Death Compensation

Chapter 405 Bo Xun's Demon Palm!

Chapter 405 Bo Xun's Demon Palm!

This is another major problem with the science and military system of the Metaverse, which is easily coerced.

Public opinion supervision is very useful, but can it really rely on public opinion to decide a case?

Gossip is already able to kill people. If public opinion is further equipped with the ability to decide cases, then the lethality of gossip will be further increased.

Emotions on the Internet are even more intensified.

Because the Internet is mainly a window for venting, everyone tends to superficialize what is spread on the Internet.

As for the real situation of this matter, that's not important, and they don't have the energy and time to investigate.

It's fine to scold, what if you scold wrongly, the big deal is that once the comment is deleted, nothing will happen.

Besides, why does he scold you for not being wrong when others scold you.

Leaving aside the facts, don't you, the person involved, have no responsibility at all?

In this case, public opinion is too easily coerced.

And Chang Lan is also easily coerced by him.

Lu Bai knew this from the moment the opponent directly stepped into the ring to activate the metaverse.

There is no superficial connection between the incarnation of the demon and Lu Bai.

Now the official definition of the incarnation of the demon is still an unidentified terrorist.

It's just that the appearance is somewhat similar to Lu Bai, and the temperament is somewhat similar.

As Lu Bai said, it is too easy to frame this kind of thing.

With the current science and technology, it is enough to just find someone to fix your face.

So in this case, if there is no procedural justice and result justice, it is very likely that it is not really justice.

Of course Lu Bo has no reason to run away, he is just a bad guy, there is no need or need to wash it.

All Lu Bai's actions are also to satisfy his own desires.

And his desires are all for enjoyment, for pleasure.

Let the noble man be caught in a dilemma to see if he can continue to be noble.

Let the mask of the hypocrite be pierced, and see his ugliness struggling in the sun.

Let the confused person look directly at his own desires, and see whether he will restrain him with morality, or just sink.

Lu Bo is such a person with bad taste.

Of course, this evil taste changes with the growth of his strength. When his strength is weak, Lu Bai cares about his own interests. Once his strength is strong, he can go around everywhere. Compared with pure egoists, Lu Bai still has a difference of.

Just like the Chang Lan in front of him.

If Chang Lan can break through this coercion and realize his problem.

Then no matter whether he chooses to be bright, he will continue to climb up and become the real sun.

Or just blacken it, recognize your own hypocrisy, and manipulate people's hearts in turn.

Lu Bai will be very happy.

Only the current change made Lu Bai very disappointed.

"Your purity is too ridiculous!" Behind Lu Bai, the phase of the moon changed rapidly, from the dark moon to the first quarter moon directly skipping over the first quarter moon.

"Moon Phase·Third Form·Moving Rivers and Mountains!"

Sun Wukong once faced a set of Tathagata palms head-on, and was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain. The moon phase in the skill of Lu Bodou's victory · Moon Phase refers to the seal that seals the true shape of the devil.

Then, is it appropriate to use the moon phase to perform the palm of the Tathagata?

It fits so well!

The pollution ability originating from the true shape of the devil, with the help of Lu Bai's internal power, infects the surrounding world, mountains and rivers.

Afterwards, he used this in turn to absorb the power of the mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers were turbulent, making this palm have earth-shattering power.

This palm slapped the opponent's one-way mental barrier force field, causing the entire force field to become unstable for a while.

It's just that the blocking force field is indeed powerful in defense, and the surrounding arenas are collapsing, but the blocking force field is still gradually stabilizing.

However, Lu Bai's moves did not stop there.

"Fifth Form: Meet the Demons in the Western Heaven!"

I saw wisps of black aura appearing in the originally invisible hindering force field, and these auras echoed the magic light in Lu Bai's hand.

The horizontal palm was like a knife, piercing straight in, and the originally stable blocking force field collapsed instantly.

"Fourth form, the devil asks all living beings!"

The unhindered demonic nature poured into people's hearts, questioning Chang Lan, whether your purity is just to shrink your head, and then comfort yourself that the world is like this, and then go with the same people!

Even this kind of questioning, following the spiritual connection of the metaverse, floods towards those ordinary people who are connected to the metaverse, making them have to face the cruel reality.

And how determined are you to expect these pacifier suckers?

When a person is used to avoiding, then he will only continue to escape when he encounters difficulties again.

These people directly log in to the offline, and then live broadcast a level, and then open other entertainment programs, or directly reach out to other things that can numb people's senses, such as alcohol.

Chang Lan is just one of the pacifiers, this pacifier is temporarily broken and cannot be used, just change it.

Few people are sober enough to give up the pacifier.

This kind of happiness is too cheap, so it is easy to obtain, but self-discipline is too difficult, after all, self-control is a consumable.

The retreat of these people is not a big problem for them. After all, the main body of Mowen sentient beings is Chang Lan, and they have the metaverse as a barrier, so many of them are equivalent to breaking the defense once.

Anyway, for them to break defense, they get used to it.

But Chang Lan couldn't do it, he was still in the arena, facing Lu Bai's tricks.

However, his supporters are rapidly decreasing, which puts even more pressure on Chang Lan.

At this moment, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Chang Lan remembered very clearly that the creator told him when he was elected as the core of the metaverse.

He wants to be the spiritual shield of everyone, protecting them from suffering.

Lu Bai's behavior will cause everyone pain and will destroy the social order.

Then Lu Bai is absolutely wrong and must be stopped.

And as long as everyone no longer suffers, the world will get better and better, and peace will come.

This is what he obeys!

As for those deeper truths, he doesn't understand, and he doesn't want to understand.

"Isn't this fucking Naruto?" Gongren commented.

Stubbornly and simply believe in a truth, and firmly believe that this truth is right.

Then everyone who goes against this principle is wrong and needs to be awakened.

You talk to him about reality, he talks about ideals with you, you talk about ideals with him, he says your ideals are wrong, only his is right, you need to be woken up, and then you talk about force.

When you use force, he will say that you are an evil guy who only uses force to persecute others.

Then you tell him that force is the guarantee of the basis of reality, and he tells you about ideals.

They are caught in the loop of their own brain circuits, and they can't get out.

The same is true for Chang Lan, limited by his vision, he took on the heavy responsibility of the metaverse when he was still young, so he naturally put all his heart and soul into it.

It is equivalent to his entire life on it, and to deny this so-called mission is to deny his own life.

The same is true for Naruto, who was brutally abused by the whole village, and only Hokage was good to him. He has been working hard for Hokage all his life, and he cannot deny the meaning of Hokage's existence, otherwise he would be denying his own life.

Even if you let him see a better future and see the correct operation, they will not agree, they will only think that you are trying to deceive the public.

There is only one thing you have to do to deal with this kind of person.

That is to hurt them. As long as you are better than them, you can wantonly belittle their ideals, make them gnash their teeth, and then there is nothing they can do.

"I will definitely protect everyone's smiles!" Chang Lan holds such a belief, even though the number of people who support him is decreasing, he is still persisting.

His own spiritual power cooperates with the spiritual power of the metaverse, constantly acting on Lu Bai.

As those unsteady people withdrew, the remaining people were basically Changlan believers.

Coupled with Chang Lan's firm will, at this moment, there is actually a tendency to become more courageous and want to explode.

"It's really too easy to deal with people like you." Lu Bai wanted to kill people before, so his words pointed directly at people's hearts. Total denial.

So for this kind of people, if you want to kill people, you can only target the things they care about, and make them powerless.

It was at this moment that Chang Lan felt that the supporting force of the metaverse that had gradually stabilized had once again ushered in a large-scale decline.

Many people disconnected inexplicably.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I just checked the structure of your Metaverse."

"Its authority is divided into different levels. This thing is not so... well protected against people with low levels."

Lu Bai showed a malicious smile.

(Entrance to vote monthly ticket)

The second thing is, ask for a monthly pass this month. I can’t see that it can reach 1,000. If you reach 1,000, you can draw a lottery. I just don’t know if there will be a double monthly pass at the end of the month.

Goodnight everybody.

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