Death Compensation

Chapter 329 Fear Incarnate——Death

Chapter 329 Fear Incarnate——Death

Doom is spreading, like a roaring monster, chasing you.

The earthquake came too cleverly, causing Lu Bai's force to deform.

The flying knife that could have been avoided directly turned into a fatal attack.

This trump card throwing knife is not Liu Yunchen's skill, but a move he developed based on the template [Joker King].

However, this kind of move is not the so-called level A, but Liu Yunchen's strongest offensive move.

Several of his skills are all related to clowns.

Whether it is the deceitful magic of stealth, or the clown trick of turning people into dolls, or the fatal joke of playing fate, and the embodiment of fear that has not yet been revealed to people.

These skills have very little direct attack power.

That's why Liu Yunchen developed the offensive move of ace throwing knife.

And this move combines the abilities of several of his skills.

Flying knives can be invisible and flicker for a short time, not to mention ghosts and ghosts. It also has a certain "must hit" cause and effect, and the stabbed person will lose control of the body in fear.

If this knife goes on, most people will have accidents.

But Lu Bai is such a person who is about to be defeated so easily.

The armor on his body grew fleshy whiskers at this moment, and these fleshy whiskers shot out and pierced into the surrounding rock wall soil, pulling Lu Bai's body to change its displacement.

After the flying knife missed Lu Bai, it disappeared immediately.

Even with Lu Bai's perception ability, it is difficult to hear the sound of flying knives.

Most likely, Blink made a short space jump.

Then when you are negligent, come directly to stab you.

And that would be a fatal blow.

But at this time, a little patina began to emerge.

Then there was a sudden explosion.

The sound waves spread around.

The thunder fox was spitting out thunder and lightning, beating the black panther and screaming.

But it was also set off by this sound wave.

It's a pity that he dared not speak out, and tilted his head to look at Lu Bai who grabbed Liu Yunchen's position. The Thunder Fox whimpered twice, and then continued to look for the black panther to vent his anger.

It's hot right now!

The thunder fox exploded with lightning all over its body, and then a sudden explosion occurred, blowing itself apart.

The new form it formed with the help of the three-in-one template is indeed stronger than any second evolution partner.

Even some mediocre three-evolution perfect bodies will not be its opponents.

It's a pity that the fusion of the templates is not smooth and some imperfections are unavoidable.

At this time, this flaw is erupting.

The black panther on the opposite side was beaten, but at this moment, he seized the opportunity and showed his minions to the thunder fox.

Under the pain, the Thunder Fox Beast hated Lu Bai even more.

It's all because of Lu Bo's fault that he forcibly merged different templates, which caused his body to appear flawed.

Although it is often complacent about the power it has acquired after fusion, it should complain and backstab when it should.

It can only be said that it is also a crumb fox.

But soon, the Thunder Fox Beast discovered the problem, that is, the flaws in its own body broke out too frequently at this time!

"This damn guy has the ability to cause bad luck!" Thunder Fox stared at the panther, confirming the reason.

The opponent's ability just restrained its flawed body, it was all Lu Bai's fault!

At this time, Lu Bai didn't care about the slight anger of the Thunder Fox Beast, but focused all his attention on Liu Yunchen.

Use the ringing in the ears - the copper green bell to create a wide range of sound waves.

Relying on the sound waves, he found Liu Yunchen who was hiding in the dark.

It's just that the moment the other party appeared, he didn't appear in the image of Liu Yunchen, but in a deep darkness.

"It turns out that the thing you fear most is actually the tranquility of death!" Liu Yunchen's voice came from the darkness.

"That's true!" Lu Bai said.

He had been immersed in the tranquility of death for more than seventy years.

The fear of death occupies most of his fear share.

It is precisely because of this that among all Lu Bai's desires, the desire to survive is so strong.

When the desire to survive comes to the fore, most other desires temporarily die down.

Lu Bai's previous near-death experiences, and his repeated visits to the ghost wool, did not mean that Lu Bai was not afraid of them.

Because of fear, Lu Bai would challenge death again and again, and then defeat... death.

"It's the first time that I have such a pure fear of death, which almost makes me equate to death!" Liu Yunchen's voice was full of excitement.

His fourth skill is called Pennywise.

Essentially fear avatars, capable of taking on the form of what other people fear and then drawing power from that fear.

Whether or not the incarnation of fear is powerful depends on three aspects.

One is the amount of fear, the more fear, the stronger the fear incarnation.

The second is his own understanding of what he fears, which depends on Liu Yunchen's own knowledge reserve.

The third is the fear object of the selector, his understanding of the fear object, and the direction of fear.

For example, a person is afraid of plush toys, and he knows the structure of plush toys very well, but the direction of fear is only fear of itself.

So no matter how high the amount of fear is, Pennywise can only turn into an ordinary plush toy.

The upper and lower limits of this ability are extremely high.

However, when he met Lu Bai at this time, he hit the upper limit of this ability.

Lu Bai is very afraid of death, and at the same time he has an extremely deep understanding of death. This kind of understanding and cognition is fed back, making Liu Yunchen's fear incarnate extremely powerful.

That is to say, his own understanding of death is not good enough. Even so, he can still be called a Little Nether at this moment.

Everything around is dying.

Some heat-resistant moss on the rock wall, the bugs that crawled quietly, and the flowing magma.

Even a ray of wind blowing in from outside the cave, when it comes into contact with the darkness it incarnates, quickly returns to the tranquility of death.

At this moment Liu Yunchen is like the incarnation of death.

He was approaching Lu Bai step by step, releasing his own power of death.

The surrounding flying balls began to move away. According to the judgment, if they continued to stay, they would be directly destroyed by unknown forces, and then return to tranquility.

"Fear me, Lu Bo."

"Fall into madness, Lu Bo!"

"Be my doll, Lu Bo!"

Liu Yunchen felt that there was something wrong with him, but there were many things wrong with him, so he didn't care.

Besides, this kind of thing is not right, he actually knows about it.

Lu Bai's cognition of death is too strong, which makes his fear incarnate too close to death, which makes him polluted by the dimension of death.

This kind of pollution made him have a weird 'greed' towards Lu Bai!

He wanted Lu Bai to die.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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