Death Compensation

Chapter 48 Module Details

Chapter 48 Module Details

"According to the rules for travelers to enter the dimension, wherever you enter, you will return there."

"The traitor was seriously injured. He didn't know what the reality was, or he knew through some method that the act of snatching the key of the dimension from the outside world was not smooth."

"Once I return to reality, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave, so I choose to use some method to stay in this dimension."

"From this point of view, maybe we need to be careful about this person."

Lu Bai considered various possible dangers, and then began rehabilitation training.

Although the blood in the body is a little weak, it has a vigorous and upward force.

Even during the exercise, Lu Bai could feel as if there was a nest of springs in his body, and the blood was flowing out like spring water.

After exercising for a while, Lu Bai sensed something, his body shook, and a crimson breath erupted from his body.

Like a solitary smoke in the desert, it has the meaning of going straight to the clouds.

Lu Bai shook his hand above his head, but he didn't feel any touch, nor was his hand stained red.

But the scarlet aura drifted away because of Lu Bai's shaking hand. When he was indoors before, it would also be blocked by the building.

What comes out of the smoke of qi and blood is not real qi and blood. If real qi and blood were blowing out like this, then Lu Bai would have become a mummy long ago.

I don't know what the purpose of this wolf smoke is, it can't just be a sign, so that people can know that the cannon is blasting here, right?

Qi and blood martial art may exist in a certain dimension and flourish there, but for now, these things can only be explored by Lu Bai himself.

"There's no way to explore at all." Lu Bai felt that there must be something wrong with him.

Earthlings belong to the dimension of reality, and there is no extraordinary path.

Even if you use modules as the basis to develop extraordinary power, this road is basically broken. If you want to continue to go up, you can only rely on modules.

This is also impossible.

As for relying too much on modules, will it be controlled by the people behind the modules?

All you need to know is that now even the earth is just one of the other party's many collections.

The Thousand-Dimensional Church, which has the highest status on Earth, is essentially just a management organization for the collection of the Thousand-Dimensional God.

It's too early for you to worry about these things now.

"Do you want to construct modules with the Qi and blood system as the core?" Lu Bai thought, then shook his head.

It's not that he can do that if he wants to, it requires many conditions.

"Besides, exuberant qi and blood are also conducive to the cultivation of internal strength."

"Once I have a huge amount of energy and blood, once I really form a martial arts skill and start to cultivate my inner strength, I am afraid that I will soon accumulate the inner strength of ordinary people for decades."

"I'm going to change from a pure meat to a Fatan!"

Lu Bai was imagining, while experimenting and adjusting the module.

The modules have been supplemented, and both skills now need some minor adjustments to make the two skills play better.

Lu Bai still has a lot of ideas.

However, with the experiment, Lu Bai also discovered that the skills are not as easy to come by as you want.

There will be conflicts between some modules, and if you put them in without thinking, it will only make the effect of the skill worse.

For example, between [Excitation] and [Concealment], Excitation will make the effect of concealment worse.

"The internal logic must make sense, and a corresponding connection method is required." Lu Bai discovered that the connection between modules is not just placed in the skill column, and then linked together with ideas.

The space inside the skill bar is infinite, but it can only be used to store modules. The distance between these modules when they are connected, and even the placement of the modules have certain opinions.

"When the module is operating, it will interfere with other modules. My thoughts can only play a guiding role. If the position is not reasonable, it will interfere with each other, causing problems in the efficiency of skills."

In the past, there were not many skill modules, so this problem was not obvious.

But now the problem is more serious.

For example, in [Battle Mode], the range and position of those meridians and acupoints should best correspond to your own body.

These things all need to accumulate experience little by little, and only when you are familiar with it can you be handy when deploying skills.

Lu Bo experimented for a while, and then ended the experiment. The modules he had were still too few.

Now it can barely form two skills.

The third skill, Lu Bai tried to build the iron shirt, but found that this skill also needs a lot of [internal force] to support, without internal force support, the effect of this skill is not as useful as expected.

In the case that some modules conflict with each other, [Battle Mode] and [Iron Shirt] cannot be well integrated.

In the case that both of them need to consume [Inner Power], Lu Bai chose to keep the optimized [Combat Mode].

At the same time, he didn't combine the third skill. If he insisted on combining it, he could create a skill called [Sound Identification].

It's just that there is a problem. After the modules are condensed, they have entities.

The third skill slot is now used as a repository for modules.

When a module interferes with other modules, the other two skill bars must not be placed randomly.

That being the case, the tasteless third skill can only be temporarily given up.

Otherwise, Lu Bai can only take out a cloth bag to pack these modules, and if one accidentally loses it, most of Lu Bai's gains in this dimension will be lost.

"I hope there is a way out there." Lu Bai shook his head.

The Fengfei girls don't know much about modules, and it's not easy for them to investigate this matter, and even if they really know something, they can't tell Lu Bai everything.

"There is a high probability."

The effect of the skill bar must be used to build skills, and the role of the module warehouse is only in the early stage.

"It's probably because my efficiency is too fast."

Ordinary travelers do not necessarily have the strength of Lu Bai, even if they enter the dimension for the first time, the difficulty of obtaining modules is reduced.

According to Lu Bai's estimate, if ordinary travelers can successfully match the first module, it will be considered a success.

There are very few estimates like his.

"Of course it may be a problem with the skill bar." Lu Bai looked at the word "3" behind the skill bar on his panel, and Lu Bai remembered something.

Then he summoned the servants waiting outside the yard and asked them to find some people.

That night, there was movement outside Lu Bai's yard.

Several people opened the courtyard door and threw the three people who were tied up into the courtyard.

After hugging Lu Bai, he left immediately without saying anything.

"Brother Gangster, we meet again."

Obviously, these tied up people were the same people who came to snatch Lu Bai's compensation for his death.

The bandit leader was killed by Lu Bai, but the younger brothers were not.

"We can have a good talk now."

The second update, good night everyone, if you have a free recommendation ticket, please vote, thank you.

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