Death Compensation

Chapter 423 Bubble Cause and Effect

Chapter 423 Bubble Cause and Effect

Seeing that the karma of the stars was completed, Lu Bai looked at Zhang Hao with a somewhat inexplicable expression.

There is nothing wrong with Lin Xing being the real protagonist. After all, the phenomenon of time and space is difficult to fake.

It's just that Lin Xing became the protagonist because he was killed by himself in the future, thus forming a closed loop of time and space, which made Lu Bai feel strange.

Judging from the boy's appearance, the timeline when Lin Xing got the golden finger was a few years ago.

And a few years ago, Lu Bai was still floating in the netherworld, and it was still a question of whether the God of Thousand Dimensions would fish him out. Pollution from the netherworld.

As a fantasy dimension, being able to predict the actions of the thousand-dimensional god is simply a joke.

However, the causal link between Lin Xing's death and Buoying's favor from the stars in the past cannot be faked.

"That is to say, even if I didn't kill Lin Xing today, he will die today!" Lu Bai thought.

This also made Lu Bai think about another question, that is, how many times does this world predict the future.

How many times did it cause ripples?

The most primitive should be the initial future history in which the traveler did not come.

Then, travelers from various families arrive, come in and go out, and the future history of this dimension is bound to change because of the arrival of these travelers.

For example, originally the rich and powerful had the upper hand, but Martial Ancestor, with the help of the traveler's threat, succeeded in turning the world's number one martial arts society into the current operation that determines the direction of the future regime.

This is because those travelers did not use too much technology from other worlds to interfere with this world.

Then came the arrival of Lu Bai and others. Lu Bai communicated with Dirty's plan and the implementation of the plan would inevitably change the future history of this dimension again.

Every intervention of external forces will lead to changes in the future history of this dimension.

If it is in the ordinary fantasy dimension, this kind of change is actually meaningless, the future has not yet come, and there can be countless lines.

However, this dimension is not good, because of the operation mode of first effect and later cause, this dimension will measure the future in the way of reflecting the stars.

This kind of calculation is already a kind of observation, which also represents the future of this dimension, and has influence on this dimension.

As for an influential thing, it becomes S for a while, B for a while, and starts to swing wildly for a while, and the snake skin does not move like this.

One can imagine what kind of result this will cause.

"That's why this dimension will be pushed to the point of dimensional change, because if it doesn't change, as travelers continue to come, this dimension will also have problems because its core operating rules cannot operate normally."

"Poverty leads to change, and change leads to success."

"So the appearance of Zhang Hao is a flexible move in this dimension?"

Lu Bai looked at Zhang Hao on the other side, and Zhang Hao obviously had doubts at the moment, doubts about what the sky said before.

What Cang Tian said before is that the function of his fantasy collapse cannon is to break the barrier between Ye Han and himself in the present era, so that he can observe his "future" self, so as to obtain special abilities.

Considering Lin Xing's situation, this thing seems a little unnecessary.

The young Lin Xing can't even recognize his own corpse in the future. If this is also called observation, then it is too simple. Even so, Lin Xing has successfully completed the time-space connection with the future.

Did the young Lin Xing who appeared really come here from the past time and space?

Or, the young Lin Xing is just a tool man formed for the connection of time and space, a reappearance of the past!

In other words, Cangtian's actions at that time were indeed helping Ye Han complete the time-space connection, but it was definitely not the so-called breaking the barrier and allowing Ye Han to observe his future self.

"So one thing I should have thought of long ago, but I just don't want to think about it, is Ye Han still alive?"

Ye Han was a character before the catastrophe, about eighty years since the catastrophe, and Ye Han was in his teens to twenties at that time.

He lived for some more years before the catastrophe happened. That is to say, even if he managed to escape the catastrophe of the Omnic Crisis and survived until now, he would still be over a hundred years old.

And to be honest, the certainty that this person is alive is very low.

Because Ye Han could either become a powerful man or die.

Although technology is advanced and the life expectancy of people has increased, the life expectancy of the poor has not increased but decreased.

Few of the poor can live to be more than a hundred years old.

And if Ye Han became a dignitary, then before Sanwanlin, there were so many rumors about Ye Han, but none of the rumors pointed out that Ye Han is now the master of so-and-so.

The influence of the rich and powerful is astonishing, and the group of people in front of Sanwan Lin are considered to be of a high level, but there is no specific information about Ye Han.

Then there is a high probability that Ye Han died young.

Cangtian's disillusionment shattering cannon said it was a lie to let him observe his current self, but it was actually filling in, filling in a false information about Ye Han.

An ending where the omnic crisis did not happen, Ye Han relied on the future, became famous, and then enjoyed his old age. This ending can be regarded as the good ending of Ye Han's personal line.

It is also because of this that Ye Han, who seems to be able to predict the future, did not foresee the arrival of the omnic crisis, and what finally appeared in reality was the bad ending of Ye Han's personal line.

That Ye Han took the script with a good ending and ushered in a bad ending, so there is no problem with the causal logic.

The function of the fantasy collapse cannon is actually to fill in a certain period of future history that has been invalidated for someone.

In this way, there will be no problem with the connection of time and space.

So Cang Tian has always wanted to target himself with the Illusion Destroyer Cannon, what kind of future history does he want to inject into himself?

Is it a good ending? Or a bad ending?

What time and space does he want to connect himself with?

The most important point, if Ye Han and the young Lin Xing are in vain, what about me?

My name is Zhang Hao, and I am thinking here, what is it!

It's no wonder that when I went to Sanwanlin, I felt that if I found out the truth about Sanwanlin, I would regret it.

"So, I'm actually just a bubble, right?"

Zhang Hao asked this sentence tremblingly.

Cang Tian was stunned for a moment.

"Maybe it's a little special, but I'm really just a bubble, right!" Although Zhang Hao was still asking the sky, but in his own words, he affirmed this point.

"The reason why you want to kill me is not for other reasons, but because both you and I have gone astray and deviated from the track under Lu Bai's interference."

"I can't complete my historical mission, I can't connect with time and space, right!"

Listening to Zhang Hao's words at this time, Lu Bai also solved many doubts in his heart.

When Zhang Hao was young, a sound and light explosion occurred in his home, and all the civilians around him died. Only a few people survived. The sound and light explosion was probably not a real terrorist attack, but a relatively special time-space regression.

It is very likely that Zhang Hao was the product of that space-time regression, not the victim.

This also corresponds to Lu Bai's previous inference that Zhang Hao is an alternative protagonist created by Dimension in order to be flexible.

The arrival of the traveler made the future of the dimension constantly changing, which affected the operation of the dimension. Therefore, the dimension expected this and wanted to be flexible, which caused a special space-time phenomenon. The sound and light explosion is a derivative, and Zhang Hao is the main one. product.

This flexible product of Zhang Hao should have a correct future history, so that Zhang Hao can meet certain requirements.

It's just that this correct future history was interfered by Lu Bai, and a problem occurred. Zhang Hao did not meet the requirements, and changed from Zhang Hao to Cangtian.

In order to solve this problem, Cang Tian was manifested from the future history to solve this problem.

All his actions are aimed at correcting Zhang Hao's crooked path with external force.

The reason why Cangtian's fantasy collapse cannon took so long to prepare is to fill Zhang Hao's correct future history with fantasy factors and then launch it!

"Then some things couldn't be more obvious." Lu Bai said, attracting Zhang Hao's attention.

"If it's just a simple syndrome of missing historical elements, the problem may not need to get to this point."

"It only needs to be done if that person is too important."

"In Tai Lun's report, one thing was specified."

"The Martial Ancestor was not outstanding in his youth, and all the statistics of Tailun surpassed the Martial Ancestor."

"But in a certain year, the Martial Ancestor's strength has accumulated steadily, and Tai Lun can't catch up no matter what."

"Zhang→Hao! Why can you practice Daguangming Wuxingquan casually without the aid of technological equipment!"

"Why do you have a future body to chase and kill you!"

"Stop talking!" Cang Tian changed his expression, wanting to stop it.

"There is only one answer!"

"Zhang → Hao!"

"You are the bubble of that Martial Ancestor!"

The second update, good night everyone, please ask for a monthly pass!

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