Death Compensation

Chapter 229 The City Next Door

Chapter 229 The City Next Door

Lu Bai closed the lid and shook it.

About a tenth of the liquid in it has been used up.

The power is good, as long as the speed of Yin Lei accumulation is not slow, this gourd may become a regular method.

Because handsome.

Who didn't have a dream of being a hero when he was young, carrying a gourd and carrying a sword.

Heroes can't do it, but it's still no problem to get a gourd with a high B level.

Lu Bai touched the gourd, thinking about when to find a jade cup and try the so-called body quenching effect.

"This thing can be regarded as a low-threshold weapon in another world, so it's not easy to integrate into the module."

Although they are essentially changes in dimensional power, but they are expressed in different ways, it is very likely to cause big problems.

Just like charcoal and diamonds, these two things with the same essence, if you really want to put them together to work regardless, then it will only be the diamonds that will crush the charcoal.

In the discussion with Dr. M, one of Dr. M's most frequent words is - compatibility.

There is a correlation between modules, modules and materials, and modules and the final skills.

Using modules with the same name, in the same way, to build the same skills, the resulting abilities may be very different.

This is because of compatibility.

The reason why the value of a module with comments will start to soar is because the comments reflect the internal compatibility of this module to a certain extent.

The choice of modules depends not only on quality, but also on compatibility.

Before finding out the compatibility, rashly integrating the module into a thing that already has the corresponding ability is a big grievance.

Therefore, Lu Bai didn't plan to move the thunder gourd for the time being, and this thing was not suitable for refining into his avatar.

Tying the gourd around his waist, Lu Bai took out the next thing.

[Unknown jerky? : The jerky of a powerful undead creature contains some kind of power inside, once it absorbs enough vitality, it will revive? With other cuts of meat? 】

It has to be said that although the Ring of Life and Death has various restrictions, its functions are indeed powerful.

With the completion of the transformation, even if the will of other people resides inside this piece of jerky, at this moment, it is all under Lu Bai's control.

In other words, no matter how hard this piece of jerky is struggling now, it can't be out of Lu Bai's hands.

"Could this be the backhand of the resurrection of a powerful undead creature?" Lu Bai thought, this thing is useful, and it is.

Once this piece of jerky is the main thing and it is resurrected, that guy will be controlled by Lu Bai and become Lu Bai's servant.

Say it's useless, but it's actually useless.

With such a piece of jerky, the cost of resurrection is unknown. With all kinds of vitality injected into it, Lu Bai might as well use it to dig gold in the filthy soil.

And even if he is resurrected, there are still a lot of problems. Judging from the information obtained, that person should have other means of resurrection back then.

The control of this area was forcibly transferred to him by the ring of life and death, but not the others.

Then there might be some trouble.

So spending a lot of energy to invest in this piece of jerky is very risky.

Lu Bai doesn't have the time and resources to invest in it, but he can pay attention to the situation on the dirty side.

Maybe the original owner of this piece of jerky was resurrected after being taken advantage of.

At that time, use what you have in your hands to mix it in, and the benefits may be higher than imagined.

As time passed day by day, Lu Bai kept adjusting his skills, and at the same time explored the dirty soil from time to time, walking towards the Wanjie shop.

Dirt is a little more interesting, where you exit from, when you enter again, you can relocate to the place where you exited.

If you pay more vitality or achievements, you can also directly locate the places you have been.

If you are still not satisfied, if you pay more points, you will be able to let the dirt will personally arrange for you and choose a place that you are satisfied with.

During the period, Lu Bai also dug with a shovel or without a shovel. There were things dug up, but none of them were valuable.

For example, the so-called "Postpartum Care of the Little Flower Fairy", this thing is an exquisite technology, and it is the virtual form dug out by Lu Bai somewhere.

But where did Lu Bai find a little flower fairy?

This kind of thing may not even be available on the Monster Custom Street.

So this thing cannot be said to be worthless, but completely worthless.

And the little flower fairy is about the size of a palm, and it is an elf that can only be born from special plants.

Where did this kind of goblin come from after giving birth? Is everyone in the other world so fancy?

In addition, there are "Postpartum Care of the Sow", "Postpartum Care of the Giantess" and so on.

They are all some subtle ability skills.

Apart from making Lu Bai lament that people from other worlds are so good at playing, he can only put away these skills and wait for the day when they will be useful.

Of course, Lu Bai still got some physical items.

There are no such small treasures as the thunder gourd, but there are still a lot of materials.

All of them were taken by Lu Bo to practice.

With the communication with Dr. M, Lu Bai finally refined a weapon according to his own ability and according to the normal procedure.

[Dirty Wood Armor: It can be hidden on the body in the form of a tattoo. As long as it is injected with vitality, it will quickly activate and cover the whole body. It has good defense and high magic resistance. 】

In fact, it was made by Lu Bai collecting those dirty plants. Most of the abilities are the abilities of the dirty plants themselves, and the tattoos are implanted by Lu Bai himself when making weapons.

Regarding this armor, Dr. M's complexion improved a lot, and he gave an excellent evaluation.

The advantage is that this armed outfit is very convenient, and it also takes advantage of the characteristics of the material itself.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, every time you use it, you need to pay for vitality, and the amount is quite a lot.

Dr. M changed into Jerusalem today... Bah, Tifa's classic suit.

I have to say that Hei Changzhi can really fight, but it's a pity that he opened his mouth.

"You can actually get a vitality storage device... forget about your technical ability, let's mess with your avatars."

In her opinion, Lu Bai has the strength and learning ability is not bad, but there is a certain distance from the top.

If Lu Bai wanted to compare with them, he had no choice but to overtake in a corner.

However, Lu Bai was quite satisfied with this. He was not a professional weapon maker, so it would be nice to have the chance to overtake on a curve.

"Recently there is an auction in the city next door, do you want to go?" Dr. M suddenly said, "There will be a lot of rare modules and forging materials there."

"The city next door to Custom Street?" Lu Bai realized that Doctor Yaozhang hadn't come back yet, so he had to ask him if the succubus matter was related to him.

"Of course!" Dr. M blinked at Lu Bai, and the corners of his mouth were about to drool.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other and showed a hey hey smile together.

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