Death Compensation

Chapter 627 Next is you, Tidal!

Chapter 627 Next is you, Tidal!

Jupiter roared in horror, and kept trying to attack.

I have to say that Jupiter is still very talented.

He was pressed and beaten by Lu Bai before, which consumed a lot of physical strength, and the black thunder developed by himself combined with metal hydrogen was also restrained by the thunder gourd.

But he still quickly noticed the limitations of the Thunder Gourd.

The size of the Thunder Gourd is placed there, and it is a small toy in itself.

It doesn't really have much energy of its own.

The reason why Jupiter can be restrained is entirely by absorbing Jupiter's power to deal with Jupiter.

After several experiments in succession, Jupiter discovered the range of this thing's power absorption.

Thunder, wind and cloud related forces can all be absorbed by this gourd.

But for some derived power, it is not so easy to absorb.

Metal hydrogen was an accident. Saturn was captured by Lu Bai before, and metal hydrogen was thoroughly studied by Lu Bai. It is not difficult to leave a special method for metal hydrogen in the magic method.

So Jupiter immediately changed his policy. He was using the changing power of the wind and cloud to push the surrounding sand and stones into the air, and using these objects as the main attacking objects, he was attacking the gourd of the thunder.

It was this move that made Jupiter immediately suppress the thunder gourd. If he hadn't sent too much power before, he might have broken the broken gourd by now.

However, Jupiter, who had won the chance, didn't have a smile on his face.

Because he just hit a small prop that Lu Bai casually threw out.

"Sure enough, the magic gourd is still not perfect." At that time just now, Lu Bai decided to "pre-reform" this kind of armed force, and left a technology for the target magic, called the magic gourd.

When he met an enemy later, he took a look at him from a distance, then took out a gourd and handed it to a younger brother, who asked him to step forward.

No matter how arrogant the enemy is, they will be taken away by a gourd he throws.

Then the younger brother, whose strength was not mediocre, was able to hold the gourd containing the enemy, sneered and said mockingly: "The Lord of Desire, is a filthy bastard like you who can provoke him?" '

With just this move, Lu Bai's forceful style can be perfected.

But it's a pity that the magic gourd technology has not been really completed yet, and it can target Jupiter because Lu Bai is very familiar with Jupiter and Saturn.

There is still an obvious loophole in this, which was discovered by Jupiter.

So Lu Bai chose to take action directly and finish the finishing work for Miaofa Gourd.

The demon form has six arms, not to mention that all six hands have the corresponding armaments of the demon, but at least three of them must be obtained first!

As a result, the Heavenly Demon Field, Blissful Heaven, which had spread to the surroundings, retracted like this, and then acted on Jupiter alone.

For a moment, Jupiter's heart was in a mess.

He was originally a person with sensitive and rich emotions, but now he had come to the end, and the turbulent emotions were flooding like a tide.

"Saturn!" At this moment, Jupiter finally called out the name of Saturn that he was not allowed to mention again.

The wind around him also seemed to have changed into the appearance of the other party, and he was looking at him coldly.

"Are you blaming me?" Jupiter stretched out his hand to catch the wind, but he could only catch an empty one.

That's right, Saturn had already been killed by himself, how could he still be by his side.

"In that case, isn't it just death?" So Jupiter gave up his resistance, and he looked at Lu Bai, all the expressions on his face gradually calmed down.

"you win!"

After leaving this sentence, his body was pulled by the force of the wind and cloud, and it was instantly torn into pieces.

The thunder gourd also flew over at this time, swallowing the mouth of the gourd, absorbing the essence of Fengyun in it, and then discarding the death factor of the world.

The form of Lu Bai's celestial demon slowly disappeared, and it turned into the state of that faint light again.

Then the dim light changed, and the human-like Lu Bai walked out of it.

Of course, it only looks like a human being, but it is still in the twilight state in essence. It just uses the sprouting power of the sea of ​​nothingness to cover itself with a layer of human skin in the twilight state.

Standing in this desolate place, Lu Bai looked around, completely unable to see that this place was a world-class prosperous city a few months ago.

Desolation is the first feeling, and the second feeling is terror.

Cracks in the space emerged, and the entire space seemed like a piece of glass that was about to shatter.

The aura of destruction has spread to all parts of the world at this moment.

Dimensions are dying.

At this moment, Lu Bai can return to the sea of ​​nothingness even by turning around.

Because the more dead the dimension is, the closer it is to the sea of ​​nothingness.

However, Lu Bai did not rush to destroy the world.

One is that you can still observe one or two, and the other is that there are still two enemies that have not been resolved.

"Tide, come out!" Lu Bai said.

Before, the red dragon form swallowed the light of exile and exiled the tide.

Lu Bai knew very well that with the power of the tide, it is estimated that he would not be exiled very far, and he might have returned long ago.

However, he still watched these 'companions' die one by one.

Until now, he has only come out step by step.

The only difference from the previous image is that a layer of black gelcoat appeared on his body.

"Luo Sheng?" Lu Bai was surprised for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahahaha, so that's it, you actually came up with this idea."

The source of disaster in this world comes from the sun.

Because it is a catastrophic dimension itself, the core cognition of constructing the dimension is lacking, so although this dimension has complete other planets in the solar system, it does not have a real sun.

This is also the first reason for the outbreak of the doomsday disaster.

In this case, the earth, the living planet, is the core of this world.

The other planets are just symbols of some disasters in the Earth-Moon system.

The only exception is this last Ophiuchus.

It is the way out of the world and the future of the world.

It maintains the balance of the world and is also a way to communicate with the outside world.

In this case, how could the tide not care about Ophiuchus.

The reason why Luo Sheng was suppressed before was to test Luo Sheng's quality.

But Chao Chao only cares about Ophiuchus, not Luo Sheng.

In Yue Sheng's view, the only way out for the world is the sea of ​​nothingness.

Although Yue Sheng's vision is limited, he has indeed seen the power of the sea of ​​nothingness.

The tide is different, he keenly discovered another way of life - Ophiuchus.

If Ophiuchus can successfully maintain the balance and turn the poison of man into a good medicine for salvation, then the earth will usher in a real sun, but it is a pity that this has become a delusion.

But it also shows that the power of Ophiuchus is the key to going out of the world.

After all, passing through the ecliptic, crossing the celestial equator, and partly on the Milky Way, Ophiuchus is the bridge between this world and the outside world.

There is nothing wrong with the tidal cognition. In the dimension, the Ophiuchus symbolizes the portal for the dimension to absorb the power of the dimension from the outside world.

With this knowledge, Tide has its own salvation plan.

Since an E-level enhancer can carry disasters, as an F-level enhancer, he has the confidence to carry the disaster at the core of the world.

The Earth-Moon system is the core of this dimension. As a representative of the Earth-Moon system, he can almost represent all kinds of disasters that happened on Earth after reaching F-level.

He sat and watched the death of the other eight heavenly stars, just to push the disaster of the earth to the maximum.

At this moment, he is more like a "giant" standing upright than Uncle Yu, the guy who wears the body of a "giant" but has not become the pillar of the world.

The death elements turned into countless disasters were circulated into his body by the force field.

If it wasn't for his body being surrounded by countless layers of force fields, he might have already exploded under the impact of these death elements.

At this moment, the strength of the tide has soared to the apex that the current dimension can reach.

And the gel coat on his body was not a void monster, but the human poison monster that Luo Sheng transformed into before.

Lu Bai was still thinking that if he didn't kill Luo Sheng, there must be something corresponding to it. Yue Sheng wanted to unite the power of the whole world to fight against Lu Bai, so Luo Sheng must be a part of it.

But in the end, Luo Sheng's remnant did not arrive. Now it seems that Tide was caught first.

He was exiled by Lu Bai before, and the reason why he left for such a long time is probably to do this.

As an intensifier of adversity, Tide got this gel coat similar to that of an intensifier of prosperity. It has to be said that Tide really has ideas.

"My original idea was that I carried these world death elements, flew into the starry sky, and used the ability of Ophiuchus to go outside that world, to the distant future, and bring these disasters out of this world."

"Like a god, protecting the world from outside the world."

"As long as I don't die, the end of the world will never break out. I want to save the world in this way."

"However, there was a problem with my plan, and I discovered your existence."

Tide said.

"If you don't get rid of you, then no matter what I do, I won't be able to save the world."

"Fortunately, the ability of the Prosperity Enhancer to absorb void monsters gave me inspiration."

"As long as I accept death, I can accept void monsters, so what if I accept human poison?"

If it is said that the sun started the disaster, then most of the subsequent disasters were driven by human beings, and the poison of human beings was derived from this.

To be precise, this is the power of human beings themselves, but because there are too many negative things in it, it is the poison of human beings.

If there are mostly positive things among them, then this thing is not the poison of human beings, but the time when the stars of human beings shine!

There is essentially no difference between man accepting his own death and the representative of the earth accepting the death of the earth.

The tide now symbolizes the earth itself, accepting the poison of people, and the power of the two is perfectly combined.

It is precisely because of this awareness that Chao Chao sits back and watches Uncle Yu stir up Luo Sheng's relationship with him, and also sits back and watches Luo Sheng's death-seeking behavior to find Lu Bai.

Anyway, even if Luo Sheng died, the disaster of human poison would still be inherited from him.

"There is only one thing I have to do now, and that is to blow you up!"

"Lu Bai!!!"

Second watch, good night everyone.

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