Death Compensation

Chapter 720 The easier it is to fall into an unexpected predicament

Chapter 720 The easier it is to fall into an unexpected predicament

The flesh was divided, and in just a few seconds, everyone felt that they were in a state of division.

This feeling is very strange, hazy, twisted and split.

The concept of self, in this case, is weakened like never before.

Because of this moment, you can feel more of yourself.

This self, turned into a bird, is spreading its wings and flying high, while that self, turned into a footless creature, is wriggling its own body.

There are even some that turn into plants, stand on the ground, and absorb nutrients.

Different bodies can bring different senses, and these senses will split people's thinking.

All they have to do now is live with the split.

And try to control these different bodies and gather them together.

Louis' soul thread played the role of threading the needle at this moment.

However, before these animals gathered together, some of them suddenly disconnected, the will of the body gained the upper hand, and they began to fight each other according to their instincts.

"This man is guarding me!" Louie let everyone understand what happened through the voice of the soul line.

Everyone was facing a life-and-death crisis before, and they didn't say anything on the surface, but they were guarding each other secretly.

After all, their identities are completely different, and they were both enemies before.

For example, the people of Quan Zhengdao followed Quan Zhengshen to pursue Louis and others before, and the portraits of Louis and others are still hanging on their arrest warrants.

Although it is the moment of life and death, if you say that we cooperate sincerely, can we really shake hands and make peace.

Who knows if you will use them as stepping stones in the process, sacrificing them to protect yourself.

This ability all comes from Louis' dictation, as well as some performances after capturing Yuqing's soul.

Whether there is a trap in it, whether you will retaliate because of the past, it is hard to say.

"This person is stupid because his methods are too low-level. After his own soul was split, those methods changed and resisted my soul line." Louis' voice was very upset.

Louis can assure you that most of the people present basically took measures to guard against Louis' soul line in secret.

Once Louis has bad thoughts, these people will almost always have countermeasures.

In a desperate situation, it is more necessary to guard against backstabs from fellow survivors, and most people actually understand this.

If you don’t understand, it’s hard to get to where you are today.

The problem was that the man's method was too bad. Before Louis could do anything, his method was activated because of his own state problem, and then he disconnected himself.

"Don't pay attention to him, one less person is still very bad for us, gather along the soul line as soon as possible!"

"Our sense of time has been abnormal."

"be prepared……"

The next moment, everyone felt that the world slowed down.

It is no longer the previous appearance that the ecological circle evolves every few seconds, but gradually takes their current body as the main body, and the time scale is elongated.

Louis has some research on time, so he knows one thing very well, the more information they receive, the slower their perception of time will be.

Life's scale of time mainly depends on its own perception.

This is why the time in most dimensions has a difference in flow rate, but for the people living in it, there is no difference.

Because when you are in this dimension, you have been coerced by the time flow of this dimension, and you have adapted to the information exchange speed under that time flow.

The current situation is nothing more than transforming people and dimensions into soul and body.

Now they have to start adapting to the ultra-fast information exchange speed of these bodies. Once they adapt, their souls' perception of external time will continue to slow down.

At this moment, Louis could feel all kinds of changes in a body. Louis even had time to savor these changes carefully, and after he finished savoring them, a few minutes had already passed in his induction.

But in the time record of Luyi's main soul, according to human perception, only one second has passed.

And this scale difference in time perception may be further expanded.

For Louis and the others, this was good and bad.

The good thing is that they have more 'time' to deal with the current problems of each body, and they don't have to worry about everything changing too fast and being too nervous.

The bad aspect is that this means that their souls are gradually being influenced by the information of the body, and this influence is very large.

According to this time scale, from the perspective of personal experience, they will also spend more than a lifetime in this state of split body.

In their own perception, this may be longer than the first half of their life, and it will be much longer.

This is easy to cause accidents. Once they gradually adapt to their identities here and lose their human cognition under the impact of countless information in their bodies, then it is very likely that they will really not be able to go back.

"I guess this is called evil!" Louis was still in the mood to joke with everyone at this time.

Counting Louis, Yuqing, Tianjiu, Lanhuo, Jinglin, and Quan Shendao, there are seventeen people in total.

They have now split into fifty-eight bodies, each of them controls three bodies on average, and a small number of people have more split souls, controlling four bodies.

These fifty-eight bodies can be described as various and strange, each with its own unique appearance.

All kinds of physical instincts are constantly impacting their souls. One body wants to prey on another body. For them now, it can be described as a very common impulse.

They need to constantly suppress these impulses, and then force their bodies to act according to their own will.

It has to be said that this is a torturous job, and everyone's energy and concentration have limits.

However, the information sent by each body is very complicated. If you don't pay attention, one of your bodies will stretch out its sharp claws, tear off half of your other body, and then swallow it in your mouth.

You can clearly feel that you are in pain on one side, but there is a delicious feeling in your mouth on the other side.

This different feeling makes people more and more divided.

But fortunately, when their forty-eight bodies gathered together and started to fight and prey collectively, things finally got a little bit better.

"Life is profit-seeking. When we hunt together to get more things, the more we can accept this relationship."

"The question now is the damage from predation and whether we can keep up with the evolution rate of other organisms."

"As well as our own will, we can still sustain it..."

First update.

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