Death Compensation

Chapter 758 Supporting the Tianshan Mountains (1)

Chapter 758 Supporting the Tianshan Mountains (1)

Divine Soldier·Shenxing Shovel.

Holding it, stones and mud are like water, and can reconstruct the underground mud and stone structure, leaving passages and so on.

This is a stealth master.

Walking underground is silent, and it can be activated whenever it wants. As long as you hold this thing in your hand, it can instantly sink into the mud and disappear in an instant.

At this time, there were several people holding divine weapons, and they came behind Miao Zhu along the passage left by the divine shovel.

Leading the way was a member of the local crusade team holding an unowned sword.

The fighting literacy of these local crusade team members is incomparable to that of travelers, so they are naturally more suitable for the masterless sword, which can quickly improve combat effectiveness.

At this time, the ownerless sword has changed its appearance. It can automatically adjust its most suitable shape according to the state of the person holding it, and exert the strongest power.

It is no more than a finger wide, but as long as a willow leaf.

Holding it is like a fishing rod, even the wind can move the blade.

However, when it waved, only a faint black line flickered in the air, and at the same time, a whining sound could be heard.

And when the person heard this sound, there were already a few bloodstains on his body.

The temple wishes were not unresponsive, at least when the person rushed out of the ground, they felt it and were ready to respond.

But at that moment, they smelled a fragrance, and then felt that their thinking was extremely slow, and they even ignored the external environment for a while.

This is naturally the effect of the jade wishful in the hands of Taoist Gourd.

In the blink of an eye, several temple leaders were decapitated.

Then more Miaozhu reacted at this time, when they wanted to use their abilities to fight.

The protection above was broken, and a man in golden armor descended from the sky. After killing two unlucky priests, he aimed at a group of priests and rushed over.

More divine weapon masters also launched an offensive at this time, and a large number of priests died in groups.

The rest of Miao Zhu were also flustered because of this offensive, and could only be killed after struggling for a while.

The first contact battle ended in less than a few minutes.

The crusade team did not stop because of this, and the large army followed behind.

Everyone looked at the corpses of these priests, and their morale was boosted.

In any case, it is a good thing that the temple wishers can die.

Over the years, at least half of the disasters were caused by the reckless actions of temple wishers.

They are at the foot of Tianshan Mountain, and they may be good people in various senses such as qualified parents, filial children, and friendly neighbors.

But outside this boundary, most of them take it for granted that outsiders are not worthy of being called human beings.

The common name is criminals.

They are cruel and reckless in the outside world, and all their actions have only one goal, which is to bring high-quality resources back to the boundary supporting Tianshan Mountain.

As for the survival of the outsiders, they don't care, anyway, as long as they can provide a hundred children every year for them to sacrifice.

It is this kind of mentality that has caused many people from the outside world to be bullied by the priests.

For example, Ade before, his whole family was originally in a disaster-stricken area.

The severe drought caused countless people to endure pain and starvation, but the coming temple blessings offered an unimaginably high price.

Because he couldn't give it, but Ade's father, who was the village chief at the time, knelt down to ask Miaozhu, but Miaozhu was furious because the blood splashed on Miaozhu's high-grade silk woven white robe when he kowtowed.

In the name of offending, Ade's whole family was killed by Miao Zhu, only Ade did not escape at home at that time.

There are countless similar things.

When people have privileges and think they are superior to others because of their privileges.

They can do all kinds of things that are extremely ugly in the eyes of normal people, and they can do them very naturally and take them for granted.

They don't empathize with ordinary people, so who will empathize with them except some idiots?

So without exception, everyone felt that the temple wishers died well.

Even if it is the lamp that wants to cooperate with everyone to solve the world's problems, it does not ask others to keep their hands on the temple.

After all, the two parties are now in a state of hostility. Miao Zhu, a person with such privileges, if you don't beat them up, trample them under their feet, and let them realize that you are a fart, they will not choose to cooperate.

After the first round of impact, came the second impact.

From the mountain gate, there is only one road leading to the top of the mountain.

The base camp of the temple wishers is on the mountainside.

There are various defensive measures along the way.

It's just that the first wave of Miao Zhu died too quickly, and they didn't hinder the crusade team for long.

And the team that escorted the sacrificial offerings before was also slowly climbing the mountain.

They can fly with people, but the problem is that the Tianshan Mountain is too high.

Especially supporting the sky above the Tianshan Mountains, but also because of the special oppressive force left by the sinking sky.

Flying at the foot of the mountain is fine, flying even higher is courting death.

Therefore, after breaking through the defensive forces at the foot of the mountain, the members of the crusade team could already vaguely see the silhouettes of the sacrificial escort team.

The members of the sacrificial escort team naturally also saw the crusade team, so they could only speed up and use their creation ability to create a stone platform to push themselves to a higher place.

No longer follow the established trajectory.

And this kind of chaos also disrupted the various defensive measures on both sides of the mountain road.

Many temple wishers panicked, they had never encountered such a thing before.

However, in the process of chasing, more temples began to gather, they chose a point, and then began to arrange the front.

At the same time, on the mountainside, more temple wishes began to gather.

In terms of numbers, it is the temple wishers who have the advantage.

The people of the aristocratic family have already prepared.

Their purpose is now very clear, let the native priests go first.

While consuming the power of the crusade team, they explored the ability of the magic weapon in the hands of the crusade team.

And they chose the halfway up the mountain as the decisive point for this decisive battle.

After eliminating most of the crusade team's forces, in the name of righteousness commonly used by the rising forces of mankind, to coerce the remaining crusade team to join them and help them solve possible accidents.

The attention of the two parties is actually the same. First defeat the enemy, then integrate everyone, and use the strength of the group to solve the problem.

It's just that the two parties have a key difference in solving the problem.

That is the crusade team hoped to save the one hundred sacrifices.

On the other hand, the members of the aristocratic family believed that the sacrifice should continue, as long as the sacrifice could not work normally, the problem would be solved.

Therefore, the two seem to be the same, but in fact they are very different.

Among the team, Denghuo raised his head and looked at the mountain whose top was still invisible. Halfway up the mountain, Liu Daohuantian lowered his head and looked at everything covered by white clouds.

First update, sorry.

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