Death Compensation

Chapter 502 Void Zero Enhancement Plan

Chapter 502 Void Zero Enhancement Plan

"Indeed!" Qiu Mo nodded after thinking for a while.

"The situation on Rencang's side is very stable now, and we must get into chaos before we have the opportunity to know more."

Qiu Mo looked at Meimei, but at this moment, her heart was dark.

People who are in a desperate situation can still maintain good qualities, even if they starve to death, they will not steal things, and even if they are extremely bullied, they will not be evil to others.

Maybe there really is such a Madonna, but Qiu Mo is definitely not.

A person's moral bottom line is closely related to his living environment.

If the living conditions are superior and there is nothing to worry about, then the moral bottom line of most people may be improved.

But if a person who wholeheartedly has a goal to achieve, even prepares to seduce a fool for PUA, the moral bottom line of this kind of person has already been lowered to a certain extent.

If the chaos in the world can make her find out the truth of the year, then the world will be in chaos.

Lu Bai looked at Qiu Mo appreciatively.

This kind of crazy critic who can do anything for his own pursuit is a qualified ally for a villain like him.

"I will use that Luo Sheng later, so I need your cooperation. I want to stimulate him."

After discussing with Qiu Mo and confirming the contact information, Lu Bai and Qiu Mo jumped out from the rooftop.

Strengthen his body through lightning to ensure that he can quickly cross the gap between buildings.

However, the speed of movement is still a little slower. He is currently studying the photochemical skills of Martial Ancestor.

When do you plan to use lightning to elementalize.

The figure flickered quickly, and occasionally using the technique of electromagnetic acceleration, Lu Bai recorded his own perception of Yin Lei by the way.

The focus of the Thunder Gourd is actually on the word Yin.

The sound was as small as silent thunder, like thunder rushing from the underworld.

If this thunderbolt is simply treated as an ordinary thunderbolt to destroy it, it will not be used properly.

The attack of the Thunder Gourd is just to add to the head, and the body refining with the Thunder Liquid is its main function.

Thunder is the cardinal of yin and yang, commanding the root of all things.

Body training can actually be attributed to the changes in the body's yin and yang. As long as normal people are not sick, they are generally in balance with yin and yang.

Body training is actually to take the initiative to destroy the balance, and then improve one of the yin and yang, and then use one to drive the other to form the balance of yin and yang again.

Generally speaking, most people's body training is to enhance the Yang side.

The Yin Thunder Gourd transforms Yin Qi into lightning liquid, which invades all parts of the body, enhances the Yin side of the body, and promotes changes in the body.

After understanding this point, Lu Bai found the correct direction to improve this avatar.

It is really unnecessary to develop those messy thunder attacks. You only need to increase the amount and control of the thunder, and the physical strength of the avatar can be quickly improved.

The future of Yinlei Gourd lies in body training, using Yinlei to refine the body, and using physique to carry more Yinlei.

On this path of positive circulation, this gourd can become stronger and stronger.

When Lu Bai grasped the path of Yin Lei Gourd's ascension, he had already arrived at the third street of Renxin Road.

Here at this moment, civilians have begun to evacuate.

At the same time, the power of the void device has also increased by one level.

Because the ability to extract void zero-point energy is limited, void devices, which require void zero-point energy to activate their functions, generally maintain the third gear of operating efficiency.

It can also effectively suppress the C-level void monsters.

After all, Void monster attacks are mainly at C level and below.

Higher grades D and E are too wasteful of energy.

It is precisely because of the energy that the powerhouses of Tidal's level cannot be easily dispatched.

For this statement, Ding Yan, who was standing in front of him, expressed that he could not agree with it.

On the other side of the street, there were already several mutilated corpses.

Because of the deeds of the lucky guy Luo Sheng, these ignorant people were encouraged, and they didn't choose to escape when the void attack happened.

Instead, he took the initiative to attack the void monster to show his bravery.

It turned out that Ding Yan, a member of the guard, tried his best but failed to save these people.

And he is a C-level responder, mainly responsible for leading a team to capture C-level void monsters.

But the Void Monster that came this time was indeed C-level at the beginning, but after eating a few people, it was upgraded.

Ding Yan never understood the rules of the guards.

The void zero point energy is clean and cheap, that is, there are not many extraction devices manufactured at present, and the corresponding energy storage device technology is not up to standard, which leads to relatively low energy.

Why do we have to let so many risk events go in order to save this little energy?

If a D-level void device is activated today, and if a D-level escort is dispatched, can these people be rescued?

It is necessary to wait until the disaster is further expanded before starting the corresponding emergency measures. This shows that the action mode of the escort has no reserve, sluggish and rigid.

Ding Yan also reported many proposals to change the system to his superiors, but they were all rejected.

"Is the support here? I can't stand it anymore!" Ding Yan roared angrily, becoming more and more dissatisfied with some systems of the guards.

In front of him, a metal shield has completely deformed at this moment.

A monster more than three meters tall was attacking frantically in front of him.

The monster had no head, and on the broken neck, there were countless tentacles waving crazily. Ding Yan's body would tremble with each waving, and some blood mist was even spit out from his mouth and nose.

If he continued like this, he would probably be beaten to death, but he couldn't retreat.

Behind him, there are his teammates and many injured people.

It's just a D-rank void creature, and quite a few people in the guards can deal with it.

But according to the guard system, those people can't use their abilities to deal with void incidents at will before receiving orders to dispatch them.

It must be approved before it can be dispatched from the headquarters.

Even if all of you have arrived at the scene, if you want to make a move, you have to go back to the headquarters and get approval before you can do it.

It is said that this is to restrict these superhuman beings from abusing their own power.

Once you use your own ability without approval, it will be a serious crime.

Therefore, every time there is an emergency, such as this time when the C-level changed to a D-level, those people's support was not timely.

Request support, get approval, and then travel from headquarters to the scene of the incident.

After this set of behaviors, the day lily is cold, and the people are almost dead.

It's a pity that he is just a small C-level player and has no say in the rules and regulations.

And those who are in positions of authority all agree with this set of mechanisms.

"Corrupt, it's rotten to the extreme!" Ding Yan was filled with anger, and even the illusion of death appeared in his eyes.

What he didn't know was that the support he was looking forward to had already arrived at the scene.

Two men with cigarettes in their mouths were leaning on the railing of the roof of the building next to them, blowing the night wind, watching Ding Yan desperately.

"You said whether he can break through that barrier." The long-haired person next to him suddenly asked.

"Probably not, he's too naive." The cropped man also took a deep breath of the cigarette, then slowly exhaled the smoke, and said indifferently.

He waited for that person to die, and took over at any time to eradicate the monsters below.

Although they are colleagues, the barrier between them seems extremely heavy.

"I remember you were so naive before, right?" The long-haired man laughed and teased the short-haired man next to him.

The inch-cut man just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Looking at Ding Yan below, waiting for the death of the other party, it was like waiting for the death of the past self.

It's just that there is also a kind of expectation in his eyes that he can't express, hoping that Ding Yan can overcome this difficulty.

Void Zero Enhancement Plan.

A-level strengthening plan, injecting a certain amount of void zero-point energy into human beings, and if they can adapt, the strengthening is successful.

The B-level enhancement plan increases the injected void zero-point energy.

The C-level enhancement plan requires reconstruction surgery and spectral adaptation selection, and those who succeed will receive enhancement and a technology.

For example, Ding Yan's shield unloading control.

The D-level enhancement plan needs to make the target fall into a near-death state at the right time, then sink into the phantom of death, and break free from the phantom of death, which is regarded as a successful enhancement.

Ding Yan is already a veteran C-level enhancer, and the time for him to become a D-level enhancer has arrived.

Whether what awaits him is a glorious cheer or a decent funeral, it all depends on Ding Yan's own choice.

The shield shattered in an instant. At this moment, Ding Yan actually saw the void monster opposite, and at the same time, because he was dying, the void zero point in his body began to boil.

At this moment, a transformation operation that he had forgotten suddenly appeared in his mind.

It seemed that his neck had been cut off and he was on the verge of death.

Looking at the headless void creature at this moment, Ding Yan seemed to be back on the operating table, looking at his body whose head had been severed.

Suddenly, Ding Yan seemed to understand something.

This void monster appeared because of him.

The application of void zero point energy will attract void monsters.

When he was undergoing transformation, he naturally used the zero-point energy of the void.

Rather than saying that the Void Monster was attracted, it would be better to say that it was created.

It wasn't an accident that this monster suddenly reached D-level from C-level, but it was inevitable, because the void zero energy in his body had almost reached D-level at this moment.

At this moment, he has a choice, to appease the zero-point energy of the void in his body and absorb it according to the original transformation operation.

In that case, he will become a D-rank enhancer.

Relying on the combat power of a D-level enhancer, he was able to suppress and seal the void monster in front of him.

It's just that in the future, every time he uses the ability that Void Zero can bring, he will feel guilty.

Everyone in the security guard, their birth, represents the birth of a void monster.

The use of the zero-point energy of the void is neither clean nor cheap.

First update.

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