Death Compensation

Chapter 915 Zero Floor

Chapter 915 Zero Floor

It is not a wrong thing to have power and then enjoy power.

The same is true for Lu Bai himself. After he gained power, he was the first to wave.

But rising waves does not mean turning a blind eye to the traps in power.

Awareness is a very important thing.

Everything Lu Bai does is just to satisfy his own desires, so all his actions are just serving himself.

Whether it's hard work, or enjoying the waves everywhere, his cognition is always online.

Whether this kind of behavior will affect the display of his own desires, he has long been clear in his heart.

And be able to do as long as you do something harmful to your own desires, you can immediately abandon it, no matter how beautiful it looks.

But these people in front of them, although they also know that these powers are illusory, they are willing to indulge in them.

The next step in addiction is sinking.

Holding the wrong cognition and enjoying the wrong power, if you can't uphold the correct belief, then it will only breed wrong results.

It's just that Lu Bai didn't say anything about it.

After all, they didn't have the enthusiasm to solidify the place, and it was enough to solidify these forces.

After all, they actually knew the problem in their hearts.

This level, they can pass by themselves, that is the point.

If they can't survive, then even if they choose to give up this power under Lu Bai's persuasion this time, it will become the root of itching in their hearts.

Besides, they were only temporarily forming a group together, and they were not that close.

After a period of time, the navigation also came back, and the staff finally gathered together.

Others who were enjoying the 'power' also became serious.

"This time, the first type of power I encountered was the 'sword' weapon." Naturally, there are swords in the outer dimension.

At most, the types of swords are different.

Yu Hui is a member of the Tianwu Group who joined in the mid-term. The first weapon and skill he acquired was a kind of swordsmanship——Long Song Sword Classic.

On the other side, Maoxian also nodded and said: "The first ability I acquired was a certain kind of control ability."

While talking, he was still manipulating the ball of thread on his body, using that force, as if he was manipulating something.

Then everyone else, too.

The type of power they acquired in the first scene is not far from the first power they acquired in their own life experience.

Although Lu Bai's Kurong Sutra was not the first to acquire power, it was his main source of power for quite a while.

And the Sutra of Kurong, from the very beginning, had a close relationship with plants.

"So, Star Cave will also conduct a simple analysis of our situation, and then recommend the corresponding starting point of strength for us after we enter?"

"It's no wonder that in the first scene, the monster I encountered was clearly not weak, but I was able to spot the opponent's weakness immediately." The dwarf suddenly realized.

It is precisely because it is a force that he is relatively familiar with, so he can immediately discover the weakness of the opponent's power system when he is relatively weak, and then use this to eliminate the opponent relatively easily, and then seize the opponent's monthly ability as a starting point.

"There are probably quite a few similar rules in the Star Cave. It is too slow to rely on just a few of us to explore." After Yu Hui nodded, he asked Lu Bai: "Is it necessary for us to join that Knight Exploration Committee."

"After joining, we can immediately gain a lot of exploration experience about the star cave."

"This facilitates our exploration."

"However, this kind of organization cannot be pure knowledge and experience sharing as they say." At this time, Maoxian gave his own opinion.

"When we were exploring the cemetery, there were actually related organizations."

"But this kind of organization, in addition to sharing exploration experience, will also form a group to exploit other explorers' items obtained from the expedition."

"For some organizers, he doesn't need to explore at all, and he can continuously get contribution points."

"They have long been able to buy tickets to the Star Cave, but they think that it is better to continue exploiting other explorers in this way than to enter the Star Cave to take risks."

The slug man and fat man next to the yarn also nodded, expressing their agreement with the yarn.

"And the exploration organization of this star cave is probably not far behind."

"We can more or less bring out some materials from the star cave, and these materials can also generate value."

"Behind these organizations, there may be some people who have given up the hope of clearing the Star Cave. They only hope to exploit the explorers in the Star Cave in this way and maintain their own good life in this way."

This is not impossible.

From the long-bearded man who deceived Lu Bai and the others in a deceptive way, he knew that the competition for resources in this place was also very fierce.

And as long as there is this kind of competition for resources, capital will gradually be formed.

It is too slow for a single liar to lie to human resources.

After he has accumulated a certain amount of resources, he will use these resources to gather enough manpower, and then develop deception into an industry.

The way of heaven damages more than enough to make up for what is not enough, and the way of man does not damage enough to give more than enough.

So obviously, joining the organization now can indeed obtain all kinds of information about the exploration of the star cave as quickly as possible.

But there will definitely be some conflicts of interest.

If you don't know anything and plunge into it, then to a large extent, you and others will become tool people.

"Then find a 'local' to ask, won't it make it clear?" Lu Bai said with a smile at this time, raised his head slightly, and motioned others to look in one direction.

I saw the long-bearded man who wanted to deceive them before, not far away at this time.

The breath on his body has also weakened to the surface level.

This liar is actually an explorer who has not given up hope of clearing the Star Cave.

The long-bearded man took stock of what he had gained today. Today, he tricked a few cuties into going to the suburbs to help him steal 'spiritual ideas', and he succeeded a little in the end.

"It's just that if this continues, some people will be angered. I guess it's time to change places." The long-bearded man thought so, and saw several figures blocking his way.

He immediately put a few items in his hands, and if there was any change, he would immediately activate these carriers, allowing the power inside to enter his body.

These carriers have a set of coordinated ability systems, which can allow him to directly reach the star level from the current surface level.

Although this kind of power can't last long on the zero floor, it is enough to temporarily deal with troublemakers, at least enough for him to escape.

But soon, the long-bearded man relaxed his vigilance, and recovered from the posture of fleeing at any time, because these were the newcomers he hadn't tricked this morning.

"Are you here for trouble, or..."

"I want to know something from you." Lu Bai glanced at the carrier in the opponent's hand, and then stated his purpose directly.

"You are smart, I know all the tricks here on the zero floor of the Star Cave."

"However, it's not too much for me to charge you for this kind of experience that can save you from taking countless wrong paths." The long-bearded man immediately stiffened: "Go and help me with one thing, and I will teach you a little bit of experience. "

He didn't see the vigilant and careful look he had at the moment when he was surrounded by people.

"Then it's not too much for me to call the staff of this camp to come over and tell what you did."

"Although I don't know what you did, what you did must not be allowed." Lu Bai was very confident in his judgment.

"They also turned a blind eye to this kind of thing. Do you think I'm afraid of them?" The bearded man seemed very disdainful.

But after observing Lu Bai's unmoved expression, he also sighed: "I accept you as a capable carrier, and it's just a mouthwash."

After Lu Bai heard these words, he also threw his grass and wooden stake directly to the other party.

The long-bearded man looked it over, nodded, and shrunk it down into a small bag under his long beard.

Then he looked around and said, "You are a smart person, so let me tell you some information that is not so easy for you to understand, and you will be able to judge the problems you encounter."

"The zero floor is also in the star cave. Although it is special, this does not change the fact that it is a star cave."

"People who are content with life and no longer want to venture into the Star Cave gather together to form the living area of ​​the camp."

"But their numbers have remained like a relatively steady state."

"People who are not content with life gather in the suburbs and form organizations that divide the suburbs into different territories."

"Among them, there are many people who no longer enter the star caves of other layers, but their own strength has not fallen."

After a few words, the long-bearded man didn't say any more, but glanced at Lu Bai meaningfully, then pushed aside the other people's bodies, and disappeared from here.

And from some information in the other party's words, Lu Bai confirmed some things.

"The zero floor of the star cave is a special floor, but it is also a star cave, which will produce some special resources. Using these resources, there is a special way to improve yourself relatively safely."

"The major exploration organizations are probably competing for the resources needed in this way."

"Therefore, all organizations stationed outside the camps are actually not trustworthy."

"But the camp itself probably has some problems."

"Basically reach a certain level, you can gain longevity, and reach the moon level, and you can easily reach the level of longevity."

"And with the way of gaining strength here, everyone who gives up hope will probably strengthen themselves to the point where the star is only one step away from reaching the day level."

"Every moment, there are people who give up hope, but the numbers in the living quarters of the camp have remained steady."

"This shows that people in the living area will also be attrition due to certain reasons."

After analyzing this point, they can all feel the trouble.

The second change, 3000 words, good night everyone

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