Death Compensation

Chapter 794 Don't be distracted, strong?

Chapter 794 Don't be distracted, strong?

The battle order of Feitian Club has also been changed.

For example, the No. 2 character of the Feitian Society had been reduced to the tail of the crane. After he fought Shi Yu, he exploded to increase the resonance rate, but the price afterwards was that it became extremely difficult to increase the resonance rate.

He was even overtaken by Gain, who lost to Lu Bai before.

But what remains unchanged is still the number one Gerla.

His intensity has been following the first echelon.

The current resonance rate is initially judged to be 38%~39%.

Behind Misha of Tianhe Society, and Livid of Glory Society.

There were eight round balls floating behind him, standing on the other side, frowning and looking at Lu Bai who came on stage with the bell.

"Is it a boring exchange of the weak for the strong again?" Jerla shook her head, expressing her boredom.

Because Feitian Club is sensitive to 'position', the order of their battles is basically from strong to weak.

Except for a few key games, they are unwilling to leave such a big gap. They all came like this.

In Feitian culture, people who fly higher and have higher positions can occupy more things.

The previous confrontation with the Bailin Club was a Tianji horse race with Ning Sa and Jieerla.

Originally thought that in this match, the White Scale Society would have the advantage and would be a bit bloody brave, but they didn't expect that they would still send the weaker forward and play tactics with him.

"Did your brain be crushed into balls like those balls?" However, facing his displeasure, Lu Bai only used a simple stinky mouth.

Facing Lu Bai, Gerla looked very cold. He didn't pay any attention to Lu Bai's meaning, and calmly drew lots with Lu Bai, and then got the priority to serve.

He held the ball, and the eight round balls behind him also turned slightly.

The Feitian people's system is to cultivate the inside and control the outside.

Gerla's own internal practice system is "pointing stars"!

After everyone is born, according to the year, month and day, there will be a "constellation".

In addition, among countries, the movement of stars is extremely important, and generally has a close relationship with people's fate.

Astrology is still popular today.

When she first joined Feitian Club and decided what was the highest, Gerla decided on 'star'.

In terms of physics, the stars in the Sea of ​​Constellations are indeed the farthest from the earth's ground, and can also be considered the highest.

If it is in the position of mysticism, then for human beings, the fate symbolized by the stars is also the highest factor.

Constellations, fate stars, etc., are Jerla's practice path, connecting himself with the stars bit by bit, and establishing the star power nodes of the stars inside his body.

Every time a star power node is established, it can be regarded as the completion of a 'point star'.

From the moment he saw Gerla, he was floating in mid-air. This is the power he naturally acquired after reaching a certain level.

As for the eight round balls around him, they are exactly the weapons he made after the eight planets!

That is, the external forces he controls.

After all, this is also the earth, and the fantasy dimensions he often experienced before are basically based on the earth.

Generally, there are eight planets, and as a source of external power, he can get a great bonus.

"It's really something familiar yet unfamiliar." Lu Bai commented as he looked at the eight balls.

He had only experienced the dimension of the unstable balance line before, and those D-level enhancers in it also used the eight planets as their own symbols.

The power used is also closely related to the eight planets.

That's why Lu Bai felt familiar. As for being unfamiliar, it was because his eight spheres did not have the eight special abilities corresponding to the planets.

There is not much difference in the essence of the eight balls, and the most important element is the element of 'star power'.

It is more inclined to the definition of the eight planets in mysticism and astrology.

Such as Mercury retrograde.

Through the eight spheres, the eight planets are communicated, thereby affecting a series of things such as fortune, personality, money, family, and career.

Therefore, the point is not what star a certain sphere represents, but the movement of these eight spheres disrupts the surrounding star power environment, thereby affecting what.

But at this moment, Gerla's excellence lies in the fact that he regards the ping pong ball in his hand as a 'star'.

The eight spheres behind him, the environment of the outside world, the fate and astrology of people, etc. are integrated together to form a kind of Feng Shui formation of the stars.

When you catch the ball, it means that what you have to fight against is not just this small ball, but the meaning that Jerla made it represent in mysticism, and a series of changes in the stars behind it.

"First strike, Mercury retrograde!"

Mercury in astrology symbolizes strength, wisdom and dexterity, thought, intellect, nervous system, communication and contact.

Mercury retrograde is a kind of celestial phenomenon. It is not that the direction of Mercury's movement has really changed, but a visual deviation of the movement track.

Therefore, the Mercury retrograde phenomenon often affects memory, communication, transportation, communication, etc.

It is also the most familiar term in astrology.

The ball spun and flew towards the table on Lu Bai's side.

And the moment it fell, Lu Bai felt that his perception was misplaced.

Whether it is visual or auditory, the observed ping-pong ball will fly from the left side of Lu Bai to the other side with a standard trajectory.

However, Lu Bai did not choose to catch the ball with a backhand to the left, but instead swung his racket to a point on the right.

The moment he swung, there was a clear sound, and the ball that should have been on the other side was intercepted by Lu Bai on the right.

This is Gerla's basic ability, using star power to interfere with the transmission of vision and hearing, causing problems in people's perception of things.

And at the moment of touching the ball, the surrounding field has disappeared.

In front of Lu Bai, only the countertop and Gerla on the opposite side were left.

Behind Gerla, there are no longer the eight round balls in motion.

Instead, as if he was in the starry sky, under the huge planet, Lu Bai seemed extremely small.

Countless star power, like chains, was locked on Lu Bai's body.

If you point the stars inside, you are a "star" yourself, so as to elevate your own personality, let yourself "fly into the sky", and fly high enough.

Externally, it establishes contact with the stars and controls the star power of the stars by means of arming that simulates the structure of the planets, and star power arrays.

Then, with the help of the movement of the stars, it affects the movement of everything.

As it is now.

In Gerla's eyes, although Lu Bo possessed strange skills such as resonance rate skills, his resonance rate was too different from his.

At this moment, Lu Bai is just a small bug under the rotation of his stars, he will have no power to resist, and he will be defeated.

This is his confidence as the number one member of the Feitian Club and the top echelon of the entire comprehensive competition.

However, what greeted him was a ping pong ball that flew past his ear, making the whistling sound of the wind.

It just hit the sphere that symbolizes Mercury.

The illusion of the stars was shattered, Lu Bai took back the shot, and said with a smile: "Don't be distracted, strong?"

The second update, 2000 words, I went out to eat tonight, maybe I was full, and I felt sleepy when I was full, and then I checked a lot of astrological information, which wasted some time. I originally planned to make the third update today, but now The second change is still a little shrunk, if you have nothing to do tomorrow, continue to the third change.

In addition, in the information I checked, there seem to be very few words similar to a certain astrological sign like 'Mercury retrograde'. Basically, there are terms such as rising, strong, and weak, and the information is too complicated.

Are you familiar with astrology? Provide a few words similar to Mercury retrograde, and some special tricks for Jerla. If there are no words, I will make them up.

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