Death Compensation

Chapter 526 521 is also the shape of loving you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Chapter 526 521 is also the shape of loving you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

After Jiang Ming finished his day's work, he squatted in the prison cell, making this simple environment full of decadence.

It never occurred to him that just because he slept too much at night and fell off the bed, the noise caused by the people downstairs complained once, and he would go to jail for disturbing the people.

Plus, of course, judge judgments like contempt of court.

The problem is that no one has to despise it, it's just an apology after falling asleep and hitting the floor.

Can I be directly detained and sent to court for sentencing?

When I asked a few questions in anger, it became a contempt of court, and the penalty was increased for several years.

The most irritating thing is that there are still many people applauding outside, thinking that he has committed a crime and is still so arrogant. If he goes in for a few more years, the world will be a better place.

After entering the prison, Jiang Ming understood the problem.

Complaints of nuisance, at most, just come to the door to give a warning or two, and find out the situation.

The point is that Jiang Ming's social relationship is simple.

"You are alone, no one cares, no one cares, and you just lost your job. In this case, don't say you have been complained."

"In this society, if you have more than one, you will not have more, and if you have less, there will be more. This is simply the best goal."

"Even if you are walking on the road, you may be directly phished for law enforcement and then caught here."

These are the exact words of the inmates in the prison.

"The guards don't care?" After Jiang Ming asked this sentence, he was ridiculed by all the inmates.

"This prison was funded and established by the guards, and we still get subsidies from the guards every year."

The inmate's answer completely shattered Jiang Ming's previous impression of the guards' majesty and uprightness.

Then there was continuous work, which made Jiang Ming feel that he was not in a prison, but in a plantation.

For a moment he thought he was dark.

But these two days, he was not assigned to work.

He was quite happy at first, but seeing the sympathetic eyes of the inmate next to him, he felt something was wrong.

After some questioning, I got some vague answers.

For example, those who are suddenly notified that they don't have to work will be taken out later. In name, they are changing prisons, but in fact they disappear.

Those who work, if they can work until the end of their sentence, they still have a little chance of freedom.

After all, there are always some people who want to get out of prison.

But once you are relaxed, then you are basically gone.

Sitting at the gate of the prison, he looked at the dim light outside, and the light in his eyes was getting weaker and weaker.

Is this the end of his life?

"Hello?" The shout woke Jiang Ming up.

Then they found a man in a prison uniform standing outside, looking at him squatting at the door.

"Wait for the riot, do you want to be together?"

The man reached out and touched the position of the door key, and the door was already opened.

Jiang Ming felt that at this moment, there was light in his eyes again.

"Yes, I want!" Jiang Ming stood up, he didn't care what happened, he absolutely couldn't just disappear like this for the rest of his life.

"Then get ready to join the demons. We will work together to summon the BOSS later." Ye Ge put his hand on Jiang Ming's neck.

A scorching heat scalded his neck, and at this moment, he saw a black snake mark emerging from the opponent's neck.

At the same time, a wave of information flooded into his mind along with the heat. By sacrificing part of his vitality, he could 'download' a martial art, and then quickly learn it.

From Lu Bai's active empowerment, it has evolved to the help of subordinates with secondary authority.

Now it’s easy to join the club, learn independently, and have a variety of choices. There is always one that suits you.

The means of development of the demons are also becoming more and more humane, and of course they are generating more and more income.

Martial arts used to be available only after joining the club, but now you need to pay vitality to download it.

Of course, now is not the best opportunity to download martial arts, but another kind of instilled operation.

Crowdfunding calls.

Every demon in the vicinity can see a row of a/b data.

When entering vitality into it, a of this line of data will increase, and then get closer to the value of b.

Somehow, he can know that once a=b, then the Lord of Desire to Heaven can be summoned, and this will be their biggest trump card for escaping from this prison.

"Look at your cleverness, I'll give you this." Ye Ge transmitted something again, and then Jiang Ming discovered that he had an extra authority.

It is possible to pay a portion of vitality to brand others with a black mark.

In other words, create more demons.

What was transmitted together also had a lot of life force.

"Don't alarm the prison guards so quickly, develop more manpower."

"When the numerical crowdfunding is full, it's time to do it."

"Someone will come to pick us up. After we get out, what awaits us is freedom and resistance."

Jiang Ming nodded, and after Ye Ge left, he turned to look at the other sleeping inmates.

Quietly woke up a trustworthy person, and after making the other party whisper, began to help the other party join the club.

Coupled with the Heavenly Demons who were captured before, the number of Heavenly Demons in this prison reached a certain standard.

Originally, there seemed to be a huge number of crowdfunding projects, but in the case of one person, one piece, it will soon be collected.

It was at this time that there was an explosion outside.

Then came the sound of gunfire and shouts.

Jiang Ming only felt his blood boil, and he kicked open the concealed cell door.

"Brothers, the day of freedom has come!"

All of a sudden, the entire prison came alive, and some prisoners who didn't know where they were in were coerced into joining the riot when they saw this.

Then naturally got into the car of the demons.

Many guards were quietly dealt with by Ye Ge, and they were not suppressed at the beginning of the riot, so the riot was inevitable.

The black snake imprint behind the ears became a symbol of their own people at this moment. Many people didn't worry about vitality at all at this moment, and directly downloaded the martial arts, and quickly gained combat power.

Although the prison guards had weapons, they had no way of restraining the rioting prisoners who far outnumbered them.

The most terrible thing is that several key doors have also been opened at this moment, and the control room is not in their hands at this moment.

In other words, the prison's easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain has failed.

The weapons in their hands have limited effects against the crowd who suddenly learned martial arts.

Not to mention, the Heavenly Demons also developed a group of people in advance, and they were caught. These people are elite.

The combat effectiveness is different from these newly developed prisoners. Although they are not the regular five, they are not ordinary outsiders either.

So in the early days, the riots in the prison went very smoothly, and soon most of the prison was captured.

Even the gates have been opened, and several transport vehicles have been snatched away and can be driven away at any time.

Only at this time, the nature of the riots changed.

The heavenly demons headed by Ye Ge gradually calmed down the rioters and gathered them in the square.

Ye Ge stood on the high platform, looked at the vast crowd of prisoners below, and delivered his speech.

A projector was placed beside it, projecting the information collected by Ye Ge for most people to see.

"Ren Cang, the security guard, that is a monster with teeth and claws. He lies on the people to suck blood and eat meat."

"While their brains are full of fat, they still have to stand on the moral high ground and invent various names to imprison us here."

"Even if you escape now, you are still fugitives. Everyone shouts and beats you. No one will understand you, and no one will care about you." Along with Ye Ge's speech, various files were projected behind him.

The stories of those seniors made many people's eyes red.

Not touched, but angry.

Many of them were really brought in this way.

As long as your social relationship is weak, small things will become big things, small mistakes will become big mistakes, innocence will become guilty, and guilt will become big crimes.

In the eyes of superiors, they are just indicators.

It is ordered how many people need to be detained in the prison this year, and how many of them will be used as experiments and become consumables.

These indicators are clearly written in the warden's files.

This kind of insult, as long as there is still a little self-esteem, will be stimulated.

"And now we have a chance." Ye Ge saw that his emotions were almost mobilized, so he changed the topic and turned to his real purpose.

"Make this matter a big deal, let the whole world see the true colors of the guards."

"Tear off their fig leaf, let the ugliness covered by it, and expose the maggots wriggling inside to the sunlight."

"We can use this to get back our reputation, money, and benefits that were taken away by them."

"We can get our... lives back!"

"Take our lives back!!"

Using this as a slogan, a prison riot turned into an armed Naha movement based in prisons.

And when even if there is a camera aimed at them, the situation here is aimed at the stage.

Every now and then, someone came to the stage to give a speech, telling everyone why they were arrested and how they were treated in the prison.

And behind the camera are the hackers arranged by the demons.

They forced this live broadcast onto various platforms or TV programs.

Let more people see this confession of marginalized people in society.

At the same time, various files about this prison were immediately spread everywhere.

The guards are indeed very strong, but it is not enough to say that they can cover the sky with one hand.

Such a big thunder was exploded, and the emergency public relations said that it was smeared by the demons of the Mutual Aid Society, but not many people believed it.

Because those files are too complete.

The information over the past few years can be found. If someone who is interested in this kind of thing checks it, he can immediately find out that it is true.

Some people really went to jail because of these small problems, and then disappeared from their lives.

Including the parents of a 14-year-old who was jailed for insulting a friend's mother.

They thought it was their son who made a mistake, that they didn't educate him well and made his son learn badly.

Although sad, but also can only give up each other.

But he didn't expect that his life was directly sent to a dead end like this.

All of a sudden, Ren Cang started a large-scale parade.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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