Death Compensation

Chapter 883: Era of Avatar

Chapter 883: Era of Avatar


At this time, people in every household seemed to be followed by an avatar.

Although the Era of Demon Earth has only passed for more than seven years, the avatar has gradually integrated into everyone's life.

Of course, the most current ones are only the first generation incarnations.

That is to say, the incarnation created by the original evil spirit's remains as a medium.

Second-generation incarnations, that is, incarnations elicited through the medium of new incarnations, are few and far between.

After all, the oldest owner of the first generation of avatars is just an adult.

At this time, they organized the culture of the avatar again.

The previous relatively cumbersome description method was cancelled, but described by stars instead.

From the lowest one-star incarnation just awakened, to the nine-star incarnation that no one has yet revealed.

The more stars, the stronger the avatar.

At present, those who can help other people awaken their incarnations must at least reach the level of six-star incarnations.

Nowadays, the most talented group of people just push their avatars to the seven-star level, and most of them are basically stuck at three-star and four-star.

Therefore, the promotion of the second-generation avatar is naturally not so satisfactory.

It will take a long time, and when the number of first-generation incarnations is more and stronger, the second-generation incarnations will gradually increase.

Of course, there are still some problems, such as the population problem of Dahua.

Dahua was still in the era of the Demon Earth, and all kinds of evil spirits kept hunting and killing humans, causing the number of humans to be in a state of 'endangered'.

The Era of Demon Earth has only ended for seven years. Although the forces of all parties have recuperated and restored order in seven years, the population is still too small.

Population is the foundation of everything, without enough population, Transcendent System cannot thrive.

The only improvement now is that the avatar restriction has been removed.

In the past, only teenagers around the age of twelve could go to the Awakened Avatar of the Evil Shovel Division, which has now been renamed the Incarnation Hall.

But now, as long as the body is not seriously ill, there is a chance to awaken the incarnation.

This phenomenon shows that the danger of the first generation of incarnations has been reduced to a certain extent.

Avatars come from demons, after all.

The place where Lu Bai landed was still the 'broken temple'.

It's just that the ruined temple has already been rebuilt into a Taoist temple at this time, and many houses have been built around it, and the surviving population has expanded here.

Many women can be seen carrying their children and chatting at the door.

And beside them, all kinds of weird incarnations are working in production.

Such as washing clothes, weaving and so on.

Avatars have gone even further into everyone's lives.

The arrival of Lu Bai caught their attention, and the avatar of one of the women, who was like a paper doll, flew up quietly and headed towards the interior of the Taoist temple.

Obviously, the other party was tipping off the news.

This can also show that at this time, various places are not very peaceful.

"It seems that those demons have done a good job." Lu Bai commented.

In the three years since Lu Bai left, the demons who stayed here, because of the lack of Lu Bai's support, their activities have slowed down a little, and they are more focused on developing members and practicing incarnations.

Until not long ago, Lu Bai's influence was successfully raised to a certain level, and he was able to influence other dimensions across dimensions.

Dahua's Heavenly Demons were mobilized by Lu Bai.

As Lu Bai gained the authority of the Lord of the Earth, he used his authority to further strengthen this connection, allowing Lu Bai to pass on his own power.

This also shows that these demons can once again use talisman paper to create evil monsters.

And so the restlessness reappeared.

Relatively speaking, the current structure is more suitable for recuperation. Various resources have been enriched by the application of avatars, but the population is not large.

But many people are like this, wanting more.

At this time, when everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, they can't stand on the heads of others and enjoy the feeling of superiority.

Over the years, the demons have absorbed many restless people.

With the arrival of power, these people began to cause all kinds of troubles.

It was these incidents that led to a change in the situation that made these women feel uneasy.

After discovering the stranger, he immediately informed the Taoist temple.

Lu Bai didn't pay attention to the little actions of those women.

Instead, he stood here, and a key-like object appeared in his hand, and then he felt something carefully.

Lu Bai came here, naturally not for the power of these incarnations.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the potential of the avatar is good, and the nine-star avatar has the power of a natural disaster.

These are the current avatar users, based on the ratings obtained from the battle of Sky Prison City.

At the beginning, Chi Gan relied on the fusion of the three series of incarnations to possess natural disaster-level combat power.

This kind of power is not worth mentioning to the current Lu Bai, even if they spend more than ten or even decades to push the level of the avatar to twelve stars, which is the surface level.

Lu Bai would just take a high look at him.

He is now holding the key of the dimension of Dahua. This dimension can mainly help Lu Bai by using the power system of incarnation to observe the operation of relevant rules, so as to obtain corresponding knowledge and accumulate foundation.

The second thing that can help Lu Bai is to serve as the source of the heavenly demons to create an army of heavenly demons for Lu Bai.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of death." Lu Bai stretched out his hand and swiped forward, and the space was cut open like this.

Then step out, and came to a 'battlefield'.

At this time, both sides in the battle are wantonly expressing their will through their voices.

"White laugh!!!"


Two burly teenagers, calling each other's name, commanded their avatars, and launched a fatal attack on each other!

Dao Anshen behind Xia Tian has now turned into a hill-like statue. At this time, he waved his palm, and under the wind of his palm, he could even blow down the surrounding trees directly.

Even if it is an army of several tens of thousands of people, in the face of Xia Tian at this time, it can only be slaughtered.

The white smile on the other side didn't give up much.

Based on the Laughing Man, the second incarnation absorbed all kinds of evil relics, and then merged into the Laughing Man's body, thus forming a huge avatar.

This incarnation combines all kinds of evil advantages, such as bull head, golden armor, multi-arm, giant strength and so on.

The two avatars collided, as if the two armies were at war, causing a deafening sound.

"Co-author, the second season of The Legend of Dahua's Hot-Blooded Youth has begun." Lu Bai watched the children fight with great interest.

Then beside him, a Taoist robed boy in his teens appeared quietly.

It is Lu Yu who is in charge of the core of the other half of the dimension.

"You suddenly gave so much power to the demons before, did something happen?" Lu Yu asked a little puzzled.

After receiving Lu Bai's signal, he rushed here immediately.

Obviously, he has a lot of puzzles about Lu Bai's sudden behavior.

"The earth is independent, so outsiders can come in." Lu Bai's words extracted the core information.

And Lu Yu is worthy of being a genius created by Lu Juan through his own incarnation, and he immediately understood the information inside.

"Could it be that a traveler with an outer dimension has invaded Dahua?" Lu Yu's expression became serious.

At the time of Lu Juan, it was the time when the era of great development had progressed to a certain extent, and associations were being established everywhere.

They entered the magic soil because of the influence of the era of great development.

It's just that it was too late for Lu Pan to make a fortune, and in the end he was poisoned to death by the abyss.

Therefore, Lu Juan still has a certain understanding of the situation on the earth, and this understanding has been passed on to Lu Yu.

He is well aware of the dangers of outer dimensions.

"No, the earth can still establish a line of defense to stop most of the extradimensional travelers, but no one can say whether they have any special means of smuggling." Lu Bai shook his head.

"In that case, it is really necessary to quickly increase the strength of the local area." Lu Yu nodded. At present, regardless of his man-made coercion, the strongest local is only at the army level.

They need to promote the avatar system as soon as possible, at least push it to the apex first, and give birth to a surface-level avatar, so that they can barely have the power to protect themselves.

All this needs to be done as soon as possible, and war is the best catalyst.

This will not only eliminate internally unstable personnel, but also promote the improvement of the power system.

"Of course, I'm not just here to defend the outer dimension travelers this time."

"Now there are some small-minded people in the earth, who want to touch me." Lu Bai said: "There have been some fluctuations in Dahua's Dimension Key some time ago. I guess someone may have sneaked into this dimension."

"This dimension provides me with the demons, and they can't have problems." Lu Bai told some information while watching the two children fighting over there.

Then he suddenly looked at Lu Yu, and asked with a half-smile, "You haven't come into contact with any strange people in this period of time, have you?"

"You suspect that I have been in contact with them?" Lu Yu didn't panic at all, and said Lu Bai's suspicion with a smile.

Then he frowned and said, "I did sense some strange power some time ago, but I didn't find any trace of the other party."

"Even if I used the devil's heart, I couldn't notice the weirdness."

"It's better to be like this." Lu Bai said noncommittally, and his distrust of Lu Yu was not concealed in his words.

And this also made Lu Yu feel uncomfortable.

He is in charge of half of the Demon Heart, and is the half master of this dimension, on the same status as Lu Bai.

Dahua is not the private property of Lu Bai alone.

The other party now more or less disrespects him.

However, Lu Yu's heart was more worried at this time.

Lu Bai is not in the Dahua dimension all year round, his strength is getting higher and higher as he travels in the dimension, but he is trapped in place.

The originally relatively harmonious relationship between the two parties will only become more and more divided.

Just like the relationship between the demons and the incarnation hall now.

At first, it was just to divert the conflict, but with the increase of casualties, the hatred between the two sides is getting deeper and deeper.

The second update, 3000 words, good night everyone.

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