Death Compensation

Chapter 581: Yangmou

Chapter 581: Yangmou

"How could he be defeated so easily?" The deadly energy easily pierced into his body, and then spread out, destroying most of his body's structure in an instant.

Although the last attack from the eye of death is already at the level of 'surplus material' because it has been fired many times before, but an attack of this level is still too deadly for humans.

Human beings seem to be such fragile things after their weaknesses are discovered.

The trap set by Lu Bai is simple but effective.

Climb out of Jupiter first, making the illusion that he has left Jupiter.

Afterwards, he took advantage of Saturn's eagerness to save people and 'disappeared' himself, thereby arousing the vigilance of the other party and increasing the defense of the surroundings, but ignoring Jupiter who was close at hand.

At this time, Lu Bai's figure gradually emerged.

Crawling out of the human body is actually not necessary.

This is just an illusion, causing the illusion that although Lu Bai can parasitize on other people, it will take a certain amount of time and is very difficult to leave.

The last time it was in front of Venus, this time it was in front of Jupiter.

This illusion has been done before, and of course it will be torn apart immediately, so Lu Bai didn't bother to act.

Looking at the two people who fell to the ground, Lu Bai thought about how to deal with them.

"I'm very sorry, I can't let you kill them yet!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Pluto, who was driving a sports car, parked the car not far away, and said to Lu Bai without the slightest fear on his face.

At this time, he was wearing a rusty red suit and looked extremely flamboyant.

It's not as inconspicuous as standing behind someone as a bodyguard before.

It's just that he still respects Lu Bai.

After all, after defeating E-level enhancers many times in a row, only those with poor brains would really not take Lu Bai seriously.

Even Pluto's brain is not very good, but at least it is not too bad.

Of course, although he didn't want to offend Lu Bai, he still had his own confidence when he stood up.

As an E-class enhancer, its symbol is the dwarf planet Pluto ().

This planet was once ranked among the planets of the solar system.

Back then, people generally referred to the solar system as the nine planets.

On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union General Assembly was held, Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet, and the saying of the nine planets became history.

The difference between a dwarf planet like Pluto and other planets is that it cannot clear the area near its orbit.

(Delete 1)

Compared with other planets, the mass of Pluto is still too small.

And it is in the Kuiper belt, there are too many celestial bodies in that area, and Pluto does not occupy a dominant position.

Although Pluto is only a dwarf planet, Yue Ming, the enhancer of Pluto, is a real E-level enhancer.

This is the reason for the Kuiper belt.

The Kuiper Belt is a disk-shaped area of ​​dense celestial bodies located outside the orbit of Neptune in the solar system near the ecliptic plane.

There are a large number of celestial bodies with ice material as the main body orbiting in this area, and Pluto is one of them.

The reason why the symbolic meaning of Pluto can reach E level is that it symbolizes the elements of the world.

It is precisely because it is not a single celestial body, but a 'group'.

As for how to represent a group with the power of one person.

I saw Jupiter and Saturn lying on the ground, who had already lost their meaning, suddenly had the zero point of the void on them to start functioning.

Feng and Yun were entangled at this moment, forcing Lu Bai to leave them.

This is the power of Pluto - resonance.

He can connect with other "celestial bodies" through resonance, that is, other users of void zero point energy.

And if there is no thing with zero-point energy in the void, then it is just debris, which will be broken instantly under the effect of resonance.

This is also the ability that Pluto used during the Square Massacre.

Jupiter and Saturn, although both unconscious at the moment, are just right for Pluto to operate.

He is like a glue, allowing the abilities of the two to superimpose very harmoniously.

The dangers are also multiplying.

Obviously this is the confidence that Pluto came to stop Lu Bai.

"Please be patient for a while, the good show has just begun." Maybe it's because of the good time for a while, Pluto even talked a lot more at this time.

After coming to Lu Bai, Pluto handed a letter to Lu Bai, and nodded suggestively to Lu Bai.

Then it came to Jupiter and Saturn.

However, they were not in a hurry to take the two away, but waited for Lu Bai to open the envelope.

The letter was sent by Uncle Yu. For Lu Bai, they have both civil and military tactics.

However, it is different from the custom of first writing before martial arts, they are used to domineering, and they are used to first martial arts and then writing.

After resorting to force fails, they will use other more peaceful ways to solve the problem.

The content of the letter is actually very simple, and it is actually similar to the trick Lu Bai used before.

That is to say, the Saturn deal was used as a guise to confuse the guards, but in fact it was like raiding the giant cemetery.

This time Uncle Yu also offered a deal.

In Lanyue City, he put all of Yue Sheng's things there.

And left behind a self-destruct device.

A card was glued to the end of the letter, and this card was the only key to unlock it.

If it is opened in any other abnormal way, the contents inside will definitely be destroyed.

Looking at the stipulated time, the time is still sufficient, but that is only the case of starting immediately and successfully unlocking the lock after arriving at the destination.

At this time, I need to think about a problem, that is, the bad relationship between myself and Lanyue City.

There will inevitably be conflicts in the past.

Lu Bai is sure that there is a locator in this card. Even if he sneaks over without attracting the attention of Lanyue City, the guards will find a way to make Lanyue City notice him.

And the way of using negotiations can't be explained.

This kind of thing is hard to explain. At this critical juncture, you have a human-shaped nuclear bomb and went straight to my hometown, saying that you want to take something.

As long as it is a leader with a little intelligence, they will not agree.

This is a conspiracy.

This is the purpose of the guards, and he will tell you clearly that we are now using this method to delay time, not only to delay you, but also to delay Lanyue City.

You can doubt the authenticity of the matter, but we have already put most of Yue Sheng's things there, and we haven't backed it up yet.

As long as you miss this opportunity, you will never get those things.

I have to say that this hand is really beautiful.

Using something that is not known to be true or false can hold back most of the enemies and allow him to complete his plan calmly.

"But they probably don't know, and I never cared about their plans." Lu Bai put away the letter, turned and left.

He is more interested in Yue Sheng than stopping the guard's plan.

After seeing Lu Bo leave, Pluto was relieved and left with Jupiter and Saturn.

This chapter is 2000 words, I originally planned to write more, but then I found that I wrote too much of these things.

Supplement (1): The definition of a planet must revolve around a star, and its mass must be sufficient to form a spherical shape through its own gravity, and the mass gap between its orbit and other orbiting celestial bodies must reach a certain level.

Its mass is much smaller than the combined mass of the other objects in its orbit, accounting for only 7% of the latter.

By comparison, the mass of the Earth is 1.7 million times that of all other small celestial bodies in Earth's orbit combined (excluding the Moon).

From this we can see why Pluto is listed as a dwarf planet.


Speaking of Xu Ming's name, there is actually a word 'ming', and Pluto is inexplicably handsome, so I have an inexplicable liking for this planet. I was still in elementary school in 2006, and then I heard that Pluto was demoted , an inexplicable blow, like a big fight fell on the young mind at that time.

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