is estimated that the snake demon has come out.

It's a pity that the wind and snow were too heavy, and Lu Bai couldn't see where the snake demon was.

Lu Bai, who crawled out suddenly, sensed something.

Looking up, he saw a dark thing lying there looking at him.

"What's the matter?" Lu Bai was taken aback and then asked.

"Yes!" Mr. Shadow nodded, then held a ball of things in the palm of his hand, and then sent it to Lu Bai.

"Mr. Lu Bai, you are too dazzling. One day, you will become the master of everything."

"Your darkness is pure but not deep. I really want to follow you, but I can't."

"I am destined to be profound."

"So as a pity that I can't follow you, I pay you this power."

"Will the evil pay tribute?" Lu Bai chuckled, and took the lump.

Sure enough, it was a mass of black air, and the amount of this mass of black air was not large, but there were very few imprints belonging to others inside.

If nothing else, it was eaten by Mr. Shadow.

Mr. Shadow feeds on darkness. Although he often hides in dark places secretly, his personality is not dark, and he is even extraordinarily straightforward.

"Then goodbye, Mr. Lu Bai." After Mr. Shadow finished speaking, he disappeared into the darkness completely, and he didn't know where he went.

Looking at Mr. Shadow going away, Lu Bai couldn't help sighing.

He checked Mr. Shadow's file, and the other party was an evil spirit born from the darkness of the human heart.

There is no one subject, if you have to say it, his subject is all the human beings in the Tianbao City.

This has to be combined with the fact that the black air was scattered into the entire sky prison city before, and based on this, the darkness common to the hearts of the people gave birth to him.

It can be said that Mister Shadow is indeed a very powerful evil spirit.

If it can be subdued, it may become a great boost.

It's a pity that Mr. Ying has a clear plan for his future, and he is also very upright, directly sending gifts to his door.

After showing everything, draw a clear relationship.

"Now his path has been widened." Lu Bai sighed, even if he wanted to make a move now, he had to take some sympathy into consideration.

"After all, the evil made confessions."

Lu Bai is also a person who needs face, well, in fact, it is Mr. Shadow who is slippery, and Lu Bai is not too sure to catch him.

This guy seems to be able to jump at will in the shadows. His attack power may not be strong, but his life-saving ability and ability to do bad things must be strong.

"I currently have four skill columns, but only three skills, and these three skills are not perfect, and need a lot of modules to supplement." Lu Bai glanced at the surrounding wind and snow: "It seems that we still need to catch a few big skills. Butcher the fat sheep."

"Hoohoo~" Lu Bai walked in the wind and snow, the wind and snow were very strong, whistling past, everything was white, it seemed to be able to completely cover people.

At least Lu Bai is a little hindered by just walking now.

The wind coming from my ears is very loud, but at this time, it gives people a sense of loneliness that the world is vast and I am the only one left.

"En?" Lu Bai suddenly raised his brows, feeling something was wrong.

The wind seems to have changed.

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Bai instinctively sensed the danger, and rolled to the side without hesitation.

However, even if Lu Bai rolled like this, he still didn't have time, he only felt something huge rubbed against him.

The body was completely uncontrollable and flew into the distance.

Fortunately, the blood-stained helmet on his body has undergone an improvement, using the spines in the flesh to strengthen the bones as a support.

Otherwise, according to the strength of the blood-stained helmet before, even just such a blow would directly shatter the armor.

Although it was not broken into slag on the spot, it was deformed and broken into half.

Lu Bai fell into the snow, and his whole body was thrown into it.

Before he had time to slow down, Lu Bai got up, the bone in his hand protruded, turned into a bone spear, and stabbed at the whistling sound coming from his side.

At this time, Lu Bai finally saw what hit him before.

It was a huge snake tail.

The size and length of the snake can be deduced from the tail of the snake.

It is estimated that even if it is not as good as when Qinglan loses control, it takes up half the size of the city, but once it is erected, it can be seen by the whole city.

"Is this the snake demon?" Lu Bai thought in a flash.

The collision has already happened.

The bone spear pierced the snake demon's scales, which were bigger than itself, and rubbed off sparks.

Lu Bai also felt a terrifying force. He plowed tens of meters in the snow and mud before he stabilized his figure.

The armor on both hands was worn out, and the bone spear in his hand was even more miserable.

If Lu Bai hadn't been constantly repairing it with the ability of the thorn in the flesh, it might have been broken and scrapped long ago.

The snake demon didn't give Lu Bai time to react, its huge body twisted.

This time, Lu Bai saw the opponent's head.

The huge snake head is covered with all kinds of spikes, and on the top, there is a human head with empty eyes.

And Lu Bai also felt the white air in his body, and after the snake demon appeared, he was constantly struggling, wanting to break away from Lu Bai's control and go to its original owner.

Relatively speaking, black air is better, after all, it has been divided and refined for so many years.

But after all, Bai Qi has been away from the Snake Demon for so many years, and has also experienced Wei Ming, Qing Liang and others.

The snake demon doesn't have much control over the white qi.

At best, Bai Qi can make trouble for Lu Bai, but it is difficult for Bai Qi to escape from his control.

"The scales of this snake are too hard." Lu Bai looked through the wind and snow, looking at the spot that the bone spear pierced before.

Although there was a little crack in the snake scale, there was no blood at all.

Lu Bai suspected that even if he threw the flames of the netherworld, it would be useless. This layer of scales was the best protection.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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