Death Compensation

Chapter 709 Gathering

Chapter 709 Gathering

The two entered the base without attracting the attention of the personnel inside the base.

Normally, this base would not be so careless. The problem is that the entire upper echelons of the Jinglin Department are in meetings now.

For no reason, a middle-level and high-level person suddenly rebelled, causing dimensional pollution next to the comprehensive competition.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to a branch headquarters manager of a multinational group suddenly running outside the venue where the United Nations General Assembly is being held and planting a bomb with nuclear contamination.

Although no casualties were caused, the impact was extremely bad.

And then this guy escaped with your company's special plane.

The Jinglin Department is now even thinking about digging up that person's ancestral grave, not only did it, but also sent people to do it.

The bones of the other party's family are being transported over, and this thing will be used as a medium to curse that guy.

At the same time, the Jinglin Department is still actively dispatching personnel, trying to find a way to tell Quan Shendao and related departments that they don't know about it, and want to put aside their relationship.

It is precisely because of this that the inside of this base is so easy to break into. After all, the masters have gone to a meeting.

Once the results obtained are not satisfactory, maybe they will take a special plane to other areas immediately, and try to escape first.

The True Shape Organization is very experienced in escaping after causing trouble.

"You are……"

Louis raised his hand, and a soul thread pierced into this person's body, and then an invisible wave followed the soul thread and penetrated into his head.

Demon Strike·Resentment!

Use resentment to incite resentment, let resentment dominate the brain and thinking of the target, and produce another kind of resentment-type personality. They will resent most of the past and completely deviate from the past.

The same is true for this person. After being hit by Louis with one move, all the accumulated resentment in the past burst out at this moment.

The idiot is in charge of laymen and guides professionals, his girlfriend and the leader are a little unclear, and colleagues borrow money and don't say it, and they don't know how many lighters they have.

"Fuck, what's the point of living like this!" The man just felt that everything in the past was persecuting him: "I want revenge!"

"Very well, take us to a hidden location in this base, and all your past grievances will be relieved."

While Louis was manipulating the soul line, he was preparing to arrange the ceremony.

The surrounding soul lines are constantly changing, exuding more and more intense mental power fields, causing further disturbance to this area.

Zhen Xingming frowned, but still didn't continue to say anything.

But this time, Louis really wasn't targeting Zhen Xingming, but the East Lake Lord.

The three things given by the Lord of East Lake are scales, bone knives and blood gems.

Among them, two things came from the East Lake Lord himself, and the remaining one, although not the opponent's body tissue, was also closely connected by the opponent.

Therefore, the opponent can use these three things to observe his actions.

If you don't interfere with the other party's observation first, then the other party will find out immediately the moment you change the ritual.

Louis didn't spend this time in vain, he had four strikes with the spirit line ability.

In addition, Lu Bai's body used the Eye of Darkness to summarize relevant knowledge.

Soon, something that could interfere with the "eyes" of the East Lake Lord was developed.

Demons and ghosts, the appearance of all living beings!

The people in the entire base felt a trance at this moment, as if they were separated from their own bodies and sensed the life trajectory of others.

Then this trance disappeared in an instant, and even they themselves seemed to forget that this happened.

It seems that at a certain moment, when you look at something that is happening, you suddenly feel that this thing happened in the past, and there is a phenomenon called memory hallucinations.

You even have the ability to predict to a certain extent, and that thing does repeat itself according to what you have experienced in the past.

It's just that after this incident is over, you will leave nothing but a sense of loss.

Most people in this base now feel like this.

In fact, if someone can observe the soul thread, they will find that everyone in the base has one or more soul threads hanging on their bodies at some point.

Their senses and perceptions were brought together under the connection of these soul lines.

It's like everyone is connected to a cloud brain.

It's just that this cloud brain unilaterally blocked them.

Now this cloud brain forms a super sense, and then covers this area.

Quietly, as if nothing had changed.

In fact, however, an invisible thing was mixed into all events.

We perceive things with our normal senses, and because of this supersensory involvement, errors can occur.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant. A blind man feels most of the elephant's body and confirms that it is an elephant.

Then he said it was an elephant, and he was right but not quite right.

Because at this time, someone put wings on the elephant where he could not see, so this is an elephant with wings.

The super sense, it is this invisible person, and the disturbance given is the wing that puts the elephant.

Only by integrating the perspectives of all living beings and observing with a detached attitude can we see the true face of all things.

Louis didn't know if the main body of East Lake could find the problem when he came, but now he wants to see everything clearly through the dimensions and relying on a few media, which is impossible.

This level of confidence in Louis is still there. If they can't even do this, Lu Bai and Yunhe shouldn't think about turning the East Lake Lord back.

Under the leadership of the leading party, the two quickly came to a secret room inside the base.

There are also some materials related to Jinglin in this secret room.

The Jinglin Department occasionally communicates with the Jinglin dimension here, and attracts a certain amount of Jinglin power.

The nature is similar to the dirty soil cracks in Zhen Xingming's Bone Cemetery.

Zhen Xingming's femur was feeling cold more and more. After he arrived here, he immediately began to prepare for the ceremony.

"Wait, first use the materials and machines here to arrange a delay interference device."

"Otherwise, once the pollution started, those people would have been close enough that we might have been caught immediately."

Louis interrupted the other party's movements. Interfering with the East Lake Master's perception is not enough, and other forces are needed to help him increase the size.

And he also needs to delay time, Martial Ancestor is still a certain distance away from Juye City.

Without him, there would still be thunderstorms in Kewu Dimension.

Zhen Xingming also exhaled, he always had a feeling of uneasiness, this feeling stimulated him, and made him gradually lose his composure in doing things, and the madness suppressed by reason was intensifying.

At the same time, all forces are rushing towards the city of Juye.

Second update, sorry, good night everyone.

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