Death Compensation

Chapter 717 East Lake Main Ecosystem

Chapter 717 East Lake Main Ecosystem

After these animals appeared, they did not attack other people, but looked for various things.

Some gnaw on bones, while others open their mouths or what can be called noses on their bodies to breathe air.

There are also animals appearing beside other people, all kinds of strange eyes staring at them.

However, in just a few seconds, the shapes of these monsters became different.

For those who eat bones, their mouths become more ferocious, and their teeth become more suitable for gnawing.

At the same time, a layer of bone armor appeared on his body, and his entire form became different.

When inhaling, more nose-like openings appear on the body, and these openings contract along the same frequency, inhaling and exhaling.

And those animals staring at them, in the process, their bodies are constantly changing, and some of the characteristics can be clearly seen from them.

"These animals are changing their life forms at some kind of super-high speed!"

Tian Jiyou held the Tingquan sword, his eyes were full of doubts, and then the flying sword shot out, and stabbed at a nearby animal.

The strength of that animal was astonishingly weak, and before it could make any response, it was killed by a sword.

Tian Lonely is sure that he killed the animal.

However, after the opponent died, the body continued to wriggle, and soon exploded, splitting into countless new animals.

Some of these animals grow bone armor, some have elongated limbs, and some grow blades that are somewhat similar to Tingquan sword.

Then these animals, after they were born, didn't think about seeking revenge against Lonely Heaven, but started hunting each other.

Animals whose evolution direction is aggressive, hunt and kill animals whose evolution direction is defensive.

A small biosphere composed entirely of these animals is thus formed.

After just a few seconds, with the death of animals, even life forms such as microorganisms and fungi have evolved.

These bloody creatures are rapidly spreading to the entire Cemetery of Bones.

However, the tall and strong body of the East Lake Lord who spit out these blood clots seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

"He's committing suicide!" The people from the Jinglin Department seemed to see something at this moment, and said.

"The life characteristics of the East Lake Lord have become different in this continuous evolution."

"Even some basic things have changed in the process."

"As long as you give him some more time, what will appear here will be another life system that has absolutely nothing to do with him."

At this moment, because of Zhen Xingming's bombing, the Lord of East Lake understood that his attempt to minimize losses as much as possible had no way of succeeding.

That being the case, there is no extravagant hope that it can be successfully recovered by the ontology.

Solve the current predicament to the extent that it can be scrapped.

If it can't be recycled, it needs to completely destroy its current life information without leaving any original traces.

And this is exactly what the Lord of the East Lake is doing now.

With the power of one person, based on the cemetery of bones, an ecological circle that has changed even its foundation has been derived.

As for the other people in the cemetery of bones, they have also been enveloped by this evolution, and the speed of life form change in it will be accelerated countless times.

Soon the living body here will have its own life system, and Louis and the others cannot keep up with the evolution, and will only be abandoned by the whole life system, and then eliminated.

There is no need for the Lord of the East Lake to go to the trouble of killing them.

For example, at this moment, there is already a kind of white fungus that has spread all over the entire graveyard of bones, and then emits fine 'spores'.

These spores follow people's breath, enter people's bodies, and begin to absorb human nutrients.

The first problem is Yuqing.

Among all the people present, her strength is the weakest.

A body's strength is basically the product of various resources piled up.

However, the reason why she had problems first was not because of her strength, but because she was actively seeking death.

He gave up all resistance, and even stimulated his own strength in turn to protect the healthy growth of those spores in his body.

I have completely given up my life, and I don't want to live anymore.

On the contrary, her subordinates, after seeing this scene, stood behind Tian Jiyou and the others with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Yuqing's last order not to be a joke turned out to be a joke after all.

Not everyone can see death as home.

If you really want to help the murderer who killed them like this, then they will really become a joke.

So they didn't actually obey Yuqing's order before.

Yuqing didn't respond to this at all. After giving that order, she wanted to die with all her heart and stopped paying attention to her subordinates.

Louis estimated that in her final state of mind, she already felt indifferent to all of this.

Anyway, she has already done what she should do, and even if she fails in the end, it doesn't mean that she is sorry for Quan Zhengshen.

Louis was standing beside her at this moment, covering his mouth and nose with one hand, thinking of a way to break the situation.

As the Lord of the East Lake remained silent and turned into an ecological circle, the instability in the Bone Cemetery due to Zhen Xingming's implicated self-explosion became stable again.

At the same time, the bloody things are also fading rapidly. From the first dozen blood clots, hundreds of different creatures have evolved.

Feel these creatures carefully, and some of them can still find flesh and blood similar to the East Lake Lord, while some have become a little strange.

As time goes by, the creatures inside will become more and more weird, and finally become completely irrelevant to the East Lake Lord.

At that time, the master of Donghu had successfully committed suicide.

As for the witnesses...

Louis turned and dodged, avoiding a small red dot, which was a poisonous insect.

Derived eight seconds ago, it killed many other animals as soon as it appeared, and promoted the renewal of other creatures.

And this kind of poisonous insect has already made Louis feel a little dangerous.

After all, the current creatures are all derived from the power of the East Lake Lord.

Although it is impossible for them to reach the moon level, it is no problem at all to kill Louis and his group of people whose highest level is only to destroy the country.

In the past, because the East Lake had to support the cemetery of bones, a lot of power could not be used.

But now that the ecological circle of his incarnation has been integrated with the bone cemetery, this part of the power has been liberated instead.

Suddenly, the danger level of the entire environment is increasing exponentially.

There are more and more creatures like poisonous insects that can bring danger to Louis.

If within this period of time, they cannot find a way to break the situation, then they will only be engulfed by this increasingly dangerous ecosystem.

Then when it is derived to a certain extent and breaks through the cemetery of bones, they may not even have scum left.

Second update, sorry, good night everyone.

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