Death Compensation

Chapter 265 Destroy your Lu Bo's dog head!

Chapter 265 Destroy your Lu Bo's dog head!

But at the moment when the arm cannon was about to fire, several live balls flew from a distance.

"Contestants in front, please stop your actions, otherwise you will be warned to leave the field with a red card!"

While warning, there is also a defensive force field generated out of thin air.

Seeing all this, the masked man withdrew his arm, turned around and fled directly.

The figure quickly disappeared under the camera of the live broadcast ball, as if it had never appeared in the blink of an eye.

"Query the contestant number..."

"serial number……"

"data error……"

"Query failed...the contestant does not exist in this region..."

"Check again..."

In the background, several staff members looked at the series of reports and looked at each other, full of panic.

This is the No. 1 Martial Arts Association in the world, and countless eyes are fixed on this competition.

Now there is a contestant who can't be found in the background, isn't this a joke?

Which aristocratic family is causing trouble, is it because they are afraid that Martial Ancestor will have no place to get angry?

Although the staff was terrified, they still reported this information, but they waited for a notice soon.

"Don't worry about him."

The staff who received this notice looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally had no choice but to give up.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

Unexpectedly, even in this kind of competition where the Martial Ancestor is watching, there are people who blatantly cheat.

A notice was also sent directly from the department above, telling them to ignore it.

This is blatantly showing off its own authority.

But what can they do? The only thing they can do before is to report it. Reporting is useless. Can they still grab the land with their heads and go to Wuzu Mountain to complain?

They also have a family and a future of their own.

Although these things are not pleasing to the eye, there is no way to choose this path of suicide.

Zhang Hao, who was running on the road, didn't know that he had escaped unharmed. He took Xiaoxi's hand and saw Lu Bai who was rubbing the dog's head angrily in the crowd.

"Young man, I see that your bones are amazing, your eyes are shining, the sky is full, and there is a spiritual energy rising from your body. You must be a unique martial arts genius."

"I will teach you this book of Wuxingquan cheaply. You can learn it in three seconds. Once you learn it, you will benefit from it for life!"

When Lu Bai saw Zhang Hao, his eyes lit up immediately, and he opened his mouth to solicit.

This kind of young man is the best fool, he is a top thug.

Have ideals, drive, not be afraid of trouble, and trouble will come.

This kind of person looks forward to the future, and the ideal in his heart has not been completely obliterated by reality.

On the contrary, those kind of old fritters, even if they joined the Foreign Martial Arts Learning Mutual Aid Association, even if they got Lu Bai's help and embarked on the Foreign Martial Arts, if they really encountered problems, they would just push the deaf and dumb, grind their skills, and refuse to really contribute.

Maybe he will backstab you at a critical moment and tell you about the darkness of adults.

These speculators are smart and sensible, but they are too sensible.

They are deeply persecuted by class capital, but they also understand the benefits of the capitalist class.

Given the chance, they would not want to be a class rebel, but would choose to be a part of that exploiting class.

On the contrary, although young people may also have the possibility of ignorance and betrayal, they still have a passion for it.


"Xiaoxi, let me just say I'm a genius!" Zhang Hao blushed, as if he was embarrassed by others' praise.

But Xiaoxi also looked at Zhang Hao with adoring eyes very cooperatively, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Then do you want to join?" Lu Bai continued to flicker, the young leeks were very tender.


"I'm here to challenge you!" However, just as Zhang Hao was about to agree, a voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Zhang Hao's words.

There were obvious signs of large-scale mechanical transformation all over his body, and the masked person appeared behind Zhang Hao at some point.

"Who is this?" Lu Bai frowned, looking at the masked man, feeling something was wrong.

"You can call me—the sky!"

As soon as the word "Cang Tian" came out, everyone couldn't help frowning.

Those who dare to take such a name are either extremely arrogant, or have some skills.

I just don't know who this one is.

It's just that Zhang Hao only felt inexplicably aggrieved, and he was interrupted by the other party before he could finish speaking.

"I call myself Cangtian, but now I only dare to challenge others, are you embarrassed?" He muttered softly.

However, Cangtian turned his head and stared at Zhang Hao. Under the mechanical texture mask, a pair of electronic eyes and naked eyes were looking at each other.

It is clearly a pair of electronic eyes without any emotion, but Zhang Hao avoided it with a guilty conscience.

It was as if there was something hard to describe in those eyes.

It was an emotion that transcended the body, making people feel inexplicably sad and unhappy.

Xiaoxi, who was standing next to Zhang Hao, pulled Zhang Hao's cuff. Zhang Hao reacted immediately, took Xiaoxi and left here, leaving the venue to Lu Bai and Cang Tian.

"Why do I feel inexplicably that you hate me?" Lu Bai looked at the sky, and his aura changed a little bit, and he began to prepare for the fight.

Lu Bai has already stood on the threshold of innateness, and now he is just completing the foundation.

He's not the 'sensation' type of player, but the cheating type.

Most of his insights are obtained because of sufficient conditions. For example, if he does not have enough awareness of life and death, he will roll on the edge of life and death again and again.

So what he is most proficient at now is 'integrating momentum', which is the momentum of life and death.

The same is true for other 'living beings', 'horizontal refining', 'different arts' and 'sensing objects'.

He can't expect to see a light rain or something, and suddenly realize it, then he basically can't do it.

He can only experience and summarize over and over again in a relatively rational way, which is considered empiricism.

So now he is also improving his experience in other aspects bit by bit.

The sympathy of energy and mechanism is the field of Yunshi, living beings, and objects. Although it is mainly about Yunshi, this is Lu Bai's advantage.

What Lu Bai is doing now is to use the advantage of Yunshi as a basis to develop towards biological creatures.

On the other side of the sky, I only felt something in a trance pressing on him, like death, crazily strangling his neck, trying to bring him into death again.

Of course, in this death, there is also that ray of life.

"As long as you surrender, as long as you pray to me, I will let you go, fish you out of death, and give you life!"

It seems that there is a person, attached to your ear, speaking in a seductive tone.

Of course, the heavens did not respond to this.

He just looked at Lu Bai, then suddenly raised his arm, with five fingers slightly bent, aiming at Lu Bai.

"I reject!"

"My only purpose for coming this time is to blow your Lu Bai's head off!"

First update.

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