Death Compensation

Chapter 788 Erosion Tolerance

Chapter 788 Erosion Tolerance

"We can win!" Barry, a substitute member of the Glory Club, had a flash of excitement in his eyes.

As a substitute, he didn't have the chance to play. He was sent to the game after both Peter and Louis died.

It is precisely because of this that he lost a few games, and now his reputation is not very good in the traveler circle in the right-hand district.

However, as a member who sits on the bench and watches the water cooler, if one day he can break certain laws and do things that others cannot do, he will become popular in a short time and attract countless people's pursuit.

"If I can break Levyd's prophecy and break his achievements, can I use this to condense a brand new achievement and successfully reach the pinnacle of my life?"

"At that time, I will replace the current position of the first person in Livid, be sought after by countless people, and become the new invincible person!"

"I'm special!!!!"

Fanatical emotions impacted his heart, making his spirit even higher.

His eyes fell on the member named Safa on the opposite side, and Barry swung his racket, and his movements became more and more fierce.

His condensed achievement is called Inclusive Nation!

He can embrace everything in this way.

For example, he once lived with a group of lions, and included the lions in his life, thereby gaining the power of the lions.

Youzheng District is a tolerant land, and everyone has the right to enjoy freedom on it.

Of course, the premise is that they must accept tolerance.

For example, those adult lions did not tolerate him and were wild and unruly, so he killed those adult lions with a gun and raised the young lions instead.

If there is a grudge among the young lions, it is the young lions who are not tolerant.

It's just revenge for killing his father, and he actually wants to destroy this all-inclusive peace because of it!

He will let the lions he has raised to kill those brothers and sisters who dare to resist, and then reward them with meat and bones, telling them that this is all for tolerance.

The same is true for other things. He has established a huge and inclusive country in his own home. Anything of value will be brought into this country by him.

They need to abide by the rules of the tolerant country and enjoy the freedom there.

freedom under his permission.

It is precisely because of this tolerant power that all abnormal forces that fall by his side will be swallowed up by the tolerant country, and then attempt to contain and control it.

As long as a part of the contained country is corrupted, it can be used to deal with those forces that do not want to be corrupted, and attack the opponent from the inside.

"Perhaps because I can tolerate everything, the power of that prophecy is also tolerated by me."

"As for the nigger in front of him, his power is precisely to differentiate into shadow-like clones, and then borrow these powers."

"If I can find a way to contain these clones, then maybe I can kill this nigger!" Barry thought.

Compared with the opponent, there is still a gap in his hard power. Whether it is his own strength or the resonance rate, he is not as good as that nigger. If he wants to win, he must use some means.

"At the beginning, these niggers were transported as farm tools to Youzheng District to become slaves, and then they were driven out decades ago."

"Now I capture these niggas too, and make them an included part of my country."

"To put them to good use."

The idea turned, and Barry gradually began to do the same.

Swing the ball out, adding a touch of temptation to it.

His ideal is to turn his tolerant country into a paradise-like place.

There, ideal gardens with shade, fruit, fountains, and arbors, where water, milk, honey, and wine flow, and bird meat that one likes, to use at will, all seasons.

There, you can enjoy everything without working.

There, there are jeweled beds, and immortal servants wait on them in turn.

There, too, are fair, fair wives, with ever round breasts, of the same age, to make them grow again, always virgins.

This all-inclusive paradise is Barry's ideal country.

This kind of beautiful vision also triggers the power of temptation.

Anyone affected by this power will involuntarily look forward to the kingdom of heaven.

Finally, it was absorbed into this country.

"Enslave your companions and eat your own kind, you evil black skin!" Barry said righteously: "Don't worry, I will deal with you who are enslaved!"

Obviously at a disadvantage, Barry lost a lot of points, but he still persevered against the opponent.

One round, two rounds...

Soon came the third game.

In the first two rounds, Barry, who was relatively weak, naturally lost and lost points.

If this game is still lost, then there is no need to continue the game.

After all, it was three to zero.

However, Barry is still high-spirited and looks like he will never admit defeat.

Safa looked at all this, with a victorious smile on his lips, the black shadow image constructed by the Lingluo solidified at this moment, and then he held the racket and hit the opponent's ball in return.

His strength has an advantage, and this ball is naturally easier to fight back.

However, at the moment of the counterattack, a suction force suddenly appeared on the ball.

Affected by the suction force, the shadow of the spiritual network cut off the connection with Safa, and threw himself into the ball.

Then he followed the hit ball and returned to Barry's side.

When Barry received the ball, the black shadow was naturally absorbed by Barry and entered his tolerant kingdom.

Of course, after entering it, he cannot enjoy the honey and milk.

There is no way to have a fair and forever young wife.

Because of all of this, only Barry can have it.

He can only become the immortal boy servant, contribute his own strength, and serve Barry forever.

Of course, if this black shadow has a bit of beauty, it is not impossible to become the forever young and always virgin wife.

Anyway, Barry collected many similar 'wives', put them into his own tolerant country, made them grow again, and made them always virgins.

"Very good!" Barry looked at the black shadow eagerly, and while driving his strength, he said: "Dear Nige, you are finally free, and you will no longer be enslaved and eaten by the bad guys over there. You are safe!"

Strength ebbs and flows.

As the shadows are swallowed up by Barry's tolerant country, although Safa still has many shadows, he can continuously summon new shadows.

But as time went by, most of these summoned shadows were abducted by Barry.

"They were also enslaved in the southern plantations back then, but we followed our free will and liberated them!"

"It's the same now, but it's changed from the southern plantation to the people who ate them."

With this awareness, Barry's motivation became more and more powerful, and he chased the points back with one ball after another.

Three rounds, four rounds...

The number of rounds came to the fifth round, which was also the final tiebreaker.

At this moment, those black shadows disappeared from the spirit network pattern behind Safa, only the monsters he hunted were left to provide him with basic strength.

On the contrary, Barry possessed a large amount of black shadow power, driving these shadows, bringing him victory step by step.

"Are you still going to hold on?" Barry waved his hand, and a large amount of black mist appeared on his arm. He supported his arm, and easily counterattacked the flying ball with a wave.

In the face of this ball, Safa has no way to catch it.

He dodged the ball sideways, and that triumphant smile once again appeared on his swarthy face.

"Do you know?" Safa said: "In our country, there has always been a culture, and that is the culture of symbiosis."

"Only the closest people will eat you after you die. This is not hatred, but to let your companions carry your share and live."

Safa's expression was extraordinarily complicated. Chigu District, which was not so cruel before, has become more and more piercing with the arrival of Lingluo Society.

Almost everyone is material, ordinary people are not qualified to live past their prime, they will be used as material when they are strongest.

Resistance is useless, escape is useless, the only way is to eat other people as materials, and try to climb to a higher place.

Take the portion that they ate, so that they can also see the higher scenery.

So Safa built the skill of 'summoning'.

It's not that he can't catch the ball, and it's not that he insists on summoning Sombra to catch it, but because there are too many people who have never seen ping pong in their entire lives, and they want to try it too.

"In other words, as long as I eat you, I will recognize you as my closest person and treat you as my relative."

"I'm not alone!"

Barry was taken aback for a moment, and then felt pain all over his body.

He lowered his head and looked at his body, only to see that at some point, his whole body had turned black and white.

In his homeland called Inclusive Country, his strength is being blackened bit by bit.

"I never enslaved them, instead we lived together."

"When I fail one day, I will let my opponent or my partner eat us."

"Take us to live together."

"This is our sad but only cannibalistic culture!"

"Do you understand now?"

"Those who try to enslave and devour us!"

"Get the hell out of me, leave my body, leave my harmonious homeland!" Barry screamed angrily, but nothing helped.

At some point, the power of these shadows had already blackened everything.

They are no longer immortal child servants, but have gradually become the masters here.

The number they occupy is increasing, and with the help of Barry's place, their power is multiplying.

The entire tolerant country has become a black paradise.

In the end, after Barry was completely eaten away, the black shadows came out one by one, returned to Safa's side, and reintegrated into his body.

The first change, 3000 characters, the name Barry was temporarily taken in this chapter, it is a homophonic name.

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