Death Compensation

Chapter 520 Adding water to balance

Chapter 520 Adding water to balance

"You guys are having fun." Lu Bai couldn't help but smile happily.

I knew before that Jupiter is a stallion who does not care about meat and vegetables, and is merciful everywhere.

But he never expected that Saturn, who was overthrown by him, would have such a relationship with Jupiter.

And from the perspective of entering a state of infatuation, it is still the most memorable period for Saturn.

It's just that Saturn at this moment has no way to respond to Lu Bai's words.

During the fall, the hat he was wearing had also been taken off, exposing his head.

There is nothing wrong with his head, but the key point is his ears, the auricles on both sides are gone.

And according to what Lu Bai saw on the official information platform before, Saturn should be in a healthy state, and there is no incident that shows that the other party has had ear damage.

Lu Bai spread his wings and flew towards Saturn.

Grabbing his coat, she led him to leave quickly.

Now that I know about these E-level strengtheners, after being knocked unconscious by a heavy blow, they will go berserk.

So now, let him be in a state of obsession with an arrow of admiration.

And in this state, he will not have any resistance if he conducts research on him.

Still the same sentence: A wise man does not fall in love.

It was just when Lu Bai was about to take Saturn away.

The sky suddenly became gloomy.

The wind and clouds are rolling, and the sky is changing rapidly.

A huge human face passed through this area.

"Sinner, put it down!" The thunder sounded, but amidst the rumbling vibrations, a sentence was clearly uttered.

"Your relationship!" Lu Bai looked up at the sky, and somehow, he felt that he was locked.

Meanwhile, at the guard headquarters.

Seeing the drastic change in the sky, Uncle Yu's face pulled, and the scarred face on the other side became more and more ferocious at this moment.

Then he stood up and left the office.

Resolutely rushed directly to an office next to him, and with a wave of his hand, a bodyguard rushed out and kicked the door open.

"Jupiter, now is not the time for you to go crazy!" As the door kicked open, Uncle Yu immediately shouted, "Do you want to add water to break the balance?"

"Get out!" Jupiter stood on the balcony, raised his eyebrows, and shouted at Uncle Yu.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a thunderbolt burst out of the air, directly blowing up the bodyguard who kicked the door.

Part of the burnt flesh exploded, completely smearing the corridor of the room.

Even Uncle Yu's body was spattered with a lot of flesh and blood.

He shook off a piece of flesh that was still smoking on his face with his hands.

Uncle Yu came to Jupiter in two or three steps.

Looking straight into the other person's eyes, he said seriously, "Stop now."

The blood-stained face was pulled to its peak at this moment.

"Apply for me, and I will deal with the consequences myself." Jupiter still restrained his anger slightly.

"Together with this time." Uncle Yu's face softened a bit, but he still said in a cold voice.

Then he turned to another bodyguard next to him, pointed at the flesh and blood on the ground, and left without saying a word.

Regarding this, although the bodyguard turned blue and wanted to run away from the lion-like man over there, he did not dare to disobey Uncle Yu's order.

Immediately arrange for someone to start dealing with the bodyguard's death.

At the same time, on Lu Bai's side, the dark clouds in the sky gradually subsided, and they no longer rolled like waves like before.

But the cloud did not dissipate, and the sound of muffled thunder could still be vaguely heard.

"It seems that there is indeed a certain restriction on the shots of E-level enhancers." Lu Bai waited for a while, and the feeling of being locked in disappeared.

The expected Thunder has not yet arrived.

Ignoring the others, he quickly left with Saturn.

This incident finally came to an end.

This time because Lu Bai confronted Thunder for a while after capturing Saturn.

So many people have seen the scene of Lu Bai grabbing Saturn.

In addition, Xiang Fei shouted before, saying that Lu Bai and Uranus had fought.

In short, Lu Bai became famous all of a sudden, and immediately appeared on the pages of major newspapers and news.

About who Lu Bai was, the so-called Mutual Aid Association, and what happened to the freezing natural disaster that appeared in Ren Cang before, immediately aroused heated discussions.

At the same time, Lu Bai slipped away from Saturn and strolled in the alleys.

Walk unhurriedly.

Then when he reached a place, he stopped.

"Come out, there is no one here." Lu Bai said.

At the same time, at the corner of the alley, a black suit also came out.

He held a dagger in his hand, and looked coldly at Saturn in Lu Bai's hand.

The hostility is great.

"Don't be so impulsive, Pluto." At this moment, a carefree voice emerged, and Luo Cheng, who had caused trouble at the press conference, came out from behind Pluto.

The two were still in a state of hostility before, but now the atmosphere between the two is much more harmonious.

Luo Cheng patted Pluto on the shoulder, walked to Lu Bai in three or two steps, and squatted not far from Saturn.

He looked at Saturn's pinnaless ears with an interesting smile on his face.

"Oh, it's said that Jupiter bit it off suddenly when you were together."

"That guy, he is really unscrupulous for the sake of superiority."

"Two big men, naked, crying and fighting at the same time, this kind of picture is wonderful when you think about it, why didn't the guards release the video!"

Luo Cheng's words were not ordinary hurt, but Saturn didn't show any anger about it, but his expression became more sad, and he murmured Jupiter's name.

"I didn't expect you to be able to prevent the outbreak of natural disasters in this way." At this moment, Luo Cheng stood up and looked at Lu Bai.

His eyes seemed to be shining with light.

"Get to know Luo Yuecheng's leader, Luo Cheng."

"Lu Bai." Naturally, Lu Bai would not refuse.

After all, he made such a big commotion, to a certain extent, it was also to cover Luo Cheng, so that he could get in touch with him.

After catching Saturn, he walked unhurriedly, just to wait for Luo Cheng.

It's just that what Lu Bai didn't expect was that Luo Cheng didn't take the opportunity to get rid of the people who were watching him.

The person named Pluto, at first glance, is a member of the guards.

Judging from the current situation, Luo Cheng actually turned the other party against him.

I have to say that Luo Cheng is an interesting person.

"Then let's find a place to have a good chat." Lu Bai mentioned Saturn, saying that it's okay for him to always mention it like this: "I'm very interested in you, compared to you and me."

"That's natural." Luo Cheng nodded.

Then he took out an electronic business card with a display screen from his chest.

"In a little later, I will send you the address through this thing, please rest assured Mr. Lu Bai, it is absolutely safe." Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows.

It seems that they are not talking about the place to talk, but the location of Footwashing City.

The tone is obscene and obscene.

"If you have no problem, then I have no problem." Lu Bai put away the business card: "I can trust you."

"As expected of Mr. Lu Bai, if you change the place, I'll cut off the chicken head and burn yellow paper with you immediately!" Luo Cheng's trust in Lu Bai seemed to be greatly appreciated, and he said to Lu Bai with a smile.

The two sides are in this dark alley, but they seem to be in a magnificent hotel, and the brilliance of trust has illuminated this place.

Afterwards, there was no intention of communicating any more, and Lu Bai took Saturn with him and prepared to leave, although the information Luo Cheng gave before was actually very interesting.

But Luo Cheng seems to be familiar with everyone, and he is open and frank with everyone, but his heart is not sincere.

His appearance can deceive other people, but Lu Bai, who is aware of it but not aware of it, cannot be deceived.

The opponent's magnanimity is hidden under his domineering ability to control everything.

When things are beyond one's control, then the true face of this person may be exposed.

After Lu Bai left, Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction in which he left, deep thoughts flashed in his eyes.

"We made a mistake, a huge mistake, and the death star will come and destroy everything."

He chanted a certain sentence and watched for a long time in the darkness, following the sound of some search.

Only then did he regain his smile, and after greeting Pluto, he turned and left again.

Lu Bai was at an intersection, and after a short contact, he threw that long business card that looked cool, but actually had a problem nine out of ten, to the avatar of the thunder gourd.

And he himself left again with Saturn.

He talked about trust but actually never meant any trust.

Regardless of whether the other party is true or false, as long as you choose to trust, it is actually just a gamble, betting with your own life.

It is really too stupid to put everything about yourself on whether other people are moral and not lying.

Gambling without confidence is giving people money, or even death.

Many people understand that betting on dogs is not to be trusted.

But he doesn't know that he is in life, which is actually similar to gambling with dogs.

The difference is that some people may win a lot, and they haven't ushered in the "gamble" that ruined their fortune.

Lu Bai inspected Saturn's body and found no problem inside before changing hands again.

Handed over Saturn to another newly created incarnation.

This avatar is obviously not coquettishly dressed, and the clothes are very simple, but the first moment people see it, the first impression is definitely flowers.

In fact, this incarnation is indeed a flower.

The Mandala of the Other Shore, a flower of death forged from a borderline wild spirit.

Because of this, the critical power that can distort people's inspiration will be slightly reflected in the avatar, tampering people's first impression of him.

After the other party took over, Lu Bai then turned and left, heading to Qiu Mo's place.

At the same time, in the dark of the city of Rencang, there are countless people watching the pictures on today's video, full of excitement.

Until Xiang Fei appeared here with the body of the D-level player, he immediately attracted their attention.

One by one, they were so excited that the black snake mark appeared in their ears.

Young people like Li Ansheng and Zhang Xinnian are also here.

Although they seemed a little afraid of the corpse, they looked at Xiang Fei with admiration.

Imagine that one day I can be like Xiang Fei, get the support of the boss, join Zhengwubu, obtain secondary authority, and reach the pinnacle of life.

Everything about Xiang Fei today is simply too exciting.

In today's society, it is difficult to change the solidification of class, and spiritually, people seek idol worship more.

The Guard is the biggest idol group today.

A large number of people not only worship this group, but even worship it as a god.

There are those who worship, and naturally there are those who despise each other.

For example, some young people think that they are no worse than anyone else, but they have no chance.

Xiang Fei is a good proof of this today.

And Xiang Fei officially launched the banner of their mutual aid association of the demons today. This feeling of attracting worldwide attention made them feel honored.

I even had the urge to show the black snake behind my ear immediately, and ran to the street and shouted that I was a member of the Mutual Aid Club.

Xiang Fei didn't show off too much in front of these people.

In other words, although he is arrogant, he is not in the nature of showing off, because showing off is not as effective as doing a few more sets of training in his opinion.

However, his current actions came from Lu Bai's hint.

The demons still need to mobilize their enthusiasm. Those who have obtained the subsistence allowances of the demons are already satisfied. There will be a lot of leeks who don't want to get involved in the future, and a large number will come in later.

But there are not many people who can really do things and have the ability to do things.

It's not realistic to just think about recruiting such people. The best way is to train yourself.

No one is born to do things, but needs to do it again and again, and then gain experience.

With this stimulus, their enthusiasm will be much higher.

Maybe there will be many people behind, who will retreat because of the arduousness and danger of the task.

But there will always be some people who wash the sand with big waves and start to emerge from the inside.

Xiang Fei took the body with him and soon saw Lu Bai.

Holding the corpse, Lu Bo inspected it, and found that with the death of the strengthener, the zero-point energy of the void in their body would disappear.

Even the physique that has been strengthened has returned to the normal range at this moment. At most, it has been affected by some influence and is stronger than ordinary people.

But if you look carefully, you will find that their physiques have changed.

There are a large number of gaps in their bodies corresponding to the zero-point energy of the void.

An idea gradually came to mind.

A soul box appeared in his hand.

On the other side, Lu Bai, who is the incarnation of the mandala on the other side, also put Saturn on the operating table and started his research.

Not far away, C30 was sleeping on the other side, surrounded by countless undead monsters like patron saints.

Yinlei Gourd, who was walking in the city, also sensed something at this moment. The electronic business card was vibrating slightly at this moment, and a line of address appeared on it.

Music of the Day Recommendation: Children of the Dark - Mono Inc.

Genre: Heavy Metal.

Xu Ming doesn't really like this genre, but the prelude of this song is really nice, and the lyrics and song title are relatively in line with this book.

We are all children of darkness.

Today is only 4000 words for this update. I rushed here early in the morning to help decorate the wedding room, and I haven't even seen a bridesmaid.

Hope tomorrow's wedding bridesmaids will be more beautiful.

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