Death Compensation

Chapter 744 Entering the Cave

Chapter 744 Entering the Cave

"Don't... go in!" Lao Miaozhu's state at this moment is obviously different from before.

He didn't expect the seriousness of the problem. In his opinion, it was just leaking a handful of low-level demon soldiers, and he was fully capable of dealing with it.

As for those who didn't master the demon soldiers, he didn't pay attention to them. It was just wishful thinking that the other party wanted to consume him to death.

However, the enemy's methods are beyond his imagination. He once thought that the omnipotent power could not protect him from harm at this time.

Once injured, his condition began to decline sharply. After all, he was just an old man.

At this moment, he had a lot of wounds on his body, his skin was pale all over, and he was gasping for breath, but he felt that he was breathing out more than he was taking in.

Life at this moment seems to have reached the critical moment.

Even the ability that was once handy has become extremely difficult to use at this time.

Every blow is challenging the limit of his life.

It's just that he doesn't intend to give up, and is still struggling.

He turned his back on his previous beliefs, his brothers, and his comrades-in-arms, all in order to defend the God of the Mountain.

No matter what, the God of the Mountain must not be harmed, otherwise, his betrayal would become a complete joke.

With this belief, Lao Miaozhu opened his eyes, Yuwu's ability was pushed to the limit, his whole body was trembling, and every old cell was whining at this moment, being squeezed out of the last bit of strength.

In an instant, the mountain shook, and some gravel fell from the Tianshan Mountain.

"He's going to cause a landslide!" Someone immediately discovered the other party's plan.

This is the last defensive measure of the old Miaozhu. They directly cover up the cave. As long as they can't enter it for a while, the Miaozhu who were transferred to protect the sacrifices before will be able to come back.

Maybe there is no way to annihilate these people, but at least it can further delay the time.

Tomorrow, if the sacrifice is successful and a large number of temple guests come back, the rebellion will be successfully suppressed.

Feng Hesheng was drawing his bow, and the arrow of wind was forming rapidly.

Just from the perspective of efficiency alone, it seems to be too late.

The mountain rocks kept falling, and this mountain body became more and more unstable with this vibration, and it might collapse at any time.

A tinge of blood appeared on Lao Miaozhu's face at this moment, he could feel that he had reached the limit, and maybe in the next second, he would die.

However, at this moment, his face was full of relief, no matter what, he had completed what he should have done.

As long as those demon soldiers are not lost, there will be no problems with the God of the Mountain.

As for death, like those in the crusade team, he was no longer afraid of it.

This may be a relief for him, after all, he did betray his past and become the person he hated the most when he was young.

And in the process of getting used to it step by step, the hallucination today made him recognize himself.

He didn't think he was wrong, but after dealing with those things back then, he deserved to die.

The rocks fell, and Lao Miaozhu was also hit.

But he was smiling, and his job was done.

"Sorry I'm late..." Another illusion appeared in front of his eyes, this time he faced it calmly, preparing to face his own death.


The sound of breaking through the air slightly broke Lao Miaozhu's calmness towards death, and there were seven or eight people who were completely unafraid of the falling rocks and rushed over abruptly.

With his own flesh and blood, he fought against the falling rock, and even voluntarily slammed into the rock, just to shift the direction of the falling rock, so that his teammates could rush further.

Lao Miao Zhu is not the only person who is willing to risk his life.

He collapsed on the ground, and stretched out his hands tremblingly towards the two or three people who rushed into the cave, but the next moment, an arrow of wind flew over, nailing his hands to the ground in front of him.

Then the arrow exploded, and a strong wind burst out, providing assistance to those who rushed into the cave.

It also made Lao Miaozhu fail to use his last resort. With this touch of regret, Lao Miaozhu lost his breath of life.

It was completely buried by the stones that then fell down on a large scale.

Feng Hesheng also heaved a sigh of relief after seeing how many people entered.

The magic weapon in his hand is just the lowest level of magic weapon, and its power is really limited. It is completely impossible to defeat the god of the mountain with this magic weapon alone.

But those high-level magic soldiers in the cave are different. As long as they can obtain them, they will be able to open the closed cave.

"Temporarily retreat, hide among the crowd, and pay attention to the movement here." Feng Hesheng immediately led the people away from the tomb group.

Before leading people to attack the sacrificial place, and then after shooting a few arrows, he rushed here, making a time difference.

The rest of the people are ordinary people, and it is estimated that there will not be much delay. They will retreat first, and wait until the few people who go in get the magic weapon and open the cave, and then make any fuss.

"No matter what, you must die, God of the Mountain!" Feng Hesheng walked away, looking at the towering Tianshan Mountain.

However, the three people who entered the cave at this moment did not immediately see the so-called magic weapon.

There are long-burning lights inside the cave, so there is no need to worry about lighting for the time being.

The three people who came in were of course Calabash Taoist, Lamp and Mustache.

Calabash Taoist and the lighting were not a big problem, but his mustache was scratched by falling stones, and most of his back was bloody.

As for the few people who covered their entry before, they are also people from the rising power of mankind.

After all, they are the only ones who have the ability to temporarily burst out, improve their physical fitness, and be able to quickly approach the cave that is about to be closed by a landslide.

"Where is the lonely sky?" Taoist Calabash and Deng Huo walked inside with the support of Mustache, asking Lan Huo while opening their mouths.

The lights and the loneliness of the sky have been transformed into their original bodies. Even if they just enter this illusion with their minds, they probably still retain some extraordinary abilities.

This can be seen from the previous lighting hypnosis of the old temple, but the whole battle did not see the existence of Tian Lonely.

"I don't know, I haven't been in touch." Lenghuo also frowned and said, since he entered the city, he left a lot of secret signals, and wanted to contact Tian Lonely, but he never got a response.

"He won't be assigned to Miaozhu's side." Calabash Taoist thought about the possibility of this.

Judging from the current intelligence, the God of the Mountain is not necessarily a villain.

What they have to do, can't just simply fight the boss.

This is a trial, so in this process, you must show the qualities and abilities that satisfy the Blood Tears Tomb as much as possible, so that you can get your own suitable inheritance.

Blindly reckless, may not get too good evaluation.

First update, sorry.

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