Chapter 731

For Lu Song, Lu Bai had already let go.

Lu Bai has already received the apology he deposited in that blood ruby.

And also know some things in the past.

In fact, Lu Song also had the opportunity to go to the outer dimension for further studies. His ability and power at that time were definitely not inferior to that of seeking truth.

It is not really necessary for him to stay on the earth and fight with the forces of outer dimensions all the time.

But in the end, Lu Song still did not leave the earth.

There are many reasons, but one of the key points is Lu Bai, who was still awake at the time.

In any case, the childhood and youth that Lu Song and Lu Bai spent was not a false friendship.

Lu Bai also admitted the existence of this friendship. Although it was very subtle, the two had irreparable conflicts afterwards. Lu Bai had even ceased to be a human being, but Lu Bai did not abandon or deny his past, so Lu Bai still recognized it. The brotherhood that existed before.

Even if Lu Ran was Lu Song's immediate family member, and he asked to come to his door today, Lu Bai might agree.

After all, Lu Song is the only person in the entire Lu family who can make Lu Bogao look at him.

It's a pity that most of Lu Song's inheritance can only fall on a dog.

This made Lu Bai want to laugh, and because of this, he disliked the Lu family even more.

The Lu family is an aristocratic family, so it naturally has many disadvantages of the aristocratic family, such as being indifferent to the extreme and avoiding harm.

Lu Song's behavior back then was against the general trend of the earth, which contradicted the aristocratic family.

Lu Bai didn't even need to investigate, he could know what kind of attitude the Lu family had when Lu Song was in his later years.

As a result, a descendant of the Lu family found him now, and said that he wanted to take back Lu Song's inheritance.

Just like Lu Song knew Lu Bai, Lu Bai also knew Lu Song. If there were really someone worthy of Lu Song's trust in the Lu family, then Lu Song, who cared about the family, would never let the inheritance go out.

As a result, Lu Song now has two inheritances, one on the dog he raised, and the other on the Blood Tears Tomb.

From this alone, we can know what the Lu family is now.

How can he slap the faces of those in the Lu family if he becomes the master of the Lu family? Does he still need to become the master for Lu Bai to slap people in the face?

Letting those shameless people get the inside, that would be hitting him in the face of Lu Bai himself.

"But it's not wrong to say that they are insects." Lu Bai shook his head.

The rise of human beings on the side of Taoist Calabash is doing their last drop of blood for the rise of mankind.

The Lu family was thinking about taking back the benefits of having a relationship with him.

Those who call the rise of human power "outsiders".

In terms of close relationship alone, perhaps those like-minded people will be closer.

"The opening of the Tomb of Blood and Tears this time may have some twists and turns."

"And can I take advantage of these twists and turns?" Lu Bai thought with a smile.

Now that insects like the Lu family have received the news that the Tomb of Blood Tears is about to be opened, the enemy will naturally receive it too.

Although they cannot use such a large amount of wealth, they will not let the rising forces of mankind use it so easily.

His gourd Taoist still needs to be completed, and a bunch of things left over from the lives of surface-level powerhouses may be good assets.


After leaving Lu Bai's place, Lu Ran's mood fluctuated significantly.

Lu Bai's playful gaze, and the contempt hidden under that gaze, are clear and distinct.

All this hurt Lu Ran's heart.

She naturally knew the purpose of her coming, after all, she was excellent.

As for Lu Bai's information, those people in the family began to study it over and over again after Lu Bai participated in the comprehensive competition.

Including the various things that Lu Bai did when he was still in the Lu family in the early years, these people also found out and began to analyze Lu Bai's handling style.

The conclusion drawn is very clear, that is, Lu Bai is a scumbag who doesn't care about meat and vegetables.

There are still many outstanding people in the family, but those family elders only chose her to come, so the purpose of these people is very clear.

Lu Ran accepted the order and responded with an understanding attitude.

After all, the Lu family has indeed reached a critical moment.

Back then, Lu Song clearly resisted the forces of the outer dimension. This behavior not only caused Lu Song's death, but also caused disaster for the Lu family.

At least many companies that have relations with the forces of the outer dimensions are afraid of cooperating with the Lu family.

Those big men look down on the Lu family and won't go to any lengths for the Lu family, but the King of Hades loves to mess with little ghosts.

The superiors don't even need to tell anyone who is unhappy, they just need to look at them, and the clinging people will try their best to please them.

So over the years, the Lu family has fallen from a top power to an ordinary family business.

There are not many people who add insult to injury.

Many forces have their eyes on the Lu family's relatively rich background, and they have been thinking of various ways to suppress the Lu family over the years, trying to embezzle the benefits.

At this time, the appearance of Lu Bai is the best solution.

Lu Ran also has the intention of sacrificing for the family.

It is very natural for her to enjoy the benefits of the family and sacrifice for the family.

I thought that I would be insulted when I came here today, but Lu Ran never thought that this insult was more painful than she imagined.

Lu Bai understood everything, but he blatantly despised her.

Worse than being despised by a man of high morals is being despised morally by a man of low morals.

Lu Ran is in this state now, and her self-esteem has been severely impacted.

And after being insulted like this, she didn't even get anything.

This stinging pain made Lu Ran's mind shake, whether he was really humble.

"Everything is for the family." Lu Ran warned himself, but at this time, Lu Bai's playful eyes came to mind.

She is excellent. As the eldest lady of the Lu family, she has received an elite education since she was a child. She has also achieved a lot over the years, so she naturally has her own arrogance.

However, everything today has trampled her arrogance into the soil.

A good education made her realize that she was only influenced by Lu Bai, and that she was doing the right thing for the family.

But his own pride is unacceptable.

But afterward, Lu Ran could only suppress this conflict in his heart, let himself regain his composure, don't be willful, don't think too much.

For the sake of the family, she needs to regain her composure as soon as possible.

Since she couldn't find help from Lu Bai, she needed to make early preparations to fight for Lu Song's relics in the Tomb of Blood and Tears.

Lu Song was a top surface level powerhouse back then. As long as she can get his relics, maybe she can gain the right to speak in the family, and then follow her own policy to improve the family's situation.

With this thought in mind, Lu Ran came in a hurry and then left in a hurry.

The Tomb of Blood Tears is really about to open.

The place where the Blood Tears Tomb is located is Zhongzheng District.

The next day, when the unfinished match between the Bailin Club and the Honghe Club continued, a lot of people were surrounded in a dense forest in Zhongzheng District.

Including Calabash Taoist also appeared in it.

After they were open and honest yesterday, Zhao Heshan officially became the team leader and led everyone back to Zhongzheng District through expedited means.

Prepare to receive the legacy of the martyrs.

Unexpectedly, there were many more people than expected.

Many of them were people who had various relationships with those martyrs back then.

There are no classes who betray classes, but there are individuals who betray classes.

There are many martyrs in history who were born noble, but they all "awakened" at some point and devoted themselves to the great cause.

But they have such awareness, it does not mean that their relatives have such awareness.

The present situation is both unexpected and reasonable.

The unexpected thing is that they didn't expect the news to leak so widely and so quickly.

Activating the Tomb of Blood and Tears was a decision handed down from the upper echelons yesterday by the rising forces of mankind.

Looking at the people around them, they already knew about it.

I am afraid that there is a traitor among the rising forces of mankind, and the identity of this traitor is not low.

This is normal, but also very chilling.

Looking at those people with greedy eyes around him, Tian Jiyou could only feel a burning anger in his heart.

He does not require everyone to know righteousness and be willing to sacrifice for righteousness.

However, it is unbearable. When some people are desperate for righteousness and sacrificed for all of them, some people frantically hold them back for their own benefit.

However, at this time, the arrow is on the string, and it has reached the point where it has to be fired. Today, the Blood Tears Tomb must be opened.

Looking at this scene, Taoist Calabash had a mocking smile on his face, which is the human heart.


Calabash Taoist looked at the rising forces of human beings, and unconsciously, their manpower gradually increased.

Although there are still some people who are not clear about their minds, there are also many people who sincerely join.

This is also the human heart.

At the same time, Calabash Taoist looked at Lu Ran, who was in the opposite crowd. At this moment, she was looking at this side, her eyes flickering.

This is still the heart.

The second change, 2700 words, good night everyone.

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