Chapter 815

In the Yinzhong Society, a group of aliens were dispatched, and when the affiliated company forces dispatched most of them.

Other societies have also started to contribute.

Faced with this situation, even the affinity faction has to do its best to eliminate the manpower of the anti-external dimension colonial organization here.

Because the affinity faction also belongs to the forces of outer dimensions, and with the release of the leader's will this time, they also want to establish their own fantasy concession.

A power cannot be simply distinguished by good or bad.

This force chose to become an affinity faction because they chose long-term interests.

On the contrary, choosing to be an exploiter only means that they choose short-term interests.

This may be mixed with the morality between different races.

But this moral factor is actually not prominent.

Perhaps the people who choose to be friendly here are the hateful exploiters in another collection area.

As far as Lu Bai learned from Yunhe, she has a large colony in another dimension called 'Baishi'.

The mainstream intelligent life there will be imprinted with white scales when they are born, and scales will grow on their bodies, becoming Yunhe's 'slave', digging the local specialty white stones for her, and processing the white stones.

This kind of white stone can make the scales of the white-scaled people whiter and brighter, and at the same time, it can also increase a certain degree of defense.

It is a kind of luxury that Bailin people prefer, and it can bring Yunhe a lot of income every year.

In that dimension, Yunhe was called the White Demon Lord.

It is the most vicious, most vicious and most inhuman existence.

The reason for this difference is just that the strategies of the white scales are different, and there are not too many moral factors involved in it.

The same traveler forces, such as the earth, a dimensional area that belongs to the collection of the God of Thousand Dimensions, should be treated in an amicable manner.

If it is not a traveler force, it is likely to be colonized as a colony.

In addition, there is not much difference between Baishi and the earth. Baishi people and earth people are also intelligent life.

It's just that Yunhe doesn't care about this kind of thing, and neither does Lu Bai.

After all, they are like-minded dogs and men.

In fact, those who can develop into long-term partners with Lu Bai are basically the type who can form adulterers and prostitutes with Lu Bai.

Yunhe is like this, and so is Huniu.

Although Angel is not like this, but if he and Lu Bai continue to make up for a long time, they will gradually adapt, and then become like this.

The same is naturally true for those who can be sent to a region, serve as chief, and control the resources of a region.

When the leaders of the earth will and give the opportunity to colonize themselves, they will naturally choose to do it, and there is no need to worry about affecting the affinity afterwards.

On the contrary, the indiscriminate attack method of the anti-external dimension colonial organization is the most dreadful behavior.

Although this attack affected the establishment of the concession, it will usher in the most violent retaliation in the future.

Originally, it was the existence of rats crossing the street. After that, the eradication of rats ushered in.

The manpower of the major forces sweeps all the surrounding areas in an all-round way, and any suspicious personnel will be taken away.

All kinds of underground organizations, large and small, were affected by the whole process. In the past, they were able to protect themselves in raids again and again based on their dense network of relationships.

This time, however, it had no effect at all.

The entire Haidong District was also cleared up, and even other areas became much clearer because of this.

All kinds of forces, big and small, that seemed to be ready to go, all died down at this moment, and they dared not jump out to do anything.

Even if there are forces that cannot see the situation clearly, they will be wiped out in an instant without leaving any traces.

During this process, various traces of the originally well-hidden anti-external dimension colonial organization were continuously pulled out.

In particular, there is also the will of the leader to pull the sidelines.

That night, a large number of members of the organization were arrested, and they were all executed without interrogation or judgment.

Even directly killed a high-level surface level.

Then on the second day, the last beam of alien monsters was also cleaned up.

The person who made the move was Livid from the Glory Society.

As for the purpose, it is also very simple. It is not for the reward of Qianwei Church, but for the preference of the leader's will.

Today, the semi-finals officially start.

Four teams will compete for a place in the final.

To be honest, the gap between the four teams is not as big as imagined.

So at this time, the only leader's will that can justifiably pull off the sidelines outside the court has become the object of most people's pursuit.

Those who were most eager to deal with critical pollution yesterday were precisely the players who were about to participate in the competition.

Lu Bai didn't get involved, but spent a day with Yun He, feeling how smooth her scales polished by Baishi were, and how tight the muscles under the scales were.

Besides, even if he didn't grab the favor brought by maintaining law and order, Lu Bai actually got a little bit of strengthening.

That was his holy body, and at this moment, it seemed more and more legal.

After all, the restrictions that other people have even lifted from alienation, he, a sage who belongs to human beings, naturally shouldn't have more restrictions.

The means available to Lu Bai have further increased.

In the Holy Land of Boxing Sutra, there is a lack of an urban area. Yesterday's missiles washed the ground and cleaned out a lot of people.

However, this does not seem to affect the popularity of the comprehensive competition.

The audience seats in the stadium are still full.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Most travelers are people with an adventurous spirit in their bones.

After all, only this kind of spirit can travel in dimensions, go to farther places, and seek new scenery.

The risk of mere death is something that travelers often experience, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

The game will continue as usual.

The four teams need to conduct a lottery draw to determine their opponents, and then compete.

But at this time, the people who draw the lottery are the players of each team who come to the field to draw the lottery instead of the coach.

Because as the competition has progressed to this point, the favor of the contestants has become stronger and stronger, and the power they have in the entire ceremony at this moment is also getting higher and higher.

Even some players, both in terms of strength and resonance rate, all surpassed the coach.

For four ping-pong balls, write two ones and two twos respectively.

The teams that draw the same number will compete to determine who will enter the final.

Shi Yu slowly took out a ball from the special box, with a bright 'one' written on it.

Looking up, the team with the same 'one' is Ke Luodong.

In other words, next, the White Scale Society will face off against Korodong, and the Tianhe Society will face off against the Glory Society.

The second update, 2000 words, sorry.

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