Death Compensation

Chapter 436: Treasure Digging

Chapter 436: Treasure Digging

In the nether world, silence will cover everything.

Under the Nether Seabed, even ocean currents are pitifully low.

Everything is silent, but it doesn't look corrupt, but pure.

Here, after Lu Bai regained his senses, he could perceive that there were many things around him.

Countless gem-like things are ups and downs here.

These gemstones emit light slightly, and it is precisely because of these light that Lu Bai can see the surrounding environment clearly.

"It seems that I still have something special." Lu Bai thought that after the death of other people, those insignificant things will be washed away by the Nether Sea.

The fewer impurities, the deeper it sinks, the longer it dies, and the farther it floats.

Lu Bai had only died for a while, and he was actually not far from the coastline, that is, the 'alive' area.

But he sank fast.

At this moment, he is already at the bottom of the sea, but he still maintains his human form.

There is basically no silt here but some gray stones.

When Lu Bai picked up a piece, he could feel that there was a blank space among these gray and white stones, and there was only a frame left of these stones.

Before Lu Bai was unwilling to be with him, the radiance of a gem gradually faded, and then it turned into a gray stone and fell to the bottom of the sea.

And that little bit of light turned into a blurred face on the bottom of the sea, and it can be roughly seen that it is a girl with a beautiful smile.

Soon the light dissipated.

This symbolizes the last trace of a life dissipating.

Looking at the gray and white stones piled up on the bottom of the sea, Lu Bai knew that this area was made up of things that had been dead for so many years.

Those things with value will eventually dissipate as the impurities gradually dissipate.

After dissipating, only these blank frames are left. Although it is said to be a frame, there is actually not much frame structure, which is even more white than a whiteboard.

Lu Bai collected some of these gray and white stones, and brought them out together when he was resurrected to see what could be transformed.

Although all the information and cognition in it have been diffused, as long as things exist, there is still room for them to function.

It's not easy to die once, but you still have to try to get some benefits.

Lu Bai walked towards the nearest glowing gemstone.

Fingers touched it, and after the perception of the circle of life and death, what was inside was quickly perceived.

It was a fuzzy first-person view of a child calling Dad.

After a person dies, the unwilling "power" will be sucked into the Dead Sea's filth.

And those memories, cognitions and some emotional things will stay in the nether world.

Those fine emotions are 'impurities', which will be quickly purified by the ghosts, and then valuable things will remain, in the state of gems.

What is valuable in the end is affected by many factors.

Some people regard the most proficient skills they practice as their most valuable things.

Some people regard a relationship as the most valuable thing.

Some people regard a sentence as their life motto, and then only this motto is left in the end.

This is a personal subjective cognition, in addition to universal values.

For example, a teenager who does not have any valuable memory or cognition personally, but accidentally obtained a valuable paper before his death, and other people also knew that he had obtained it.

Then even after his death, he himself did not regard this paper as his most precious thing, this thing will become his last remnant.

Because death is not isolated.

After entering the Netherworld and waking up again, Lu Bai's understanding of death became clearer.

Death is an act that initially jumps out of the complex causal system of the world, but death does not mean that you really have nothing to do with the world.

Lu Bai discovered that there are also some causal lines on these luminous gems. These causal lines may be much less than those of living people, but they still exist all the time.

The light of some gemstones disappears because of the dissipation of these causal lines.

This reminded Lu Bai of a statement he had made back then.

There are three deaths in this life.

The first time is death in the biological sense, where your vital signs go to zero and your body dies.

The second death was at your funeral. Your relatives and friends recognized your death, and your existence in society was defined as the deceased.

The third death is when the last person who remembers you will also forget you, your traces in the real world will disappear, and your existence will no longer be known, even if someone occasionally discovers the record of your existence, there is nothing they can do Accurately complete your cognition.

Lu Bai could overcome the first and second deaths, but he couldn't overcome the third death.

Here, Lu Bai has gradually perfected his idea of ​​the fifth skill of transcending death.

The personal symbol imprint is just a sharp weapon to cross the third death.

Without much time to think about those philosophies of life, Lu Bai still seized the time to dig treasures.

Throwing aside the gemstone in his hand that recorded the first time his son called Dad, Lu Bai grabbed the other gemstones beside him.

Lu Bai does not express his opinion on those things that regard feelings and other things as the most valuable, and these things are actually not useless.

Emotion is sometimes another deadly weapon.

However, Lu Bai's focus is still on those things that can directly improve combat power.

During the subsequent treasure digging, Lu Bai roughly discovered the pattern.

The light of these gemstones is different, and it is difficult to describe it with the human spectrum, but different lights represent different types.

After gaining an accurate understanding, Lu Bai used the method of elimination to exclude some gems that were definitely emotional.

After picking up about a dozen or twenty gems, Lu Bai finally discovered that there were other things on the bottom of the Nether Sea besides gems, gray stones, and sea water.

That's a hammer.

Wooden handle, steel hammer head, one side of the hammer head is a cube, the other side is a triangle.

"A relic?" Lu Bai currently has three relics, unswerving love until death, unforgettable love and desperate waiting.

Although these things are all emotions, they have also been sublimated due to some reasons that Lu Bai still doesn't understand, so these things have extraordinary power.

The same is true for the hammer in front of him.

When Lu Bai touched the hammer, the ring of life and death silently sent the message of this thing.

【Ten-hardened percussion (not possessed)】

[This is the testimony of some people who have honed their craftsmanship. With the power of human beings, high-precision instruments can be found for corresponding objects as proofs. After completing the proofs, their true abilities will be revealed. 】

[Tip 1: You can also use it directly on some mechanical creations, which will gain the effect of improving precision. 】

[Hint 2: The choice of the possession will affect the ultimate ability of the object. 】

Putting the hammer away, Lu Bai searched again, trying to find similar relics.

However, the relics are still relatively rare. On the contrary, Lu Bai discovered a gem with a new spectrum.

[Talent: Split]

[You have a natural and keen judgment on the entry point and cutting strength of dividing anything. 】

This harvest was not bad, but when Lu Bai was about to continue digging for treasure, he felt that the connection with the incarnation of the demon was gradually weakening.

The six desires transmitted from the incarnation of the demon are becoming more and more difficult to reach.

It turned out that before he knew it, Lu Bai had already stayed in this darkness for a long time in the process of digging treasures, and he took the initiative to go deep into it a lot.

And the 'purification and pollution' of Nether has always existed, and Lu Bai's state at this time has reached a limit.

So without further hesitation, the demon incarnation in this world suddenly activated the internal force crystal reserved by Lu Bai, transforming it into a large amount of life attribute internal force.

All the brains were poured into Lu Bai's corpse.

At the same time, increase the stimulation of the six desires, so that Lu Bai's senses continue to amplify.

Vitality brought vitality, and those vitality could not reach the Netherworld at all, and most of Lu Bai's soul and his corpse had been cut off.

However, with the stimulation of the six desires, as well as the accurate connection between the personal demon incarnation and Lu Bai's soul, Lu Bai still felt a burst of vitality.

This vitality dragged his soul away from the nether world, and he continued to run towards the present world.

And in the process, the severed connection between the soul and the body is being quickly restored.

But just when Lu Bai was about to leave Netherworld, he sensed something.

Turning around and looking, in the depths of the gloom, pairs of eyes suddenly lit up.

The light emitted by the surrounding gemstones, like smoke, was absorbed by the positions of the eyes, and then quickly turned into gray-white stones.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Lu Bai escaped from death.

The first update, there will be another update later.

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