Chapter 359

Time passed quietly, and the time Lu Bai and others stayed in Tianjing Lake was even longer than the time spent in the previous checkpoints.

The rhythm eased up all of a sudden.

Gouzi and Angel have finally come to their senses.

As for Zhang Hao, no one asked about his situation, and he would not take the initiative to explain something.

The state of incongruity is getting worse and worse.

Zhang Hao is already full-fledged, but now there is no excuse to cancel the agreement with Lu Bai, otherwise, he would have left the team and worked alone.

Zhang Hao also often thinks that his journey should be magnificent.

Accompanied by conspiracy calculations, bloody battles, etc., and finally created a story of challenging the world's number one to become the strongest science fighter in just three months.

However, when this good story just started, because he didn't know the future and was too scared, he sold himself to Lu Bai.

Everything after that is basically just messing around with the team.

From the beginning to the end, even though he had super strength, he didn't have a brilliant performance at all.

It's as if all the scenery was taken away by Lu Bai after signing the agreement with Lu Bai.

As a result, Zhang Hao felt astonished that he ate shit desperately, but in the end it was just chocolate.

It was as if all his previous courage had been misplaced.

It was this sense of astonishment that made him a little sluggish.

On the other hand, something else bothered him.

Because she is a contestant, Xiaoxi is worried about herself, but she has no way to follow her all the time.

In this case, she can only be a spectator and observe from a distance.

During this process, Ji Yuan from Longshou Biological Company often used various excuses to accompany Xiaoxi.

For example, the traffic from Longfeng Cave to Tianjing Lake is restricted, and someone needs to help arrange it.

Another example is discovering the traces of Cang Tian, ​​worrying about Xiao Xi's safety, and arranging someone to guard her.

Xiaoxi refused many times, but Zhang Hao couldn't refuse. After all, the sky really attacked Xiaoxi, and her safety really needs to be guaranteed.

Although Zhang Hao trusted Xiaoxi and the relationship between the two of them, he was still a little unhappy to have such a man next to him who seemed to be holding a shovel.

No normal man would want his girlfriend to be with other men all day long.

So although I know it's nothing, I always have a hidden worry in my heart.

Feelings are really insecure. You don’t know if the two of you will spark suddenly because of something, and then the ambiguous atmosphere will come together. Many things cannot be guaranteed.

At this moment, Zhang Hao wants to finish this martial arts meeting as soon as possible, and then take Xiaoxi to live a good life.

It's just that he himself has some contradictions about this.

Logically speaking, his ability is already capable of leading Xiaoxi to live a good life, but with the growth of his strength, he has a more 'bright' ideal.

And this kind of contradiction made him even more sluggish during this period of time.

"And a peaceful life is not so easy to obtain." Up until now, Zhang Hao didn't know the secrets about himself, but he only knew that there was a high probability that he had something to do with the sky.

If he doesn't understand this thing, he will have a thorn in his heart.

"After passing through Wuthering Mountain and Sanwan Forest this time, we must formally seize the opportunity to escape." Zhang Hao thought.

The way to escape mainly lies with Lu Bai. After all, those unequal agreements were signed with Lu Bai.

As for Wuthering Mountains, Sanwan Forest is the key point.

In the three nights, the forest is not only threatened by other contestants, but also threatened by the environment itself.

If you don't pay attention to one of them, you may fall behind, and then completely fall into it.

By this time, there is actually no need to hurry.

As long as you protect yourself, you will definitely be among the three hundred and sixty-five people.

Everyone is a great rower these days.

Bring supplies, and everyone sits on a small boat.

Then quickly row towards the destination.

In the afternoon of that day, most people had reached the other side and successfully passed Tianjing Lake.

And here is their next location, Wuthering Mountains.

Wuthering Mountain is a mountain with a not-so-good reputation. It has a long winding mountain road, and the narrowest part even requires unarmed rock climbing.

And you also need to face the howling wind. Under the strong wind, if you don't hold on firmly, you will be blown away.

Therefore, in ancient times, people often fell from the mountain. If you look for it at the foot of the mountain, you can still find a lot of bones today.

But there is a more precious herb on this mountain.

So although people often die, there are still many people who go to the mountain to collect medicine.

However, this point is not as difficult as imagined. The previous high death rate was because there was no Kowu before.

Now relying on Kewu, the dangers brought by these environments can be resolved relatively easily.

Originally, if there were people sniping and fighting in this environment, it would be very troublesome.

I just don't know if Tianjing Lake cut off people's hostility, or they all want to put the battlefield at the last three nights.

In short, when the members of the Tianwu team passed Wuthering Mountain one after another, no one disturbed them.

Zhang Hao observed for a long time, but he didn't notice the opportunity. Under such circumstances, if he shot Lu Bai, it would trigger other people's beatings.

So Zhang Hao could only choose to continue hiding.

Wuthering Mountains is not far from Sanwan Forest.

In front of Sanwanlin, the number of contestants gradually increased.

After Longfeng Cave, there are still more than 450 contestants.

Up to now, after passing through the two locations, the number of people is still in the early four hundred.

As Lu Bai expected, the elimination rate of these points will not be too high.

The dozens of people who were eliminated were all because of other contestants, and very few were because of those competition locations.

At this time, some people have already entered the Three Nights Forest, while others are still waiting.

Sanwanlin, the origin of the name is a legend.

According to legend, as long as you enter the forest for three nights and stay there for three nights, you will be able to help each other like ghosts and gods. After that, everything will go smoothly and you will steadily reach the pinnacle of life.

And there are still many people who believe in this legend, and many people go to Sanwan Forest every year.

It's just that I don't know when it started, Sanwanlin suddenly became dangerous, and many people went to Sanwanlin and disappeared strangely.

Someone proposed to set fire to this ghostly forest. The fire burned for a day and a night, but was stopped by a rain.

Some people have also sent teams to explore.

After the rise of Kewu, many people have studied Sanwanlin.

But in the end they got nothing.

That legend is still passed down to this day.

A young man named Ye Han, because of jealousy and betting with others, entered the forest that was not called Sanwan Forest at that time.

He thought he was lost and lost inside, but he walked out after three nights, and his whole person became different.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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