Death Compensation

Chapter 528 Incisively and vividly

Chapter 528 Incisively and vividly

"Can you even control the location where the void creatures attack?" Lu Bai thought while watching the live broadcast.

Things will not be so coincidental.

An accident happened in the prison, and then the attack of the void creature happened in the prison.

No matter how you think about it, this is not normal, and it also happens to explain the reason why the guards acted abnormally before.

As an authoritative organization, the most unbearable thing is something that challenges his authority.

If it was before, I am afraid that the strengtheners of the guards would have been dispatched to forcefully destroy this place by force.

It is absolutely impossible to choose to send negotiators here to persuade.

The most important point is that the negotiator's acting skills are really not up to standard.

All the performances were superficial, and there was even a hint of joy in his eyes.

In times of crisis, he still cares about the people, even if he is a prisoner, he is also persuading the other party to leave to ensure their safety.

Once this kind of great and selfless personality is established, in the future, although his wife will still be slept by others, his children will still be beaten by others, and the bed in his master bedroom will still be climbed up and pressed down by others.

But he can also bully other people's wives and children.

Although he is still kneeling, he is taller than others even if he is kneeling.

The space around the prison began to wrinkle, as if the water surface was constantly rippling.

Members of the guards who had been prepared for a long time also came nearby in full armor.

The most important thing is the man who is like a giant.

Jupiter - Jupiter.

One of the Eight Heavenly Stars, he is called the God King, the master of thunder, and the monarch of all things.

Many people even think that if it is not for the special status of the tide, then Jupiter will be the strongest one among the eight heavenly stars.

Countless people admire Jupiter and want to become a strong man like him.

I feel safe with him.

However, if it is within the guard, this evaluation will change drastically.

A tyrant, a violent, inhuman beast like a thunderbolt.

It's just that similar to this kind of evaluation, these people only dare to talk about it in private, and they absolutely dare not speak out.

In the escort team, the biggest bully is Jupiter.

When he first joined the guard, he was still a young man with a sunny face and a sense of justice.

With the further improvement of strength, his temper is also further improved.

At that time, Saturn was the senior who took care of him the most, but in order to go one step further, he betrayed the other party in the most naked manner without hesitation, and then defeated the other party.

When he was only one step away from ascending to the highest position, his temper completely exploded.

This is an existence with a sacred animal nature.

Chaos, just one word.

Within the guard, more than 50% of the people had been harassed by him, and more than 20% of the people had slept in his bed, and almost half of them were forced by him.

He is a beast that is in heat at any time, as long as he is good-looking, even a male animal, this guy can also be in heat.

And he is extremely irritable, and if he is in a bad mood, he will want to punish the other party.

But when he is in a good mood, he is extremely generous and romantic. While being tough, he will also do many romantic operations that can be called taking off the moon for you.

For example, breaking the prohibition, writing the promise of loving you in the sky with thunder and lightning, and so on.

It's just that Jupiter's mood has been in a negative state for a while.

In this situation, he seemed to dislike everyone. He was standing outside the prison at the moment, looking at the people in the prison with a gloomy expression.

Although it is said that he once backstabbed Saturn and erased Saturn's name, if he really wanted to say something, he would only have one answer.

Loved it, and still love it now.

A handsome man in gorgeous clothes, with streamers and powder smeared on his face, he is Jupiter's favorite concubine and one of his managers.

At this moment, he was pinching his throat and being careful not to get next to him, whispering about the tasks assigned by Uncle Yu.

"As soon as the E-level void creature comes out, we will take action."

"Shut out, kill all!"

With a smile on the corner of Jupiter's mouth, a big hand pinched the opponent's neck, and his face moved closer to the opponent and said, "I like this order."

"But I don't like orders."

With a flick of the finger, a flash of lightning pierced into the opponent's body, and Chong Ji's heart stopped instantly.

He opened his eyes wide, and there was a trace of peace on his face.

The day has finally arrived.

When he let go, someone took over and 'supported' the other person into the car.

Most of the people around are used to this scene.

Jupiter is moody, the same thing, when he is happy, he will reward you, and when he is unhappy, he will punish you.

He often does this kind of sudden attack to kill people around him.

And after seeing the dead body of the other party, a tear appeared in the corner of Jupiter's eyes.

It seems to be lamenting the fragility of life, and lamenting his lost love.

There is no falsehood in this tear, and it is full of emotion.

It was as if he was not the one who took the other person's life because of a trivial incident.

The wind rose.

A giant hand entwined with the violent wind stretched out from the void.

This giant hand is like a high-rise building, even if an arm is just a fingernail, it is much bigger than a human being.

Then there were more arms, each with khaki and white color stripes.

And as soon as it appeared, the surrounding things were wrapped in the strong wind and became light and light.

The body of a person with no tonnage has already flown up.

Even the ground is cracking rapidly, as if the land under his feet is about to fly under the action of this force.

The guard members who had already prepared opened the void device and released the maximum power.

To make the surrounding environment a little more stable.

But the gust of wind did not stop, on the contrary, it intensified.

Human beings can't enjoy the protection of the void device. Before the live broadcast, the negotiators who were still trying to persuade, together with the photographer, were instantly swept up by the strong wind and flew into the sky.

Hitting those giant hands, the disappearance of life seems to be much simpler than killing a mosquito at this moment.

Tradition of the guards - sell your own people who are lower than your level.

They told the negotiators that there was a chance to perform, and if successful it would make his name soar.

And told him everything was arranged.

So he went up and died naturally.

It is true that everything is arranged, but it is not his safety, but the distribution of his wife and children's property after his death.

Of course, it wasn't just him who was sold, there were also many ordinary staff such as photographers.

There is only one meaning for their existence, to increase the authenticity of things, and then use their lives to add one or two points of tragedy to the guards.

Someone gave their life for this matter, although it is not me, but I have inherited this honor.

At this moment, Jupiter frowned and looked into the prison.

Compared with their side, the prison was closer to the E-rank monster, but there was not much damage in the prison.

It seems that there is some kind of power that stagnates the strong wind.

Ye Ge looked at the box behind him, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

But then he focused more on the Void Monster and Jupiter over there.

The other party wants to make a summary, and then make a conclusion with the coffin.

But they were the ones lying in it, and they didn't intend to let each other close the coffin lid just like that.

They want to kick each other away, and then tell them, even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will still be in the tomb, shouting with this rotten vocal cord, your ugliness, your stink is indescribable!

What's more, they didn't die.

At this time, those giant hands stretched out again.

Then one of the giants, whose heart was bleeding continuously, slowly crawled out from the void.

This giant has many arms, at a rough glance, there are dozens, and it is very possible to reach hundreds.

The skin of the giant is like the arms, with many stripes.

Its head is covered by various arms, and its real appearance cannot be seen clearly, only the lack of ears can be vaguely seen.

But soon, there was a strong wind covering it, and a tornado-like dust belt was set off outside the huge body.

After burrowing out of the void, it let out a howling roar.

"Hehehehe!" Jupiter laughed when he heard the roar, and walked over there step by step.

The strong wind was blowing on his body, but there was no way to move his body halfway.

The sky was already dark because of the sand and dust raised by the strong wind, and it became darker and darker with the operation of Jupiter.

Countless dark clouds gathered in an instant, forming a vast expanse of blackness, in which silver dragons flickered, and the muffled thunder sounded like drums beating continuously.

The next moment, the surroundings completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the raging thunderstorm flooded everything in front of him.

Jupiter is the master of this sea of ​​thunder.

He stepped on the thunder, and the originally violent thunder became as docile as a cow after coming to his side.

As the thunder gathered, a huge thunder bull emerged, and then rushed out towards the place where Jupiter was advancing.

The land that had been plowed by thunderstorms once again ushered in the violent impact of Thunder Niu.

Everything is trampled under its galloping hooves.

And in front of it, the pair of giant hands stretched out were also smashed by the horns.

The huge body of the hundred-armed giant seemed to have no ability to resist against Lei Niu.

Get easily knocked down and trampled.

In front of Jupiter, he is a docile farm bull, but when facing the enemy, he is a crazy fighting bull.

It crashes, jumps, tramples, and frantically wants to destroy everything.

Under this kind of impact, the hundred-armed giant quickly became a puddle of meat sauce, and even the ground cracked and collapsed under this kind of abuse.

Jupiter continued to walk forward, and the Thunder Bull never stopped.

The giant's body, which was trampled into meat paste, turned into sand in the next moment.

Floating away from Lei Niu's trampling range, they gathered again to form a hundred-armed giant.

As if the previous meat sauce was not it, the immortality of the undead monster was vividly displayed at this moment.

Daily song recommendation: キミを思うメロディー (The Melody of Missing You), singer: アッチョリケ.

A melody that symbolizes longing, when it sounds, it seems to be holding your hand and starting to dance lightly, everything is covered with soft light, it is so beautiful.

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