Death Compensation

Chapter 468 Come out to wash the ground (seeking genuine subscription from the starting point)

Chapter 468 Come out to wash the ground (seeking genuine subscription from the starting point)

"How is the situation? Are the panel and skill bar still there?" Lu Bai asked.

If he wanted to be resurrected, Lu Bai would have been able to resurrect Lan Yufei long ago.

The reason why I waited until now was to find the body of a traveler.

The swordsman's body is too extreme. It looks like a human body, but it is actually marked with a thick sword, and it is already broken. It is too troublesome to sew it up.

The body of the fine dog has turned into a 'dog', so it would be appropriate if the dog turned into a demon.

Wan Beast's words are fine, but Lu Bai has no intention of killing him right away.

Therefore, among the four travelers who came to attack this time, only the wizard is more suitable.

Although wizards have various physical problems due to witchcraft, most of these problems are not serious, and may even have benefits.

"It has disappeared, but there are still some residues." Lan Yufei also gave the answer immediately.

The feeling at this moment is very strange, he is no different from being alive, he can also feel the five senses of the body.

Breathing, heartbeat, pain in the neck, discomfort in the stomach, etc.

But as long as he wants, he can transfer into the 'soul box' in his body at any time, and treat this body from the perspective of a player controlling a character.

From that perspective of manipulation, he can examine his body more intuitively.

With the help of the remnants of the panel, he even obtained the data panel of his body.

【Name: ███/Lan Yufei】

[Race: Heavenly Demon]

【Sex: Male】

[Traveller ID: *************]

[Already manifest talent: bearing. 】

【Bearing capacity: your body can carry more things and pay more price】

[Skill slot: one/five. 】

[Passive Transformation: Witch Gu Body (Disabled), Spell Affinity, Price Capacity]

[Witch Gu body (disabled): By implanting insects, snakes, clams and other Gu objects in the body, the body is transformed, so that people have effects such as invulnerability to all poisons, vigorous vitality, invulnerability to cold and heat, and breath shielding, etc., because witches The backlash of the technique causes the voodoo in the body to be in turmoil, causing the effect to attenuate. 】

[Spell Affinity: After a long period of witchcraft practice, the body has been affected by a large amount of witchcraft energy, and has the foundation for practicing spells. 】

[Cost Capacity: Your body can store some additional bad things and suppress them in one area, preventing them from affecting the main body. 】

[Evaluation: The demon is transformed into another, parasitic on all things. 】

At the same time, only one of the five skill bars on his body remained, and he could feel that he had lost control of the skill bar.

The remaining skill has been solidified.

[Blood spider spell: energy operation module [blood] + operation module [hatred] + [lock] + element module [toxin] + [pain] + [coma] + release module [spider] + [bite]. 】

[When you have hatred in your heart, you can summon a spider with your own blood. This spider will lock on the target of your hatred, bite it, and inject poison that causes pain to coma. 】

The sorcerer used this skill before, but facing the blood spider, Lu Bai didn't even dodge, allowing the opponent to bite, but he couldn't bite through Lu Bai's defense, and finally was affected by the aftermath of the battle and disappeared.

This skill is definitely an early build of the wizard's skill.

Skill effects are a bit behind the times.

It can only be said that if there are no other changes, this skill is a bit tasteless, and it is better than nothing.

Because the skill bar is locked, skills can no longer be added to modules for transformation and upgrade.

But the demon possessed is the biggest change.

Lan Yufei thought for a moment.

A new skill appeared on the panel.

[Tianmozhong·Sin Department Imprint: An imprint that can transform original sin into strength. Currently, there are original sin classifications: anger, jealousy. 】

This imprint of the sin department is the ability Lu Bai bestowed on Lan Yufei.

Corresponds to the skills of Lubo Demonology · Big Red Dragon.

After Lan Yufei thought for a while, he suddenly cut a cut in his hand, and then a stream of blood spurted out from the wound.

A blood spider the size of a fist quickly formed, and then with Lan Yufei's will, it ran directly to a stone in the distance.

After the spider came to the edge of the stone, the blood that made up its body quickly boiled, and then the spider burst suddenly, and the hot blood splashed around.

That piece of stone was even directly blown to pieces, and the fragments were mixed with hot blood and flew around.

Lan Yufei is not from Earth, nor is he a traveler. After being transformed into a demon, he gained a basic traveler skill.

On the contrary, he can find another way to combine his own abilities with the traveler's skills to play an unexpected role.

After thinking for a while, Lan Yufei reported to Lu Bai.

In his perception, with the injection of anger this time, although the traveler's skill is still in a solidified state, it also has a vague feeling with him.

According to his estimation, as long as the combined skill is used enough times, then this skill has the possibility of being stolen.

That is to say, even if one day, even if Lan Yufei dies and abandons this body, this skill will not disappear, but will be brought into the soul box by him and become his inherent skill.

And this is the most essential ability of Heavenly Demon, 'alteration'.

Turn other people's things into your own.

"Heavenly demons, there is a lot to do!" Lu Bai nodded in satisfaction.

He has no intention of running so-called companies on Earth, and playing so-called capital games.

I don't want to continue to team up with others to cultivate tacit understanding and friendship.

To Lu Bai, those things are all imaginary, and it's not worth wasting time on it.

But this society is like this, the power of one person is limited, unless you reach the point of omniscience, others will be useful.

It is enough to keep a dog by your side, and play games with the dog that the owner loves deeply.

For other people, Lu Bai doesn't care too much about each other's feelings, including Huniu, and Lu Bai won't team up with her for a long time.

At most, just like the Kowu dimension this time, occasionally assisting the other party.

Lu Bai is not a person who cares about other people's emotions. He knows other people's emotions clearly, but he just doesn't care about them, let alone change himself because of other people's emotions.

The demon crowd is the skill that Lu Bai used to make up for the lack of strength of his own group.

He doesn't have to care about others, as long as others care about me.

The demons will be his most solid believers and the cornerstone of the group.

After dealing with Lan Yufei's matter, Lu Bai came to Wanshou's side.

At this moment, Wan Beast fell to the ground with a terrified expression, and there were many protruding faces on his body.

It's as if a person's body is inhabited by multiple residents.

They can't occupy your head, they can protrude a face anywhere on your body to declare their existence.

Lu Bai's previous move was actually not that complicated.

Infuse desire into the beast souls of all beasts and transform them into demon heads.

This demon is not a sky demon like Lan Yufei.

It can only be regarded as a spiritual body polluted by desire.

The specific image is a ferocious head with a bit of animal features, surrounded by a large amount of black air, flying around in mid-air.

There are only heads, which symbolize the thoughts and desires they have.

And there is only black energy without a body, which means that they can invade other people's bodies at any time.

These things have only three basic abilities.

The first one is biting. Although it is a spiritual body, it also has interference power to the entity. When there are more demons, they can swarm up and bite the target's flesh and blood.

The second is possession. They can occupy other people's bodies, and then strengthen the occupied body, destructively making the body burst into stronger power.

The third is pollution. They were just some beast souls at the beginning. They were simply used as a magic material for all beasts. It was only after Lu Bai injected desire that they turned into demons.

This desire can be called magic thoughts, and magic thoughts have the ability to spread and infect.

A large number of demons gather together, and their demonic thoughts may even be much stronger than Lu Bai's own desires.

After all, Lu Bai's desires are only of high quality, while the demonic desires gathered by the demon bosses have reached the extreme in quantity.

The reason why it is judged that Wanshou used the move of absorbing the eclipse of the sun to deal with it is a bad move.

It lies in the pollution ability of magic thoughts.

The Celestial Eclipse of Wanshou Evil Method uses the beast soul as a carrier to absorb all the energy of the enemy's attack and temporarily store it in the body of the beast soul.

It is equivalent to gathering the beast souls together to form a big balloon. When the balloon is not inflated, it is only the size of a finger, but after absorbing air, the volume can expand to many times its original size.

Generally speaking, absorbing the eclipse of the sky can also absorb the power several times more than that of the beast souls, and then vomit it back.

The demon bosses rushed over and were indeed absorbed by the beast souls.

But as the pollution continued, a large number of beast souls quickly became monsters, and then began to rebel against the beast souls.

At this moment, most of Wanshou's beast souls have turned into demon heads, and all of them poured into Wanshou's body.

Dead is not dead, after all, these monsters are his children no matter what, and Wanshou is still their old father no matter what!

The current scene is nothing more than the children wandering home and wanting to get close to their old father.

Of course, by the way, gnawing the old, gnawing the old in various senses.

"Although it may be a little painful, it may be a blessing in disguise." Lu Bai said after investigating the state of the beasts.

The body of Ten Thousand Beasts has been eaten by the monsters to the point that it is almost like a honeycomb, and it is full of holes.

But he didn't die. Instead, he was similar to the witch body of a wizard, which was a kind of body modification.

The effect of the transformation is good, but in the future he may only be the second child, and the demons in his body will be the boss.

The situation where he manipulated the beast soul to do whatever he wanted was reversed, and it became that the demon bosses could do whatever they wanted with his body.

After inspecting it, Lu Bai got some inspiration, then turned and left.

Before leaving, he yelled at the fully armed men on the armored vehicles holding guns and shells.

"Don't look at it, come out and wash the floor!"

The first update, three thousand words.

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