Death Compensation

Chapter 312: The Consequence Becomes the Cause

Chapter 312: The Consequence Becomes the Cause

But before that...

"Use a special extraction point to extract modules!" Modules can also be extracted from a special environment, of course, either use a special extraction point, or this special environment has an inseparable relationship with you.

The three modules converged in Lu Bai's hands.

Before he had time to check, Lu Bai fell into the mist.

Looking at the distant picture scrolls, Lu Bai seemed to see the rolling river of time, and those picture scrolls were the waves in the flowing process of the long river.

After falling into the mist, his own sense of time and space quickly recovered, and Lu Bai also landed steadily on the top of the mountain, sensing the gradually brightening world, Ming Wu had already arrived in the morning.

After restarting the communicator, Lu Bai got in touch with Jiang Yue again.

Now that I am on the top of the mountain, I only need to bring my partner over to take the token directly.

Sure enough, going through the level honestly will never be as refreshing as cheating.

Of course, doing so is likely to become a target of public criticism.

It's just that you can't give up your hard-earned advantages just because you are afraid.

Lu Bai contacted Jiang Yue without saying a word, and didn't say anything more.

Just tell the other party that he has reached the top of the mountain now, and if he wants to get the token, he needs a partner.

At the same time, I also started to check what modules I extracted from there.

Energy element module [time]: symbolizes and possesses the power of time, comment: leave the future to me!

Operation release module [fruit]: fruit is the carrier of cause, and the magic of cause and effect lies in the connection. Comments: all kinds of things today are born today, and all kinds of things in the future will be accomplished in the future.

Release module [Reversal]: Reverse certain things, comment: A future without a future is not the future I want!

"It's a loss!" Lu Bai looked at the three modules, full of depression.

He thought of the special extraction point that was wasted by him before. The special extraction point can extract these three treasure-level modules in this special place.

Then the special extraction points he wasted before meant that he lost a lot of treasure-level modules.

It hurts to think about it, but fortunately, I got three points from Gongren, and the remaining five special extraction points can be put to good use.

The focus now is on how to use these three modules.

That place outside the sky is likely to be the place where this dimension touches time. Zhang Hao's future body, his special, artificial intelligence, martial ancestors, etc. are all related to this place outside the sky.

This time the world's No. 1 Martial Arts Association, the venue that was created on the way, probably also has something to do with the place outside that day.

"Time..." Because time is involved, although the nature and concept of these three modules are different, the core estimates all involve time.

"[Fruit] can directly cooperate with [Seed] and fill in my fifth skill."

"Imprints are [seeds], inoculated with causal connections, and [fruits] are born."

"In this way, the connection between me and the imprint can go one step further."

"I am a 'seed', so the imprint is the 'fruit'. If the imprint is a 'seed', then what is the final 'fruit'?"

This is simply a bumper harvest. Even after receiving Lu Bai, he needs to think carefully about how he should digest the results this time.

In fact, the modules of other skills have almost been locked.

Basically all the original sin modules are missing.

As well as monkeys and moons involved in the subsequent sealing of the frozen demon.

The only thing that can use these three modules is the fifth skill [Personal Symbolic Imprint].

"If the template is me, Lu Bo, why can't it be my future self?"

Looking at [Time] and [Reversal], Zhang Hao's future body appeared in his mind.

An imprint of one's own past, an imprint of one's present, an imprint of one's future.

Or use time to accelerate the invasion ability of the imprint.

Lu Bai had an idea in his mind, so he immediately started to act.

The three modules are directly filled in, but the details still need to be adjusted.

Maybe some auxiliary modules should be added to make this skill work smoothly.

But it's not a big problem... emmm seems a bit big.

After all, it is an ability of the time system. If one is not careful, it seems that he will play himself to death. It is better to be a little safer.

Not daring to do his best, Lu Bai could only use this skill slowly, exploring the stability of this skill from some details.

Like building an imprint and driving it into a certain stone.

Then activate the ability to observe the changes in details.

I saw that with the operation of the skill, the stone slowly changed, and finally turned into a stone statue the size of a palm.

And the appearance of the stone statue is no different from that of Lu Bai.

Even lifelike, with form and spirit.

After the imprint was implanted, this stone vaguely became a symbol of Lu Bai.

Cooperating with the Sutra of the Six Desires, Lu Bai can even connect the senses of this stone statue with the Six Desires.

For example, look around with the eyes of a stone statue, listen to all directions with its ears, smell incense with its nose, taste tribute with its mouth, replace its heart with its body years, and replace its heart with my heart.

As Lu Bai connects his senses, this stone statue even seems to come alive vaguely.

"Well, these seem to be really going to become gods." Lu Bai thought.

This can be regarded as the ability to light up the statue, and the ability to collect beliefs has long been available.

Now find an ancient dimension, make a batch of stone statues and distribute them to various places, and you can immediately establish a big religion, then collect beliefs, and obtain the identity of a god.

Of course, because his own secret technique is not perfect, this so-called 'god' is just a short-term use of faith to gain powerful power, and it is likely to have various side effects.

If you really want to do that, you will kill your own future.

"At present, the so-called imprint is to use my personal information to erode something, and finally make it into my shape."

"After the erosion is completed, I am the cause, and it is the effect, and the relationship between them is extremely close."

"If..." Lu Bai turned the stone statue aside, activated the skill change, and the [reversal] between the cause and the result began.

The "fruit" of the stone statue appeared on Lu Bai following the reversal.

Lu Bai felt his body become a little stiffer.

As far as the effect is concerned, the effect is not great, and the side effects are quite obvious.

Lu Bai felt that he was gradually turning into a stone.

It seems that I have become something conceived from the stone.

After interrupting [Reversal], that feeling slowly dissipated.

It's just that Lu Bai also felt that he was extremely stiff, and with the flow of Qi and blood, the feeling of stiffness gradually dissipated.

If the effect is the cause, it is natural to be affected by the effect.

It's like Zhang Hao has obtained the fruit of [Great Accomplishment in Fist Technique], he will be able to achieve great success in boxing practice naturally.

Lu Bai regards the stone statue as the effect and reverses it to himself, so he will have all kinds of abilities of the stone statue, but the stone statue as the cause will gradually interfere with him.

It's a bit of a loss.

But it is not surprising, after all, it is just a stone statue made by hand.

Moreover, it is not only possible to put a mark on one thing that symbolizes itself.

This skill still needs further development.

First update.

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