Death Compensation

Chapter 389 Repulsion

Chapter 389 Repulsion

Nothing happened on the second night, that is, some contestants chose to withdraw from Lin's search for three nights.

After all, today, Lu Bai's sweep has already explained Lu Bai's attitude.

If you continue, there will be nothing to gain, and you will be wiped out by Lu Bo, so it seems that the gain outweighs the loss.

The peaceful but flustered second night passed like this.

During the daytime, those contestants who were still in Sanwanlin chose to unite together.

Zhang Hao didn't know when he had mixed up with these people.

And it seems to have been approved by these people.

Obviously some time ago, many people regarded Zhang Hao as a traitor.

I have to say that most of the time, Zhang Hao is quite charismatic.

After breaking away from Lu Bai, Zhang Hao's ability was demonstrated, and he was quickly recognized by everyone. As time went by, he might be able to become a leader like a big brother.

Cang Tian also hasn't appeared for a while, since the last time he attacked Zhang Hao and Xiao Xi in Longfeng City, he disappeared directly.

It is obvious that his strength is already difficult to face the current situation.

Although the reason is not clear, Cang Tian, ​​Zhang Hao's future body, has always adhered to the idea that Zhang Hao must be killed.

Is it because Zhang Hao will do something detrimental to the world in the future?

Or some secret that I don't know.

Lu Bai was looking forward to it very much at the moment.

He had a vague premonition that after the truth came out, it would be very... pleasing.

After testing the methods of these coalition forces during the day, Lu Bai began to wait for the third night to come.

In the forest for three nights, the ice fog still hasn't dissipated.

Zhang Hao sensed the surrounding situation, and his heart was full of hidden worries.

At this moment, he has a vague feeling that there is some kind of secret hidden in the three-night forest.

This secret is very important, but it is not what I want to see.

Therefore, Zhang Hao seemed a little hesitant to stay here.

Some secrets are always a good thing.

And Zhang Hao could vaguely notice that Lu Bai's eyes never left.

The other party has always wanted to use him to find Sanwanlin's secret, and once Lu Bo succeeds, it is very likely to bring some kind of disaster.

It's just that when he wanted to leave, he could sense the existence of the sky again.

This person who looks like Xiaoxi, but also looks a little different, has always given Zhang Hao a strange feeling.

The other party is also in the Sanwan Forest, so is it possible that it has something to do with the secret of the Sanwan Forest?

Can I really escape all this?

Zhang Hao seemed a little hesitant, and amidst this hesitation, he stayed.

Time goes by little by little.

It started to fog up in the forest three nights.

Although it had been covered with ice fog before, the new fog still attracted everyone's attention.

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the fog around Lingfeng Mountain." Someone said with a frown.

"I have seen this kind of fog in other places." Many contestants began to exchange information.

Among the several routes, there are several places where this mist exists.

Without exception, after entering the mist, they will all be captured by something in the mist.

But at this time, Sanwanlin, which was originally normal, unexpectedly had this kind of mist.

Does it mean that the thing that can completely prey on people in the fog has also followed.

"If I remember correctly, that guy must have stayed in the mist all night." Someone suddenly remembered something and said.

The guy he was talking about was exactly Lu Bai.

People nowadays call Lu Bai mostly with words like devil, that guy, or something like that.

Few people dare to call out Lu Bai's name directly.

According to rumors on the Internet, Lu Bai has the ability to curse others, and anyone who is against him will fall into bad luck.

A further rumor is that if you always call Lu Bai's name, it may attract Lu Bai's attention, and then you will also fall into bad luck.

Most of those who would rather believe it than believe it, believed this.

The misfortune in the mouth only reveals part of the shadow, and it has a great deterrent effect.

The mist gradually diffused, overlapping with the ice fog.

Lu Bai, who was also in the Sanwan forest, naturally also discovered this.

"This mist is most likely related to time, you need to be careful." Lu Bai gave a rough account of the details of this mist.

The biggest secret of this science and military plane is this phenomenon that allows the future to interfere with the present.

And every time this phenomenon occurs, it is accompanied by the appearance of this mist.

People wrapped in the mist will be sucked into the depths of the mist.

Regarding this point, the officials of the Martial Arts Association must have researched it, and the airflow that spread over Lingfeng Mountain before could restrain the fog.

But this time the fog doesn't feel dangerous, and it shouldn't be able to swallow people directly like before.

Moreover, Lu Bai still retains some of the airflow intercepted from Lingfeng Mountain.

It may also be useful when necessary.

"So this time, can we still see the picture of the world unfolding like a scroll?" Lu Bai thought, it was from that phenomenon that he extracted the modules of [Time] and [Reversal], and thus completed his current time Department of tricks Changle Weiyang.

That kind of place is definitely a treasure.

But soon Lu Bai noticed the difference in the fog this time.

In the mist of Lingfeng Mountain, there is a terrifying suction force inside.

And in the mist in Sanwan Forest, a repulsive force gradually spread.

With a certain place as the center, there is a force using the fog as the medium to drive people out.

This force is not considered strong, but it is difficult to stop, everything that does not belong to San Wanlin's original will be eliminated at this moment.

Countless contestants resisted that force unwillingly, and they were not allowed to watch the secret of Lin Sanwan even though they were already in front of them.

When they fought against that force, a large number of wounds burst out all over their bodies. After the blood spattered from the wounds, they were immediately repelled and flew away.

In the end, the force was vented, and the whole person was thrown out.

During this process, only the figures of the two were not disturbed by that force.

Unsurprisingly, it was Zhang Hao and Cang Tian.

Lu Bai also felt that power at the moment.

It's just that he is keenly aware of the nature of this repulsive force, unlike other people who use brute force to fight against it.

When Changle Weiyang reverses time, during the period when Lu Bai reverses, the external interference power will also be withdrawn.

After retracting, the places affected by the interference force will form time holes one by one, and the time holes will gradually calm down over time.

As the backtracking body, Lu Bai will have a feeling of "swelling", that is, the previously injured "fruit" is covered in the backtracking state.

Lu Bai needs to transfer these redundant 'fruits' to the time void outside within a certain period of time.

Otherwise, if the accumulation time is too long, it will be bad for your health.

This is Lu Bo's personal time regression.

And if you zoom back in time to a certain area, that feeling of 'swelling' belongs to Lu Bai himself.

Will it become this repulsive force that travels along the fog?

Second watch, good night everyone.

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