Death Compensation

Chapter 226 Seniors

Chapter 226 Seniors

"The general concept is probably to use the dark and peaceful side to fight against the dirt."

"However, the specific methods still need to be studied."

For example, how did this large piece of serene bones come about, Lu Bai didn't know.

What's more, these large pieces of corpses colluded together to form a place of filth and stagnation.

Most of those happy people are undead creatures, if it is just a simple dead land, they themselves will be affected.

Therefore, staying alive is also a key point.

You must leave a certain space for yourself to move, so that you will not be affected by the stagnation of filth.

Otherwise, is the Pleasureist building this kind of territory for fun?

Is it not to avoid the interference of the will of the filthy soil, so that I can do more things on this filthy soil without being asked for money.

The dirt is barren, but there are gold mines.

How to dig gold, how to evade taxes after the nuggets, this is a technical job.

Lu Bai himself is not a craftsman, nor does he have that skill.

So I have to find the old man and let the old driver take me!

However, Lu Bai did not act rashly, what he got here was just an incarnation of bones.

The fighting ability is there, but it is not strong.

This person has the ability to put down the large formation of corpses, which shows that the ability is not too weak.

But it doesn't mean that the happy people can do whatever they want, because there are still many bounty hunters in this dirty land.

They will pursue unholy quests, making them enemies of the pleasure-seekers.

After several observations, Lu Bai discovered that some missions were still there, but then disappeared directly.

It shows that there are still many people who are completing the task of dirty soil.

Lu Bai was not in a hurry, he just waited if no one came for the time being.

Truth be told, there's a lot to explore in Dirt, too.

The ground is full of dirt, and if you dig it down with a shovel, you may be able to dig out some special secret treasure.

It's just that the dirt is too wide, and it's hard for anyone to say exactly where the shovel should go.

Even the will of the dirty soil doesn't know it, because there are too many buried things.

Lu Bai was also not far away, digging with a shovel and without a shovel.

Occasionally I can actually dig something out.

"This sword looks good. I'll take it back and practice it to see if I can make a better weapon."

"What is this? Aged dried meat?"

"You still want to eat me to revive you, so go ahead and dream."

"Hey, this thing seems pretty good." Lu Bai just found a hole to dig something.

Dirty things are divided into virtual and real.

Emptiness refers to the virtual form, and its essence is a kind of ability, but after absorbing the filthy qi, it is wrapped by the filthy qi and has a virtual form.

This thing is similar to the unswerving love that Lu Bai picked up in Nether before, and it needs to find something to rely on when it is transferred to the present world.

Real things are things that have a substance, and most of them are things brought by outsiders like Lu Bai, and they are buried in this filthy change.

Of course, with the development to the present, the dirty soil itself has gradually derived some physical things, such as those dry plants, which are entities.

In addition, there are also some physical treasures belonging to the dirt itself.

It's just that these 'resource points' that can derive physical treasures are all occupied by those big forces in the dirt, and the actual physical treasures that actually flow out of the local area are pitifully small.

What Lu Bai dug out from the ground was naturally not those things, but it wasn't an empty shape made up of filth.

It was a solid gourd slightly larger than a palm, and the bottle mouth of the gourd could be seen to have artificial traces.

After shaking for a few times, Lu Bai heard the sound of liquid inside.

"Wine or something else?" Lu Bai didn't open it right away to have a look.

Don't touch and open things you don't know. If you are not careful, you may cause yourself a commotion.

It's better to go back to the main body, use the ring of life and death to check the information for confirmation, and then do it better.

But as long as it is an entity, then basically the value will be good.

After all, those who can bring physical objects to the dirty soil are people with some skills.

And in view of the need for money, everyone is very particular about what they bring in and out.

Therefore, the value of this gourd is estimated to be a small treasure.

Putting the gourd away, Lu Bai continued to dig, but most of the things that followed were worthless bones and branches.

Fortunately, the time is almost up, and some movement has already been heard in the distance.

A large number of kobold-like creatures had appeared in this corpse field at some unknown time.

These kobolds looked numb, and their bodies exuded a rotten smell.

After some kind of howling sound came, these kobolds all let out a whimper and ran towards the corpse.

Then he suddenly slammed his head into the dead body, spilling a bit of rancid smell and a small amount of blood all over the ground.

More and more kobolds rushed over.

And these kobolds don't play tricks with you, they commit suicide when they come up.

The death is extraordinarily simple.

The vitality that belongs to them pours out heartily at this moment.

At this moment, the filthy smell that was stagnant because of the corpse site also began to move.

"This is not playing with technical skills, but directly conducting brute force cracking." Lu Bai is still in the learning stage at this time, and he is studying very seriously.

These kobolds are naturally living people.

The person who brought them in had no intention of taking all these kobolds back.

Even the vitality that came in was delivered by these kobolds themselves.

"These people may have built a stable channel that allows people from other dimensions to settle in in large numbers."

"For these people, the dirty soil will never reject anyone who comes, as long as they come in, it is building for the dirty soil."

"Every move they make is providing vitality to the dirty soil."

Lu Bai himself is doing the same now, all of them are generating income for the dirty soil.

Even tax evaders are just making the dirt less profitable.

There are many people running to take risks even in ghostly places like the abyss, let alone places like dirty soil.

Ignoring most of the lives buried here, many of those who were able to return alive made a lot of money.

The black heart of the person behind the Kobold drove these cannon fodder to die to achieve their goals.

It may even kill two birds with one stone, Lu Bai suspects, it is also a task to fool these living beings into the dirt to die.

"They are all seniors, and they all have to learn." Lu Bai kept the operations of the seniors in his heart, remembered the kindness of the other party, and thought about repaying the kindness when he waited.

And over there, the two seniors also got really angry.

From the bottom of the corpse, tail people crawled out one by one.

These tail men held spears and wore armor, looking at the incoming kobolds with anger.

Shouting slogans that Lu Bai could not understand, Allahala launched an attack on the kobolds.

First update.

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