Death Compensation

Chapter 544 But Thank You

Chapter 544 But Thank You

Ding Yan is a rare idealist.

Although he has fallen into the quagmire of reality now, he is still an idealist.

It's just that this idealist is covered in scars at this time.

Since Lu Baiming stepped forward, Ding Yan's pressure has decreased a lot.

The fact that he did not take refuge in Lu Bai was also seen by others.

So from a rebel, he became a deserter.

Although it was still a taboo, the guard's concern for Ding Yan plummeted.

After that, no large-scale force was dispatched to arrest the other party.

Just dispatched a team of C-Class members to hunt it down.

Ding Yan was gradually chased into a dead end in this field of pursuit.

He didn't choose the Guard, he didn't think about the fraternity, he was struggling alone.

Sometimes even he doesn't know what he's struggling with.

He is either being hunted down every day, or he is thinking about how to investigate the truth of the zero-point energy of the void, but all his investigation methods are too...simple.

He knows some secret departments guarded by the guards in the past, and he has also performed the task of guarding these departments, and now he wants to get corresponding information from these secret departments.

It's a pity that he is single and weak, and there is no way to break through the defense force.

Not to mention, he was still being hunted most of the time.

Those who pursued him gradually became familiar with his hiding methods.

Although the city of Rencang is complicated, it is not under the management of the guards. In fact, there are only so many of them.

There are fewer and fewer places for him to hide, and his own condition is getting worse and worse.

The most important reason is that he has no supplies.

Your own health status, good rest time, materials needed for various actions, etc.

In the past, these were provided by the guards, and he didn't have the requirement to act for a long time.

But now it was different, everything belonged to his enemies.

What I found today was an abandoned house. Although there was no electricity, there was still water here.

The cold water falling from the shower head pierced the wound on his body, making him take a slight breath of cool air.

He had kind of forgotten when the last time he took a bath was.

After the pain, there is some drowsiness.

During this period of time, I kept running and fighting, and I couldn't get a good rest every day.

Even if you find a place to sleep, you will be awakened by the slightest disturbance.

Then he needs to make the transfer whether there is a problem or not.

Once I thought it was a fluke, and then I was surrounded.

If it weren't for a little luck, I'm afraid he would already be in the prison of the guards by now.

Oh, forgot, the closest prison to the Guardians has now been taken over by the Mutual Aid Society.

If he is caught, he is more likely to be sent directly to the research institute as a consumable for human experiments.

After all, it is very rare and precious for a member of the guard to become a test subject.

But at this moment, his expression changed, he quietly wiped his body clean, put on his clothes, and crouched in the dark.

Then a few homeless men could be heard entering the abandoned house. While searching for possible food and various usable substances, they came to the bathroom to pick up water.

At the same time, Ding Yan also learned a major event from these few people.

"You said that Tide is okay to do some strengthening, he is already the strongest person in the world anyway."

"It is said that a factory will be transferred to him this time."

"With this financial and material resources, wouldn't it be good to get more benefits?"

"Yeah, there are still so many people who don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. It's not good to have this ability to take care of us."

"Return the hero, fart hero!"

"If you monopolize those factories, why don't you spread them out? Then everyone will be strengtheners and have food to eat..."

Then came a series of obscenities, cursing the tide, cursing the guards, cursing everything in this world.

Ding Yan was a little silent. These people were also longing for the zero-point energy of the void, longing for this energy to be applied on a large scale.

There are too many people in this world who cannot eat because of energy problems.

The zero-point energy of the void has indeed created many problems, but this energy is indeed supplying the lives of many people.

"The energy is not a problem, but the problem is the human beings who misuse them?" Ding Yan thought of this, those high-level enhancers are the biggest consumers of the zero-point energy of the void.

They used up a lot of energy in one battle.

If the planning of energy is more reasonable, and it is no longer simply piled on top of personal force, perhaps the zero-point energy of the void can also be regarded as something that can make the world a better place.

But soon, Ding Yan shook his head, denying this cognition.

"The use of void zero-point energy will inevitably have a price."

"Each application causes Void Monsters to arrive."

"This is drinking poison to quench thirst. The more you use it, the more void monsters will become available. In order to deal with void monsters, enhancers will be born, and the more enhancers, one day, there will be D-level enhancers, and even E-level enhancers." By."

"Nothing has changed."

"The zero-point energy of the void can only be used as an excess at best, and the real future lies in other clean energy sources."

"But now the guards and others control the zero-point energy of the void, rely on the strengthening effect of energy, and occupy power by force, and then maintain the zero-point energy of the void in every possible way."

"More than 20 years ago, in various research institutions, there were a lot of research projects on various new energy sources. Although there were not many results, they were at least making progress."

"However, with the rise of the void zero-point energy, these research institutes gradually disappeared, and gradually became the dominant one of the void zero-point energy."

"Any behavior that wants to develop new energy sources will be suppressed by the void zero-point energy system."

"The system developed with this energy has become a cancer in the world."

Ding Yan's shaky mind stabilized again after careful thinking.

There are no classes who betray a class, only individuals who betray a class.

For example, people like Mars who want to take advantage of it and don't want to be burned to death will fund some researchers outside to study other energy systems.

But the entire void zero-point energy system is indeed frantically suppressing research on other energies.

The zero point energy of the void is like a huge fire pit, but many people have become vested interests by relying on this fire pit.

It's not that these people don't understand that other clean energy sources are the way out, the water that rescues them from the fire pit.

But for their own benefit, they actively rejected the appearance of these waters.

He also ignored the people who were burned to death together these years, as well as his own future that was about to be burned to death.

At this moment, there are still people who want to make the fire in this fire pit more vigorous.

"Tide!" Ding Yan once worshiped Tide. He believed that the other party was able to uphold justice for more than ten years, and stop it wherever there was a dispute. This is the real hero.

But as he joined the escort, he found that the escort was not as beautiful as he had imagined.

It's just that at that time, he thought it was a political issue, and there were people who worshiped Tide in the guard team, and they all thought that it was Uncle Yu who supported Jupiter and Tide in the ring, which made the guard team smoky.

It's just that now, Ding Yan will no longer have such naive thoughts.

They are all vested interests, so there is no such thing as innocent.

Basically every D-level void monster has caused more or less damage, and every C-level and above enhancer, their enhancements have created a single void monster.

Everyone has sinned, and everyone deserves to be killed.

Including Ding Yan himself.

With this thought in mind, Ding Yan planned to go to the extraction factory for the zero-point energy of the void after a short rest.

In any case, it is necessary to prevent this fire from burning more and more.

Although his strength is weak, he still wants to extinguish the fire with his own blood.

Before Ding Yan knew it, after those homeless men left, they gradually dispersed, and behind their ears, the imprint of a black snake loomed.

While cleaning the bar, after getting the news, Lu Bai looked at Qiu Mo who was opposite.

At this moment, she has already obtained two versions of the story from Luo Cheng and Mars from Lu Bai.

While resenting those betrayers, he also felt doubts about some of them.

Turn on the phone and search for information about Lanyue City.

There is very little information about the city lord of Lanyue City.

All he knew was that the other party's name was Wei Yue.

As for this Wei Yue, Qiu Mo knew very little about him.

From this point of view, in the story of Mars, the story about Wei Yue falling in love and thinking that Yue Sheng was cheating, so he chose to backstab the other party, may really be true.

As Yue Sheng's daughter, Qiu Mo is not familiar with Yue Sheng's only girlfriend.

Of course, Qiu Mo didn't have much impression of her mother, she didn't have her mother in her memory, only her nanny, and her father Yue Sheng who came to see her occasionally.

Judging from this situation, maybe Yue Sheng really had a ghost back then.

"Perhaps this time, we will have a chance to meet this Wei Yue."

This time Tidal announced the sublimation plan, which will inevitably cause many people to encircle and suppress.

Including Luo Cheng's side, he has already communicated with Lu Bai, and he will bring people here soon, and together they will destroy Tide's plan.

According to him, he also contacted Lanyue City.

Qiu Mo nodded, feeling a little unhappy.

Perhaps it was because his father might be a scumbag.

When listening to Luo Cheng's 1.0 version of the story, she was still full of anger, hatred and sorrow for her father.

The 2.0 version of Mars made her look a little confused, and even Lu Bai felt some inexplicable panic in her emotions.

"Is there any problem with these two stories?" Lu Bai asked.

"Ah?" Qiu Mo came back to his senses and shook his head: "I'm not sure, but there is an indescribable panic in my heart."

"I might have to find some time and find out where I used to live."

Although Qiu Mo had swept there many times, but this time she had a vague feeling that she might gain something there.

First update.

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