Death Compensation

Chapter 799 Reconstruction Constraints

Chapter 799 Reconstruction Constraints

Projection, an astrological term.

The general concept is that a person, in addition to the things he knows, also has many things he does not know, and these things will be projected to the outside world by the subconscious.

This is a means of 'exporting' oneself to the outside world, but most ordinary people have no way of recognizing the existence of this means.

And Jerla uses the star power to project her inner being and even the soul, carried by the star power, freed from all kinds of interference of the body.

Relying on this move, he has already left the lifespan of a flesh and blood life, and started to transform into an energy life.

It is precisely because of this that he completely projects himself out, so the power he outputs is no longer restricted by his body.

On this point, the opponent's projection is similar to Lu Bai's externalized martial arts.

Lu Bai held the ball, and a large number of internal force crystals appeared around him.

These crystals are like pieces of dark black gemstones, constantly exuding the power of death.

"Externalization of Martial Arts·Three Rafts at the End of the Night·Peng Zhi!"

Peng Zhi is a dead body, it cuts people's five possessions, has little breath and forgetfulness, makes people like to do evil things, eat food and die, or sleep in dreams and become confused.

Nei Li followed Lu Bai's serve, sneaked into the ball, and flew to the opposite table.

In the state of projection, Gerla swung his racket to confront, and it was at this moment of confrontation that his whole body flickered slightly.

Still hit the ball back.

The three corpses are also related to the spirit, qi, and spirit of the human body. The upper corpse is related to the spirit, and the middle corpse is related to nature, which is Qi.

If Gerla is still in a physical state, then there is a high probability that his internal organs will fail due to this blow at this moment, and his endocrine system will be completely disordered as a result.

Even if one breaks away from the body and constructs the body with pure energy, it will still be affected by Peng Li.

After all, the way this trick works is to use internal force to penetrate the body, causing problems in the body's operation.

The body of pure energy is not completely randomly stacked by energy.

To form a human body, it naturally needs to have a corresponding structure.

Peng Zhi's move destroys the circulatory system. In the human body, this circulatory system is the five internal organs, which is 'Qi'.

In the outside world, star power, magic power, chakra, etc. are actually not much different.

But this time, Gerla was mentally prepared, and stabilized her own energy movement with the movement of the stars in the outside world.

The returned ball bounced and flew in front of Lu Bai.

He naturally returned the third blow.

"Externalization of Martial Arts·Three Rafts at the End of the Night·Peng Yu!"

Peng Yu, beating people to go to the customs, making them harass, the five emotions are brave (surges) and lustful, and they can't help themselves.

It involves the "jing" in the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, essence in various senses.

This cut involves lust above and life ethics below.

When it falls on a flesh and blood body, it can make it lustful and make its instinct of biological reproduction prevail.

Attack the enemy from the most fundamental continuation problem of biological survival.

But when it falls on the life of the energy body, it is like a question from heaven, how do you continue?

Those mature energy life forms in outer dimensions naturally have their own way of life continuation.

Or they have simply given up the act of reproduction and pursued 'eternity'.

But Gerla is far from reaching that point.

He only temporarily transforms himself into an energy life form by means of projection.

His energy structure has inherited the human body structure in many places.

In addition, his own thoughts have not completely changed.

As a human being, there is bound to be an idea of ​​continuation of future generations.

Peng Yu used this as an attack, making his body further unstable.

Since projection is to radiate one's inner self to the outside world.

Then when external forces interfere with the projectile in turn, these things will also affect Gerla's 'inside'.

Gerla deeply understands that once his projected body collapses at this time, let his inner body turn back into the physical body.

Then even if the physical body is safe and sound, there will be irreversible problems in one's own 'inner'.

Maybe it's like senile dementia, or it's like a ghost, or it's more likely to become a monster that's in heat.

This behavior of being influenced by the outside world also has a corresponding term in astrology-conditioning.

Early conditioning begins when the human body is just born.

The environment of the mother's womb, the influence of the mother's body, the scrutiny and care of the family after birth, the education received and other surrounding environments, etc.

By extension, there are also the positions of the stars at that time, the changes in the energy of the sky and the earth, the activity of the stars during this period of time, and so on.

These are all early conditionings, which will deeply affect the formation of your personality and become the foundation.

The "first half" of fate is decided under such circumstances.

After all, character determines destiny.

Early restriction is the key point of restriction. Although this kind of restriction is still valid after a person becomes an adult, it is not as important as early restriction.

But at this moment, Gerla, who has projected her inner self, puts herself in an environment similar to the early conditioning.

"Constraint and leap!" A realization flashed in Gerla's heart.

This is a trial, a trial from the past.

Everything in the present is formed by the 'restrictions' of the past.

If you want to jump, there is only one way.

That is to overcome the imperfect past and achieve the constraints of a new state, through which a new destiny will be formed.

This kind of sentiment arises all the time.

The battle with Lu Bai made his inspiration burst into high speed, and the favor of the human beings around him was also exerting its effect.

After that, he held on to his unstable energy body state and kept fighting against Lu Bai one by one.

Naturally, Lu Bai would not be merciful.

On the contrary, he also regarded Jerla as a target for his own moves.

After the three rafts at the end of the night, there are all kinds of weird tricks.

All of them are based on external martial arts, and then the internal force is used to hit the ball in various ways.

Gerla didn't dodge or dodge, and hit the ball hard, just to test the martial arts moves against the energy body.

Let Lu Bai make significant progress on how to maximize the attack effect of energy such as internal force.

"Wonderful Hand: The Wheel of Death Turns!"

When the spinning ball was hit by Gerla, the force on it dissipated for a moment, and then the force reappeared.

On the contrary, the force that Jerla hit was absorbed by the spinning ball, and doubled the force.

The wheel of death turns, under this move, Lu Bai's internal force will not be 'dead', that is, it will not be broken up, counteracted or transformed due to external forces.

On the contrary, any power that attempts to destroy this internal force will be brought into the cycle by it, and then like a tumbler, no matter how hard you hit, then this force will return along with its own power.

This is Lu Bai's new development of the wheel of death.

It's just that table tennis has elastic power. Playing a ball is basically an output of power against the ball.

This erupted suddenly, and with a stronger turning force, it directly deflected Gerla's racket, and then flew to the other side with the ball.

And the bounce of the ball after landing has not lost its strength due to the passage of time.

Instead, the ball bounced higher and higher.

In the eyes of some people, this trick even violates the law of energy conservation.

In the end, the referee robot grabbed him and announced that Lu Bai scored 11 points in the second round and won the victory.

Gerla and Lu Bo seem to be evenly matched, but because of Lu Bai's rich means, in terms of game scores, Gerla has always been weak.

A ten-minute break before the start of the third inning.

Gerla is still in astral projection.

He ignored the noise outside, but closed his eyes and kept thinking about something.

The starlight on his body became more and more intense, and even under that light, the human form became less obvious.

Ten minutes passed.

Gerla stood up, standing up at the same time, and the body that he gave up.

His astral projection gradually became unstable.

The radiance of the star power is overflowing, revealing various colors in it.

Most of them come from Lu Bai.

He had spoken of his transition point before.

The sun, the stars, the flying sky, the sun, the casting, the phases of the moon, the sun.

In astrology, the sun symbolizes self-awareness.

The first sun represents Gerla's first awakening of self-awareness. He saw the vast world of the traveler and recognized his own pursuit.

The following stars represent his choice of power. The entire Haixi District has been continuously influenced by the Feitian Club. The higher he flies, the more culture he controls, so he chooses the stars.

Feitian, naturally because of his excellence, attracted the attention of the Feitian Club, successfully joined the Feitian Club, and got the training of resources, which pushed him to a higher place.

The second sun represents Gerla's second transformation of self-awareness. He recognizes many ugliness in the world and knows what human beings represent to flying people.

Forged, after the change in consciousness, he fully accepted the culture of the flying people, so he forged the eight planetary armies behind him, and also forged his ambition to control the earth and the surrounding territories, and become the master of the world.

In the phase of the moon, Gerla raised her head and looked at Lu Bai opposite.

As he said, Lu Bai will surround him and fly to a higher place.

The phases of the moon represent the unconscious, as well as the enemy.

Represents projection, also represents motherhood.

Lu Bo's power invaded his projected body in reverse and affected him. This kind of suffering will become the mother body that breeds a new him, making him the third round of the sun!

The energy body gradually dimmed, and even began to collapse directly, revealing Gerla's soul inside.

After the projection ended, he returned to his own body, the constraints from the past were broken, and new constraints were established.

The entire sky is full of stars, and Gerla's energy level continues to increase, and finally stabilizes at the surface level.

The first update, 3000 words.

I won't write so much until the second update, my back hurts.

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