Death Compensation

Chapter 636 Rich woman!

Chapter 636 Rich woman!

So how to act in this dimension depends on the individual's own wishes.

Lu Bai was not in a hurry to say that he would go to the interior of the star cave first, and wait for Yu Hui to make his own decision.

The star cave is a star image in the universe of that dimension. Through the spaceship, one can directly enter that star image.

It's like a cave in the starry sky.

After entering it, even a kid with no abilities can quickly grow into a cosmic giant.

And a cosmic giant, if one is not careful, may turn over inside.

In the case that the entire Star Cave dimension is relatively peaceful and stable, all changes in the situation basically come from the Star Cave.

It is very easy for travelers to enter the star cave, but once they enter the star cave, they need to take a lot of risks to get out of it, and the risks in the star cave do not recognize people.

It's a high risk, high reward thing to do.

In the end, Yu Hui still didn't make up his mind. Everyone can only enter the star cave once, and if he enters the second time, it will have no effect. As for the secrets inside the star cave, everyone who successfully comes out will try his best to hide it.

Even within the traveler, there will not be much information.

At most, there is a statistic. Before the strength reaches the satellite, after entering the star cave, the probability of successfully coming out is 1/25487, which is an average of more than 20,000 people.

Only after becoming a satellite level, the probability of successfully coming out of the star cave will increase significantly. The higher the strength, the greater the probability.

However, even so, with the existence of stars, the probability of successfully exploring the Star Cave is only 3/5.

People who come out may not necessarily gain great power.

But they will get some kind of 'protection', and they can quickly reach their own peak.

So everyone who comes out of the star cave is a talent.

Among the travelers, there are also people who came out of the Star Cave. That person did not gain strong power in the Star Cave, and was even much weaker, but after coming out, within a short period of time, he completed the breakthrough.

Therefore, the quota of Xingcao is very sought-after, and this time it can be approved so quickly, don't think about it, Yunhe is using his power for personal gain.

I have to say, having such a rich woman, Sister White Snake, who can think about you everywhere, really makes people feel a lot easier.

Yu Hui naturally knew what was going on, he had caught up with the good time, but the benefits were too great, he might not be able to eat it, and there was a high probability that he would be overwhelmed to death.

Looking at Lu Bai, Yu Hui knew that the other party would definitely go to the Star Cave. He was young and vigorous, and there was someone behind him, so naturally he didn't have to worry about these things, and he could move forward with confidence.

And he can't.

How I wish I could have a rich woman who can see through my bravado, warm my fragile heart, let me let go of my defenses, and shout out:

Rich woman, hungry, eat rice~!

His thoughts drifted away. After Lu Bai and Yu Hui said goodbye, Lu Bai was ready to go to training.

This time, the comprehensive competitive competition is approaching, and the other contestants have already started preparations, but Lu Bai suddenly jumped into the queue.

Specially made competition equipment is very precious, so even the White Scale Club doesn't have many.

After Lu Bai arrived at the gymnasium, according to the routine of conventional novels, these guys would have some conflicts because of their behavior of jumping in line to sign up. .

As a result, most of the people were extremely enthusiastic when they came here.

Oh yes, I'm the villain.

Generally speaking, I should be the one who bullies others and is domineering.

For example, the gloomy man sitting on the bench in the corner was the one who was squeezed out by Lu Bai this time.

Even he, after seeing Lu Bai, smiled a little.

The protagonist jumped in line, was discriminated against, pretended to be coercive, and was bullied by others.

The villain jumps in line, which is reasonable, up and down, leading the team to bully others.

I have to say, fortunately Lu Bai is the villain.

In fact, Lu Bai's situation is normal.

Being able to jump in the queue at such an important event almost tells you clearly that either he has super strength or he has super connections.

And Lu Bai is obviously the latter, his relationship is too strong, almost anyone with a little discernment can know that Lu Bai and Yunhe have this kind of relationship.

At their stage, they already have extremely high control over their emotions. Even if they are unhappy with Lu Bai's behavior of jumping in line, they can only choose to greet them with a smile.

Lu Bai reached for the ping-pong racket and held the ping-pong ball in his hand, feeling the difference between these two things.

Then it was soon discovered that these things are ordinary materials, but their texture and some characteristics have been enhanced by special means.

And its place of origin must be the earth, because the material has obvious characteristics of the earth's 'whiteboard'.

That is, nothing.

Lu Bai tried to inject his own power into it, and found that this thing is similar to ordinary earthlings, oil and salt cannot enter.

There is no way to add special power to these things in the conventional way.

And it's not impossible to play with pure physical strength, it's just...

Lu Bai looked at the table next to him. In that game, each ball was either burning, freezing, or various special effects.

With pure physical strength, it is difficult to solve these special effects attacks.

There is no way to complete the game according to the rules.

That is, after the opponent's ball comes over, swing the racket to hit the ball back on the opponent's table.

So if you want to win this comprehensive competition, how to attach your own strength to the racket and ball is the key point.

"And in the official competition, the competition venue will also be specially made. Running back and forth on the court, you also need to use your own strength to fight against the court, otherwise there is no way to complete a real game."

The one who spoke was the coach of this competition, and he was also an old athlete from the previous comprehensive competitions.

He is one of the current backbone members of the Earth White Scale Society, with rich experience and outstanding ability.

His name is Wang Yiming, and he is known as Lao Wang.

However, at this moment, Lao Wang was standing next to Lu Bai, talking to Lu Bai one by one, introducing various situations of the game to Lu Bai.

It is precisely because he is the backbone that he knows that as soon as he joins the club, he will get a star-level dimension ticket, and the gold content of this ticket is approved very quickly.

To be honest, Lao Wang has only been to a satellite-level dimension a few times and a planet-level dimension once.

It took seven or eight years for the approval of the planetary-level dimension ticket.

Although the white-scale people have a friendly attitude towards the people on earth, they are people from outer dimensions after all, and their considerations will instinctively lean towards their own people.

Thinking of this, Lao Wang became more and more kind to Lu Bai.

After working hard in society for a long time, it will naturally smooth out the edges and corners and become smoother.

The first update, 2000 words, sorry, the work and rest are really not very regular recently, I adjusted it before, because some things went back.

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