Death Compensation

Chapter 333 Pandora

Chapter 333 Pandora

At this moment, Lu Bai took a high look at Liu Yunchen.

Since he was three or four years old, he has been an experiment for his mother.

Became an artificial beast.

In his life, before his mother died, he basically had no freedom.

After his mother's death, he logically said that on the first day of dimension travel, it was Liu Yunchen's natural operation to completely fall into the [Hord of Beasts].

Yet he did not do so.

From the fact that the woman's first target was him, this man who was born to be a beast in the [herd] actually chose to resist.

Regardless of whether it is an enemy or not, regardless of whether the opponent's methods are bad or not.

This kind of behavior of daring to fight against fate, Lu Bodu appreciates it very much.

"It's just a lot worse." Lu Bai stepped back quietly, trying not to attract the attention of others, and glanced at the live flying ball in the distance.

Fortunately, the live flying ball flew far away. If the existence of the beast was observed at close range, it would probably create many lunatics in an instant.

Even though they have retreated to the entrance of the cave at this moment and can only vaguely look at some lights and shadows in the distance, many people who are watching the live broadcast still have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and epilepsy.

The game official can only order again to pull the live flying ball away.

It's just that this time the live flying ball seems to have lost control. Not only did it not obey the command to pull away, but it was flying towards the dangerous place like a playful bird.

So the official, who realized something was wrong, could only choose to cut off the live broadcast and discard the two live flying balls.

The thunder fox on the other side also bit the panther and hid in a certain cave.

Originally relying on bad luck, the Black Panther, which could keep the thunder fox beast constantly deflated, was also greatly affected after the appearance of the 'beast'.

Therefore, the Thunder Fox, which was superior in hard power, immediately seized the opportunity, biting the black panther's neck with a bite of broken teeth and a lightning pounce.

Although the black panther's vitality is tenacious, it will not die for a while, but it also lost the ability to resist and was dragged aside by the thunder fox.

That is to say, in this tunnel, there are currently only Lu Bai, Liu Yunchen and the out-of-control incarnation of fear.

Of course, the tunnel extends in all directions, and as long as you explore the interior, you can find other paths leading to deeper tunnels, but there is no need to worry about this at this time.

The only ones who entered the tunnel to fight in different positions before were Huniu and Ye Longyu, as well as himself and Liu Yunchen.

Everyone else chose to stagger the time to prevent additional interference during the battle, resulting in variables.

This made Lu Bai feel that he could make some small moves.

Because at this time the pollution of [The Herd] has arrived, it seems that someone has already rushed into the bank, shot and robbed.

At this time, although the monitoring is not broken, as long as you are careful as a thief, you can still steal some money.

Maybe you can even remember the password of the safe in the chaos.

"But we have to wait until the pollution from the herd spreads further."

In Lu Bai's view, Liu Yunchen has a relatively high probability of losing in the collision between Liu Yunchen and the herd.

Liu Yunchen lacked a little accumulation.

Lu Bai's desire to transform his soul is because he has deep desires and is a lustful person. After decades of death in the nether world, the structure of desires has changed.

Then, because of the ring of life and death, Lu Bai jumped back and forth on the edge of life and death, and then broke his soul into a human form.

But Liu Yunchen formed a special soul structure because of artificiality.

If it is said that Lu Bai has broken the human form now, and the soul has become a special structure, then Liu Yunchen has only become fragmented in the human form, somewhat inhuman, but has not completely escaped.

The most important point is that Liu Yunchen's nature is too close to [The Herd].

Similar but different, but neither the strength nor the upper limit can compare, so the final fate can only be swallowed.

Even if Liu Yunchen has some way to turn things around, isn't it still Lu Bai himself?

Although Lu Bai admires all actions that dare to swing a knife at fate, he will not give the other party any chance because of his so-called admiration.

He has never forgotten that his position is completely opposite to that of Liu Yunchen.

His hero, my enemy.

Just because his actions demonstrate his courage and perseverance shouldn't make him soft-hearted.

Lu Bai didn't have that kind of noble character.

Liu Yunchen constantly released that crazy aura, resisting the infection of animalization.

He wanted to recall something, but found that there was only madness left in his head, and the rest had already been lost at will.

After struggling for a long time, I remembered one thing, why did I want to resist?

Maybe it was that attempt to be normal.

I found someone who could love each other, but I just pushed the other person into madness.

It was an almost instinctive move, but the woman noticed it.

She could have escaped, but she chose to stay, saying that she wanted to save herself.

It's just that this kind of memory can't touch his heart at all.

Otherwise, I wouldn't throw it in the corner of my memory, I don't care at all.

For people like them, everything in the past is just a cloud, and they don't care at all.

Even if the woman was standing in front of him at this moment, he would not hesitate to play with or kill her.

The past with others is just a one-time nutrient, and the one who grows in the end is himself.

Duplicate quest props in the game are garbage without any meaning.

Liu Yunchen understood that only the crazy self in his mind could not resist the animalization.

There is only one way to change this.

He had already expected the situation today.

Even if it wasn't that the incarnation of fear reflected the herd of beasts because of Lu Bai's uncontrollable triggering, it would be that the herd of beasts accidentally found him at other times.

Gravity is there.

It is as if something thrown out will eventually be caught by gravity and then fall to the ground.

The power that came from the herd had haunted him since he was born.

For this day, he has already made a lot of preparations.

I saw him pull his waist, and a large number of cloth dolls were thrown on the ground.

Afterwards, these dolls all changed into human forms, helping Liu Yunchen share the power of animalization.

This will further expand the strength of the beast herd, which is tantamount to quenching thirst with poison, but it gives Liu Yunchen a chance to breathe.

Taking advantage of this time, he took out the last doll.

Its name is: Pandora.

Pandora opened the box and released countless disasters, but at the same time released the last treasure in the box, named Hope.

Liu Yunchen reproduced this point perfectly. He created countless disasters, gave people in disasters a glimmer of life, and gave them hope.

In the end, he deprived the other party of his only hope and stored it all in this Pandora doll, which became a prop for him to save himself.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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