Chapter 578

This kind of prediction can actually be made by most people.

Invite a person to your home, and after confirming that the other person will come with a high probability, you can 'predict' the arrival of this person.

But now the focus is not on how to prophesy, but on how Yue Sheng made the invitation.

The symbol of the savior is what Nether Multi-Eyes entrusted to him.

The relationship between Multi-Eyes and Nether Sea is extremely close, and it can even be regarded as a link in Nether's 'dead state' system.

How did this thing get into the hands of many eyes.

Lu Bai was very interested.

Although it can be generally inferred that it is the cause of the sea of ​​nothingness, why does the sea of ​​nothingness help Yue Sheng.

And what is the relationship between the Sea of ​​Nothingness and the Sea of ​​Netherworld? Why did Multi-eyed bring him here in the end?

What is the real purpose of coming here?

If Yue Sheng invited people directly, then there is a high probability that Lu Bai's mission is to save this dimension.

But this invitation has gone through multiple procedures, so the problem may be more complicated.

"The point is, this thing didn't respond." Lu Bai took out the savior's logo.

This thing belonged to Yue Sheng. At first, Lu Bai thought that after this thing came to this dimension, it would be activated and give some feedback.

But nothing.

It can be called the worst relic in Lu Bai's hands so far.

Because it serves no purpose other than to symbolize Yue Sheng.

"Maybe it's not that there isn't one, but that it hasn't reached the time to open it." Lu Bai took back the imprint, and then observed the world.

After recovering from the extreme night, it entered the extreme day.

But it is estimated that the polar day will not last for more than a month.

Because Lu Bai can roughly sense at this moment that the order of this world is further collapsing.

Martial arts have reached the innate realm, because they have sympathy with the heaven and the earth, so they become extremely sensitive to the changes of the heaven and the earth.

If Lu Bai were to go to Dragon Ball at this moment, he would probably be able to say something right away. I sensed a strong and evil aura.

This kind of sensitivity to heaven and earth, if you practice a certain amount of physiognomy, then it is estimated that you can also be a straight-talking fortune teller.

Lu Bai now realizes that the world is stepping into chaos step by step.

The most obvious manifestation is that Ms. Hong's state is further 'sliding', but her strength is constantly increasing.

Although the original red lady was captured by Lu Bo, her actions were restricted to a certain extent, but her food and clothing were not treated badly, so the red lady's condition is still stable.

And during the period between polar night and polar day, her state declined rapidly, appearing tired, confused, and even insane to a certain extent.

Her sanity is fading.

"It's almost time." Lu Bai thought, and then chose to let Ms. Hong go.

Continuing to grab her won't do much anymore.

The innate body has enough nutrients and is currently entering the final gestation stage.

Ms. Hong's state is unstable, like a bomb that is about to explode, and if she continues to hold it in her hand, she will hurt herself.

The most important point is that the final moment is approaching.

This dimension is irreversibly heading towards extinction.

And before it perishes, this world will show its last strength, like a flash of light, to make its last struggle.

The purpose of holding Ms. Hong before was to make Wei Yue dare not act rashly.

And letting her go now is to allow Wei Yue to control enough power to act.

Let's have a great fight!

The location is...

Lu Bai stood on a tall building and looked into the distance. After the arrival of the extreme day, light is no longer a scarce thing.

However, at this moment, there is a certain ray of light that is soaring into the sky, and it seems to be more dazzling than the sun.

The source is in the headquarters building of the escort.

And there, in fact, is the original 'Yongchuan Laboratory'.

"Sure enough, I'm not the only one who saw this, the guards have already made preparations." Lu Bai sighed.

Lu Bai is not very clear about the technology of that radiant device, but he understands the principle in detail through the way of sympathy between heaven and earth.

If the death elements of the world are regarded as lesions, then there are a total of about ten lesions in this dimension.

The Sun, Eight Heavenly Stars, Pluto, and Luo Sheng have a total of eleven points.

These things are all lesions, as long as any one is not dealt with in time, it will grow into the cause of the death of the world.

Class E enhancers are both carriers and limiters, they limit the further development of lesions.

But this kind of restriction is actually just drinking poison to quench thirst.

With the death of the strengthener, the pain will be fully manifested.

The death of the knight caused the disease of day and night imbalance.

And the development of this disease to the current situation is inducing more complications.

In the state of illness, the survival instinct of this dimension will be stimulated.

This survival instinct is supposed to be chaotic and blind.

That is to say, it is like seeking medical treatment in a hurry.

If most people are seriously ill, there is really no way to heal them on their own.

Seeking medical attention in time is the right choice.

In fact, this is also a phenomenon of entropy increase.

Considering a person as an isolated individual, his condition always passes from order to disorder.

When the entropy increases to a certain level and reaches a serious illness, relying solely on self-healing ability and one's own immune system is actually useless to change the status quo.

The situation will only get worse and worse. If you want to solve this kind of problem, you can only seek help from the outside world.

That is to break this 'isolated system'.

Yue Sheng chose to invite himself, probably because of this idea.

Of course, besides this, Yue Sheng probably thought of other methods.

For example, using the small world of human beings to influence the big world of the universe.

Since the world will use its own power indiscriminately to save itself, then find a way to let human beings use this power instead of the world.

The effect of that beam of light is actually similar to the effect of the umbilical cord formed by Lu Bai's blood smoke.

They all connect with heaven and earth in some way.

The difference is that Lu Bai wants to get nourishment from the world, but they want to send a message to the world.

'I am reliable and I can help you! '

Thus, in this way, the help of this dimensional self-rescue power is obtained.

Before that, the guards had actually been waiting.

Wait for the tide to heal, wait for this moment to come.

Then enter the third phase of their plan.

Previously, the E-level enhancers of the guards actually had restrictions on their shots.

There are at most two people who are fully using their abilities at the same time.

Because the excessive use of abilities will cause the balance to be unstable, and then the void monsters corresponding to the void zero point will be formed.

An E-level ability user will create an E-level void monster once with all his strength.

They suppressed these void monsters through the operation of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

But every time it is suppressed, another E-level void monster will be accumulated.

At this moment, there are obviously only about ten E-level enhancers, but there are dozens or even hundreds of E-level void monsters.

It's like using a credit card.

While the repayment date continues to be postponed, the debt is also increasing.

The so-called water balance line is actually these 'credit cards'.

It is also the key to Uncle Yu's control over these enhancers.

Most of the C- and D-level void monsters are placed under the extraction factory of void zero-point energy. Through the energy well of the factory, part of the void zero-point energy is fed from time to time to maintain their stability.

Only E-level monsters are in the key position of the water balance line.

They are the biggest debts of the strong, and these debts are being handled by Uncle Yu at the moment.

Although this gave Uncle Yu a higher status, it also restricted the actions of these enhancers.

They can't sell at will, just like people who are using credit cards to pay off credit cards to form a perfect circle can no longer spend large amounts at will.

As long as one card is not connected, the whole system will collapse.

So it seems that the name of Tianshui balance line is really accurate.

It is like the piece of bamboo that is being added with water, it seems to be in a state of perpetual motion.

Yet more and more water is actually being used.

Every time the water is added, it is actually a power released by the water flow, which also symbolizes the appearance of an E-level void monster.

Now they have waited for the capital injection from the big boss. Although their debts have not been eliminated due to the capital injection, they don't have to worry about it for a certain period of time.

So at this time, the strength of the guards is officially unblocked.

Can be shot relatively unscrupulously.

At this moment, Lu Bai saw the sky dimming rapidly.

The sun that had just shone on the earth for a short time was blocked again.

The crazily flowing atmosphere seemed extraordinarily violent at this moment.

Just like his master, Jupiter's emotions that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely at this moment.

"On the one hand, is it because you don't want me to disturb the guard headquarters, and on the other hand, is it for personal revenge?"

Lu Bai immediately discovered Jupiter's purpose.

At this moment, the blessings of the world are gathering towards the guard headquarters.

After receiving so much favor, Uncle Yu's so-called plan to become a giant is probably the real beginning.

"Then let me give you a real failure!" Feeling the feeling of being locked in, Lu Bai stood up with a slight smile.

This kind of locking, the living creatures in the whole city are estimated to be seen by Jupiter, and any behavior that approaches the guards will be attacked by Jupiter.

It seems that today, Rencang, which was already dilapidated, is probably going to be completely destroyed.

The violent thunder continued to fall, and the thunder cow that appeared once before appeared again at this time.

Running quickly in the city, the dilapidated city buildings were smashed into pieces.

Jupiter was standing on top of Lei Niu's head, his eyes fixed on Lu Bai.

When Saturn was treated, his mouth and heart were full of Jupiter, which made him feel like his heart was about to melt.

It also made him understand Saturn's mind.

For Lu Bo, the matchmaker who made them get back together, Jupiter only has killing intent at this moment!

First update.

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